19,179 research outputs found

    How effective is harassment on infalling late-type dwarfs?

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    A new harassment model is presented that models the complex, and dynamical tidal field of a Virgo like galaxy cluster. The model is applied to small, late-type dwarf disc galaxies (of substantially lower mass than in previous harassment simulations) as they infall into the cluster from the outskirts. These dwarf galaxies are only mildly affected by high speed tidal encounters with little or no observable consequences; typical stellar losses are <10%<10\%, producing very low surface brightness streams (μB>31\mu_B > 31 mag arcsec2^{-2}), and a factor of two drop in dynamical mass-to-light ratio. Final stellar discs remain disc-like, and dominated by rotation although often with tidally induced spiral structure. By means of Monte-Carlo simulations, the statistically likely influences of harassment on infalling dwarf galaxies are determined. The effects of harassment are found to be highly dependent on the orbit of the galaxy within the cluster, such that newly accreted dwarf galaxies typically suffer only mild harassment. Strong tidal encounters, that can morphologically transform discs into spheroidals, are rare occurring in <15%<15 \% of dwarf galaxy infalls for typical orbits of sub-structure within Λ\LambdaCDM cluster mass halos. For orbits with small apocentric distances (<<250 kpc), harassment is significantly stronger resulting in complete disruption or heavy mass loss (>90%>90 \% dark matter and >50%> 50 \% stellar), however, such orbits are expected to be highly improbable for newly infalling galaxies due to the deep potential well of the cluster.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures, 4 table


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    The ''VI'' or "alternate stride" skate has become the predominant skating method used in the cross country "free" technique races. The evolution of cross country skiing has developed away from the traditional techniques such as diagonal stride which require machine set tracks and toward faster skating techniques requiring only a packed surface. The tecbniql1es resemble ice skating strides in some respects and are generically labeled "skating." Several variations of skating technique are used in racing. V2 skating involves a poling thrust (both poles simultaneously) with the skating motion on each side

    Competition and cooperation in one-dimensional stepping stone models

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    Cooperative mutualism is a major force driving evolution and sustaining ecosystems. Although the importance of spatial degrees of freedom and number fluctuations is well-known, their effects on mutualism are not fully understood. With range expansions of microbes in mind, we show that, even when mutualism confers a distinct selective advantage, it persists only in populations with high density and frequent migrations. When these parameters are reduced, mutualism is generically lost via a directed percolation process, with a phase diagram strongly influenced by an exceptional DP2 transition.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Breeding Italian Annual Ryegrass for Tolerance to \u3ci\u3ePythium ultimum\u3c/i\u3e

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    This study was conducted in an attempt to improve tolerance of annual ryegrass to Pythium ultimum Trow. Improved tolerance of ryegrass as measured in laboratory experiments was confirmed in greenhouse studies. This tolerance was defined as improved emergence and increased root length of seedlings in the presence of P. ultimum, using rolled germination paper in the laboratory, and sand in the greenhouse. Further experimentation will be required to determine usefulness of this selected trait under field conditions

    Evidence for moving breathers in a layered crystal insulator at 300K

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    We report the ejection of atoms at a crystal surface caused by energetic breathers which have travelled more than 10^7 unit cells in atomic chain directions. The breathers were created by bombardment of a crystal face with heavy ions. This effect was observed at 300K in the layered crystal muscovite, which has linear chains of atoms for which the surrounding lattice has C_2 symmetry. The experimental techniques described could be used to study breathers in other materials and configurations.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Energy versus electron transfer in organic solar cells: a comparison of the photophysics of two indenofluorene: fullerene blend films

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    In this paper, we compare the photophysics and photovoltaic device performance of two indenofluorene based polymers: poly[2,8-(6,6,12,12-tetraoctylindenofluorene)-co-4,7-(2,1,3-benzothiodiazole] (IF8BT) and poly[2,8-(6,6,12,12-tetraoctylindenofluorene)-co-5,5-(40,70-di-2-thienyl-20,10,30-benzothiodiazole] (IF8TBTT) blended with [6,6]-phenyl C61 butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM). Photovoltaic devices made with IF8TBTT exhibit greatly superior photocurrent generation and photovoltaic efficiency compared to those made with IF8BT. The poor device efficiency of IF8BT/PCBM devices is shown to result from efficient, ultrafast singlet F€orster energy transfer from IF8BT to PCBM, with the resultant PCBM singlet exciton lacking sufficient energy to drive charge photogeneration. The higher photocurrent generation observed for IF8TBTT/PCBM devices is shown to result from IF8TBTT’s relatively weak, red-shifted photoluminescence characteristics, which switches off the polymer to fullerene singlet energy transfer pathway. As a consequence, IF8TBTT singlet excitons are able to drive charge separation at the polymer/fullerene interface, resulting in efficient photocurrent generation. These results are discussed in terms of the impact of donor/acceptor energy transfer upon photophysics and energetics of charge photogeneration in organic photovoltaic\ud devices. The relevance of these results to the design of polymers for organic photovoltaic applications is also discussed, particularly with regard to explaining why highly luminescent polymers developed for organic light emitting diode applications often give relatively poor performance in organic photovoltaic devices

    Temporal and spatial patterns in the Ross Sea: Phytoplankton biomass, elemental composition, productivity and growth rates

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    The temporal and spatial patterns of phytoplankton biomass, productivity, and particulate matter composition in the Ross Sea were assessed during cruises in January 1990 and February 1992. Biomass and primary productivity in the southern Ross Sea were greatest during mid-January, with surface chlorophyll concentrations, particulate organic carbon levels, and integrated primary productivity averaging 4.9 Ixg L \u27l, 0.54 mg L-•, and 2.63 g C m • d \u27•, respectively. Comparable mean concentrations and rates for February were 1.1 Ixg L \u27l, 0.29 mg L \u27l, and 0.78 g C m \u27•- d \u27• (decreases of 76, 46, and 70%, respectively), indicative of the scale of temporal changes. A distinct south-north transition also was observed both in productivity and phytoplankton biomass, with the lowest values occurring in the northern Ross Sea. East-west gradients in phytoplankton biomass and composition occurred within the southern Ross Sea. The areal productivity of the Ross Sea ranged from 0.15 to 2.85 g C m • d -• and is among the highest found in the entire Antarctic. Carbon:chlorophyll ratios were uniformly high but were highest (150) in 1990 in the diatom-dominated western Ross Sea. Surface growth rates were modest, averaging less than 0.2 day \u27• during both seasons. We hypothesize that the marked seasonality in the region provides an environment in which net growth rates, although slow, are maximized through low loss rates and which allows biomass to accumulate in the surface layer. Furthermore, the temporal variations are quantitatively similar to the observed spatial variations. Therefore the dominant determinant of phytoplankton biomass and productivity at any one point on the Ross Sea continental shelf is the stage of the seasonal growth cycle

    The Role of Bilayer Tilt Difference in Equilibrium Membrane Shapes

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    Lipid bilayer membranes below their main transition have two tilt order parameters, corresponding to the two monolayers. These two tilts may be strongly coupled to membrane shape but only weakly coupled to each other. We discuss some implications of this observation for rippled and saddle phases, bilayer tubules, and bicontinuous phases. Tilt difference introduces a length scale into the elastic theory of tilted fluid membranes. It can drive an instability of the flat phase; it also provides a simple mechanism for the spontaneous breaking of inversion symmetry seen in some recent experiments.Comment: Latex file; .ps available at http://dept.physics.upenn.edu/~nelson/saddle.p

    Stable isotope values in modern bryozoan carbonate from New Zealand and implications for paleoenvironmental interpretation

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    Bryozoan carbonate contains useful geochemical evidence of temperate shelf paleoenvironments. Stable isotope values were determined for 103 modern marine bryozoan skeletons representing 30 species from New Zealand. δ18O values range from -1.4 to 2.8 VPDB, while δ13C range from -4.5 to 2.8 VPDB (values uncorrected for mineralogical variation). These values are distinct from those of both tropical marine skeletons and New Zealand Tertiary fossils. Most bryozoans secrete carbonate in or near isotopic equilibrium with sea water, except for Celleporina and Steginoporella. The complex and variable mineralogies of the bryozoans reported here make correction for mineralogical effects problematic. Nevertheless, mainly aragonitic forms display higher isotope values, as anticipated. Both temperature and salinity constrain δ18O and δ13C values, and vary with latitude and water depth. Ten samples from a single branch of Cinctipora elegans from the Otago shelf cover a narrow range, although the striking difference in carbon isotope values between the endozone and exozone probably reflects different mineralisation histories. Our stable isotope results from three different laboratories on a single population from a single location are encouragingly consistent. Monomineralic bryozoans, when carefully chosen to avoid species suspected of vital fractionation, have considerable potential as geochemical paleoenvironmental indicators, particularly in temperate marine environments where bryozoans are dominant sediment producers