5 research outputs found

    Programowanie systemów wbudowanych opartych na Raspberry Pi za pomocą środowiska CODESYS

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    This chapter contains information about creating of software for embedded devices like Raspberry Pi with programming tools dedicated for industrial systems. It describes hardware and software solutions and capabilities available on the market. Short part of this chapter contains information about test.W artykule opisano problematykę tworzenia oprogramowania dla urządzeń wbudowanych takich jak Raspberry Pi za pomocą narzędzi przeznaczonych do rozwiązań przemysłowych. Opisano możliwości zarówno sprzętowe, jak i programowe rozwiązań dostępnych na rynku. Krótki fragment zawiera informację o przeprowadzonych testach

    Utilization of SDN Technology for Flexible EtherCAT Networks Applications

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    At the beginning of the current century, Ethernet-based communication networks began to be implemented in industrial applications. Some previously used protocols were migrated to Ethernet networks, while many others were strictly developed for this communication medium. Numerous industrial Ethernet protocols do not deliver all the capabilities provided by the Ethernet. For example, limitations may arise associated with wireless communication, use of dedicated switching devices, or operation solely for certain topologies. On the other hand, new technologies are now available, such as software defined networks (SDN), that add new features to Ethernet-based communication systems. In this paper, an EtherCAT network in combination with SDN is analyzed. EtherCAT network may only consist of devices with an implemented EtherCAT protocol stack. Therefore, regular Ethernet switches cannot typically be used in this network and, hence, special network infrastructure may be required to create topologies other than standard line topology. It is shown, however, that this limitation can be overcome by the application of SDN. In addition, a definition of datagram forwarding rules (called SDN flows here) is given, and we demonstrate that EtherCAT datagrams can be sent through routes that are required for proper EtherCAT network operation

    Industrial Shared Wireless Communication Systems—Use Case of Autonomous Guided Vehicles with Collaborative Robot

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    Dedicated fieldbuses were developed to provide temporal determinisms for industrial distributed real-time systems. In the early stages, communication systems were dedicated to a single protocol and generally supported a single service. Industrial Ethernet, which is used today, supports many concurrent services, but usually only one real-time protocol at a time. However, shop-floor communication must support a range of different traffic from messages with strict real-time requirements such as time-driven messages with process data and event-driven security messages to diagnostic messages that have more relaxed temporal requirements. Thus, it is necessary to combine different real-time protocols into one communication network. This raises many challenges, especially when the goal is to use wireless communication. There is no research work on that area and this paper attempts to fill in that gap. It is a result of some experiments that were conducted while connecting a Collaborative Robot CoBotAGV with a production station for which two real-time protocols, Profinet and OPC UA, had to be combined into one wireless network interface. The first protocol was for the exchange of processing data, while the latter integrated the vehicle with Manufacturing Execution System (MES) and Transport Management System (TMS). The paper presents the real-time capabilities of such a combination—an achievable communication cycle and jitter