6 research outputs found

    Obesity and type 2 diabetes have additive effects on left ventricular remodelling in normotensive patients-a cross sectional study

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    BackgroundIt is unclear whether obesity and type 2 diabetes (T2D), either alone or in combination, induce left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) independent of hypertension. In the current study, we provide clarity on this issue by rigorously analysing patient left ventricular (LV) structure via clinical indices and via LV geometric patterns (more commonly used in research settings). Importantly, our sample consisted of hypertensive patients that are routinely screened for LVH via echocardiography and normotensive patients that would normally be deemed low risk with no further action required.MethodsThis cross sectional study comprised a total of 353 Caucasian patients, grouped based on diagnosis of obesity, T2D and hypertension, with normotensive obese patients further separated based on metabolic health. Basic metabolic parameters were collected and LV structure and function were assessed via transthoracic echocardiography. Multivariable logistic and linear regression analyses were used to identify predictors of LVH and diastolic dysfunction.ResultsMetabolically healthy normotensive obese patients exhibited relatively low risk of LVH. However, normotensive metabolically non-healthy obese, T2D and obese/T2D patients all presented with reduced normal LV geometry that coincided with increased LV concentric remodelling. Furthermore, normotensive patients presenting with both obesity and T2D had a higher incidence of concentric hypertrophy and grade 3 diastolic dysfunction than normotensive patients with either condition alone, indicating an additive effect of obesity and T2D. Alarmingly these alterations were at a comparable prevalence to that observed in hypertensive patients. Interestingly, assessment of LVPWd, a traditional index of LVH, underestimated the presence of LV concentric remodelling. The implications for which were demonstrated by concentric remodelling and concentric hypertrophy strongly associating with grade 1 and 3 diastolic dysfunction respectively, independent of sex, age and BMI. Finally, pulse pressure was identified as a strong predictor of LV remodelling within normotensive patients.ConclusionsThese findings show that metabolically non-healthy obese, T2D and obese/T2D patients can develop LVH independent of hypertension. Furthermore, that LVPWd may underestimate LV remodelling in these patient groups and that pulse pressure can be used as convenient predictor of hypertrophy status.<br /

    A beta-cell specific global approach for drug identification in Type 2 Diabetes

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    Type 2 Diabetes is a major health burden world-wide and current treatments cannot stop or slow the progression of this serious disease. This project created a novel drug development approach to identify drugs that can slow, stop or even prevent diabetes

    Gene expression signature: a powerful approach for drug discovery in diabetes

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    Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is increasing in prevalence at an alarming rate around the world. Much effort has gone into the discovery and design of antidiabetic drugs; however, those already available are unable to combat the underlying causes of the disease and instead only moderate the symptoms. The reason for this is that T2D is a complex disease, and attempts to target one biological pathway are insufficient to combat the full extent of the disease. Additionally, the underlying pathophysiology of this disease is yet to be fully elucidated making it difficult to design drugs that target the mechanisms involved. Therefore, the approach of designing new drugs aimed at a specific molecular target is not optimal and a more expansive, unbiased approach is required. In this review, we will look at the current state of diabetes treatments and how these target the disease symptoms but are unable to combat the underlying causes. We will also review how the technique of gene expression signatures (GESs) has been used successfully for other complex diseases and how this may be applied as a powerful tool for the discovery of new drugs for T2D