25,783 research outputs found

    Study made of interaction between sound fields and structural vibrations

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    Study analyzes structural vibrations and the interactions between them and sound fields. It outlines a conceptual framework to analyze the vibrations of systems and their interactions, incorporating the results of earlier studies and establishing a unified basis for continuing research

    Copernicus observational searches for OH and H2O in diffuse clouds

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    An intensive search for OH and H2O in the directions of sigma Sco, alpha Cam, and micron Per was undertaken with the Copernicus satellite. Multiple scans were carried out over the wavelength region for the expected absorption features due to the OH D-X and H2O C-X transitions. The feature due to OH was detected marginally towards sigma Sco, and only an upper limit can be given towards alpha Cam. H2O was not detected in any of the stars at the signal level accumulated. The OH abundance towards sigma Sco and the respective lower limits for the OH/H2O ratios are discussed with regard to the extant models for the steady state abundances of OH and H2O, and shown not to be inconsistent with ion-molecule schemes

    Automated weld torch guidance control system

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    A device for automatically controlling the movement of a welding torch while welding an elongated joint is described. A charge injection television camera is carried on a movable support. The camera includes a matrix of individual light sensing video elements which generate voltages responsive to light reflected off of the joint and surrounding areas of the work piece. The voltages produced by the pixels are converted to digital words which are fed to a microprocessor for generating an error signal. This error signal is fed to a digital motor which is used to drive a movable support upon which the television camera is carried

    The nature of AFGL 2591 and its associated molecular outflow: Infrared and millimeter-wave observations

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    The results of infrared photometry from 2 to 160 microns of AFGL and CO(12) observations of its associated molecular cloud and high velocity molecular outflow are presented and discussed. The observed solar luminosity is 6.7 x 10(4) at a distance of 2 kpc. The spectrum of AFGL 2591 is interpreted in the context of a model in which a single embedded object is the dominant source of the infrared luminosity. This object is determined to be surrounded by a compact, optically thick dust shell with a temperature in excess of several hundred degrees kelvin. The extinction to this source is estimated to be between 26 and 50 visual magnitudes. The absolute position of the infrared sources at 10 microns was determined to an accuracy of + or in. This indicates for the first time that the IR source and H2O source are not coincident. The CO(12) observations show the high-velocity molecular flow near AFGL 2591 to be extended, bipolar and roughly centered on the infrared emission. The observations suggest that the red-shifted flow component extends beyond the boundary of the ambient cloud within which AFGL 2591 is embedded. The CO(12) observations also show that AFGL 2591 is embedded in a molecular cloud with an LSR velocity of -5 km/s

    The energetics and mass structure of regions of star formation: S201

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    Theoretical predictions about dust and gas in star forming regions are tested by observing a 4 arcmin region surrounding the radio continuum source in 5201. The object was mapped in two far infrared wavelengths and found to show significant extended emission. Under the assumption that the molecular gas is heated solely via thermal coupling with the dust, the volume density was mapped in 5201. The ratios of infrared optical depth to CO column density were calculated for a number of positions in the source. Near the center of the cloud the values are found to be in good agreement with other determinations for regions with lower column density. In addition, the observations suggest significant molecular destruction in the outer parts of the object. Current models of gas heating were used to calculate a strong limit for the radius of the far infrared emitting grains, equal to or less than 0.15 micron. Grains of about this size are required by the observation of high temperature (T equal to or greater than 20 K) gas in many sources

    Film calibration for the Skylab/ATM S-056 X-ray telescope

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    The sensitometry and film calibration effort for the Skylab/ATM S-056 X-ray telescope is summarized. The apparatus and procedures used are described together with the two types of flight film used, Kodak SO-212 and SO-242. The sensitometry and processing of the flight film are discussed, and the results are presented in the form of the characteristic curves and related data. The use of copy films is also discussed

    Axial Fatigue Tests at Zero Mean Stress of 24S-T Aluminum-alloy Sheet with and Without a Circular Hole

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    Axial fatigue tests were made on 189 coupon specimens of 0.032-inch 24S-T aluminum-alloy sheet and a few supplementary specimens of 0.004-inch sheet. The mean load was zero. The specimens were restrained against lateral buckling by lubricated solid guides described in a previous report on this project. About two-thirds of the 0.032-inch specimens were plain coupons nominally free from stress raisers. The remainder contained a 0.1285-inch drilled hole at the center where the reduced section was 0.5 inch wide. S-N diagrams were obtained for cycles to failure between about 1000 and 10 to the 7th power cycles for the plain specimens and 17 and 10 to the 7th power cycles for the drilled specimens. The fatigue stress concentration factor increased from about 1.08 for a stress amplitude causing failure at 0.25 cycles (static) to a maximum of 1.83 at 15,000 cycles and then decreased gradually. The graph for the drilled specimens showed less scatter than that for the plain specimens

    NGC 2024: Far-infrared and radio molecular observations

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    Far infrared continuum and millimeter wave molecular observations are presented for the infrared and radio source NGC 2024. The measurements are obtained at relatively high angular resolution, enabling a description of the source energetics and mass distribution in greater detail than previously reported. The object appears to be dominated by a dense ridge of material, extended in the north/south direction and centered on the dark lane that is seen in visual photographs. Maps of the source using the high density molecules CS and HCN confirm this picture and allow a description of the core structure and molecular abundances. The radio molecular and infrared observations support the idea that an important exciting star in NGC 2024 has yet to be identified and is centered on the dense ridge about 1' south of the bright mid infrared source IRS 2. The data presented here allows a presentation of a model for the source

    The spatial distribution of O-B5 stars in the solar neighborhood as measured by Hipparcos

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    We have developed a method to calculate the fundamental parameters of the vertical structure of the Galaxy in the solar neighborhood from trigonometric parallaxes alone. The method takes into account Lutz-Kelker-type biases in a self-consistent way and has been applied to a sample of O-B5 stars obtained from the Hipparcos catalog. We find that the Sun is located 24.2 +/- 1.7 (random) +/- 0.4 (systematic) pc above the galactic plane and that the disk O-B5 stellar population is distributed with a scale height of 34.2 +/- 0.8 (random) +/- 2.5 (systematic) pc and an integrated surface density of (1.62 +/- 0.04 (random) +/- 0.14 (systematic)) 10^{-3} stars pc^{-2}. A halo component is also detected in the distribution and constitutes at least ~5% of the total O-B5 population. The O-B5 stellar population within ~100 pc of the Sun has an anomalous spatial distribution, with a less-than-average number density. This local disturbance is probably associated with the expansion of Gould's belt.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, to appear in the May 2001 issue of the Astronomical Journa