91,862 research outputs found

    InGaAsP/InP laser development for single-mode, high-data-rate communications

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    Materials studies as well as general and specific device development were carried out in the InGaAsP system. A comparison was made of three standard methods of evaluating substrate quality by means of dislocation studies. A cause of reduced yield of good wafers, the pullover of melt from one bin to the next, has been analyzed. Difficulties with reproducible zinc acceptor doping have been traced to segregation of zinc in the In/Zn alloy used for the doping source. Using EBIC measurments, the pn junction was shown to drift in location depending on factors not always under control. An analysis of contact structures by SIMS showed that the depth to which the sintered Au/Zn contact penetrates into the structure is typically 0.13 microns, or well within the cap layer and out of the p-type cladding and thus not deleterious to laser prformance. The problem of single-mode laser development was investigated and it was shown to be related to the growth habit over four different possible substrate configurations. The fabrication of constricted double heterojunctions, mesa stripe buried heterostructures, and buried heterostructures was discussed, and measurements were presented on the device properties of single-mode buried heterostructure lasers. Results include single spectral line emission at 3 mW and a threshold current of 60 mA

    Failure properties of loaded fiber bundles having a lower cutoff in fiber threshold distribution

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    Presence of lower cutoff in fiber threshold distribution may affect the failure properties of a bundle of fibers subjected to external load. We investigate this possibility both in a equal load sharing (ELS) fiber bundle model and in local load sharing (LLS) one. We show analytically that in ELS model, the critical strength gets modified due to the presence of lower cutoff and it becomes bounded by an upper limit. Although the dynamic exponents for the susceptibility and relaxation time remain unchanged, the avalanche size distribution shows a permanent deviation from the mean-fiels power law. In the LLS model, we analytically estimate the upper limit of the lower cutoff above which the bundle fails at one instant. Also the system size variation of bundle's strength and the avalanche statistics show strong dependence on the lower cutoff level.Comment: 7 pages and 7 figure

    Nonlocality of Kohn-Sham exchange-correlation fields in dielectrics

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    The theory of the macroscopic field appearing in the Kohn-Sham exchange-correlation potential for dielectric materials, as introduced by Gonze, Ghosez and Godby, is reexamined. It is shown that this Kohn-Sham field cannot be determined from a knowledge of the local state of the material (local crystal potential, electric field, and polarization) alone. Instead, it has an intrinsically nonlocal dependence on the global electrostatic configuration. For example, it vanishes in simple transverse configurations of a polarized dielectric, but not in longitudinal ones.Comment: 4 pages, two-column style with 2 postscript figures embedded. Uses REVTEX and epsf macros. Also available at http://www.physics.rutgers.edu/~dhv/preprints/index.html#dv_gg

    Ion-neutral sympathetic cooling in a hybrid linear rf Paul and magneto-optical trap

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    Long range polarization forces between ions and neutral atoms result in large elastic scattering cross sections, e.g., 10^6 a.u. for Na+ on Na or Ca+ on Na at cold and ultracold temperatures. This suggests that a hybrid ion-neutral trap should offer a general means for significant sympathetic cooling of atomic or molecular ions. We present SIMION 7.0 simulation results concerning the advantages and limitations of sympathetic cooling within a hybrid trap apparatus, consisting of a linear rf Paul trap concentric with a Na magneto-optical trap (MOT). This paper explores the impact of various heating mechanisms on the hybrid system and how parameters related to the MOT, Paul trap, number of ions, and ion species affect the efficiency of the sympathetic cooling

    Rate constants and Arrhenius parameters for the reactions of OH radicals and Cl atoms with CF3CH2OCHF2, CF3CHClOCHF2 and CF3CH2OCClF2, using the discharge-flow/resonance fluorescence method

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    Rate constants have been determined for the reactions of OH radicals and Cl atoms with the three partially halogenated methyl-ethyl ethers, CF3_3CH2_2OCHF2_2, CF3_3CHClOCHF2_2 and CF3_3CH2_2OCClF2_2, using discharge-flow techniques to generate the OH radicals and the Cl atoms and resonance fluorescence to observe changes in their relative concentrations in the presence of added ether. For each combination of radical and ether, experiments were carried out at three temperatures between 292 and 410 K, yielding the following Arrhenius expressions for the rate constants within this range of temperature: OH + CF3_3CH2_2OCHF2_2: kk = (2.0±\pm0.8) ×\times 1011^{-11} exp( – 2110 ±\pm 150 K / T) cm3^3 molecule1^{-1} s1^{-1} OH + CF3_3CHClOCHF2_2: kk = (4.5 ±\pm 1.3) ×\times 1013^{-13} exp( – 940 ±\pm 100 K / T) cm3^3 molecule1^{-1} s1^{-1} OH + CF3_3CH2_2OCClF2_2: kk = (1.6 ±\pm 0.6) ×\times 1012^{-12} exp( – 1100 ±\pm 125 K / T) cm3^3 molecule1^{-1} s1^{-1} Cl + CF3_3CH2_2OCHF2_2: kk = (6.1 ±\pm 1.4) ×\times 1012^{-12} exp( – 1830 ±\pm 90 K / T) cm3^3 molecule1^{-1} s1^{-1} Cl + CF3_3CHClOCHF2_2: kk = (7.8 ±\pm 2.6) ×\times 1011^{-11} exp( – 2980 ±\pm 130 K / T) cm3^3 molecule1^{-1} s1^{-1} Cl + CF3_3CH2_2OCClF2_2: kk = (2.2 ±\pm 0.2) ×\times 1011^{-11} exp( – 2700 ±\pm 40 K / T) cm3^3 molecule1^{-1} s1^{-1} The results are compared with those obtained previously for the same and related reactions of OH radicals and Cl atoms, and the atmospheric implications of the results are considered briefly

    The relaxation of OH (v = 1) and OD (v = 1) by H2O and D2O at temperatures from 251 to 390 K

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    We report rate coefficients for the relaxation of OH(v = 1) and OD(v = 1) by H2O and D2O as a function of temperature between 251 and 390 K. All four rate coefficients exhibit a negative dependence on temperature. In Arrhenius form, the rate coefficients for relaxation (in units of 10–12 cm3 molecule–1 s–1) can be expressed as: for OH(v = 1) + H2O between 263 and 390 K: k = (2.4 ± 0.9) exp((460 ± 115)/T); for OH(v = 1) + D2O between 256 and 371 K: k = (0.49 ± 0.16) exp((610 ± 90)/T); for OD(v = 1) + H2O between 251 and 371 K: k = (0.92 ± 0.16) exp((485 ± 48)/T); for OD(v = 1) + D2O between 253 and 366 K: k = (2.57 ± 0.09) exp((342 ± 10)/T). Rate coefficients at (297 ± 1 K) are also reported for the relaxation of OH(v = 2) by D2O and the relaxation of OD(v = 2) by H2O and D2O. The results are discussed in terms of a mechanism involving the formation of hydrogen-bonded complexes in which intramolecular vibrational energy redistribution can occur at rates competitive with re-dissociation to the initial collision partners in their original vibrational states. New ab initio calculations on the H2O–HO system have been performed which, inter alia, yield vibrational frequencies for all four complexes: H2O–HO, D2O–HO, H2O–DO and D2O–DO. These data are then employed, adapting a formalism due to Troe (J. Troe, J. Chem. Phys., 1977, 66, 4758), in order to estimate the rates of intramolecular energy transfer from the OH (OD) vibration to other modes in the complexes in order to explain the measured relaxation rates—assuming that relaxation proceeds via the hydrogen-bonded complexes

    X-ray line emission from the Tycho supernova remnant

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    The observation of the X-ray spectrum of the Tycho supernova remnant in the energy range 0.5 to 20 keV is discussed. Four significant line features in the spectrum: The K alpha lines of silicon, sulphur, and iron; and the L lines of iron are examined. Comparisons between the silicon and sulphur equivalent widths and K alpha iron line energies of Tycho and Cas A are discussed. Suggest that the X-ray emitting plasma in Tycho is further from collisional ionization equilibrium than that of Cas A

    The Arecibo Galaxy Environments survey IV: the NGC7448 region and the HI mass function

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    In this paper we describe results from the Arecibo Galaxy Environments Survey (AGES). The survey reaches column densities of ~3x10^18 cm^-2 and masses of ~10^7 M_O, over individual regions of order 10 sq deg in size, out to a maximum velocity of 18,000 km s^-1. Each surveyed region is centred on a nearby galaxy, group or cluster, in this instance the NGC7448 group. Galaxy interactions in the NGC7448 group reveal themselves through the identification of tidal tails and bridges. We find ~2.5 times more atomic gas in the inter-galactic medium than in the group galaxies. We identify five new dwarf galaxies, two of which appear to be members of the NGC7448 group. This is too few, by roughly an order of magnitude, dwarf galaxies to reconcile observation with theoretical predictions of galaxy formation models. If they had observed this region of sky previous wide area blind HI surveys, HIPASS and ALFALFA, would have detected only 5% and 43% respectively of the galaxies we detect, missing a large fraction of the atomic gas in this volume. We combine the data from this paper with that from our other AGES papers (370 galaxies) to derive a HI mass function with the following Schechter function parameters alpha=-1.52+/-0.05, M^*=5.1+/-0.3x10^9 h_72^-2 M_O, phi=8.6+/-1.1x10-3 h_72^3 Mpc^-3 dex-1. Integrating the mass function leads to a cosmic mass density of atomic hydrogen of Omega_HI=5.3+/-0.8x10^-4 h_72^-1. Our mass function is steeper than that found by both HIPASS and ALFALFA (alpha=1.37 and 1.33 respectively), while our cosmic mass density is consistent with ALFALFA, but 1.7 times larger than found by HIPASS

    Mathematical and computer modeling of electro-optic systems using a generic modeling approach

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    The conventional approach to modelling electro-optic sensor systems is to develop separate models for individual systems or classes of system, depending on the detector technology employed in the sensor and the application. However, this ignores commonality in design and in components of these systems. A generic approach is presented for modelling a variety of sensor systems operating in the infrared waveband that also allows systems to be modelled with different levels of detail and at different stages of the product lifecycle. The provision of different model types (parametric and image-flow descriptions) within the generic framework can allow valuable insights to be gained

    Simultaneous Observations of GRS 1758-258 in 1997 by VLA, IRAM, SEST, RXTE and OSSE: Spectroscopy and Timing

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    We report the results of our multi-wavelength observations of GRS 1758-258 made in August 1997. The energy bands include radio, millimeter, X-ray, and gamma-ray. The observations enable us to obtain a complete spectrum of the source over an energy range of 2 - 500 keV. The spectrum shows that GRS 1758-258 was in its hard state. It is well fitted by the Sunyaev-Titarchuk (ST) Compton scattering model. The spectrum is also fit by a power law with an exponential cutoff (PLE) plus a soft black-body component. The temperature of the soft component is about 1.2 keV, and the energy flux is less than 1.5% of the total X- and gamma-ray flux. The deduced hydrogen column density is in the range of (0.93 - 2.0) 10^{22} cm^{-2}. No significant iron lines are detected. The radio emission has a flat energy spectrum. The daily radio, X-ray and gamma-ray light curves show that GRS 1758-258 was stable during the observation period, but was highly variable on smaller time scales in X- and gamma-rays. The power density spectra are typical for the low-state, but we find the photon flux for the 5 to 10 keV band to be more variable than that in the other two energy bands (2 - 5 keV and 10 - 40 keV). Harmonically spaced quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) are observed in the power spectra. The phase lags between the hard photons and the soft photons have a flat distribution over a wide range of frequencies. A high coherence of about 1.0 (0.01 - 1 Hz) between the hard photons and the soft photons is also obtained in our observations. We compare these results with two variation models. Our millimeter observations did not reveal any conclusive signatures of an interaction between the jet from GRS 1758-258 and the molecular cloud that lies in the direction of GRS 1758-258.Comment: 32 pages, 13 figures, to appear in ApJ, 2000, V.533, no. 1, Apr. 10. For better figure resolution, please directly download the paper from http://spacsun.rice.edu/~lin/publication.htm