6,338 research outputs found

    Ground-based spectropolarimetric studies of the outer planets and Titan. High resolutiom spectral imagery for periodic and new comets

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    Using novel spectropolarimeteric imaging techniques, researchers have studied the outer planets, Titan, and various comets. In the previous year, researchers submitted and have now in press or published fourteen papers on studies of comets and planets, as well as instrumentation developments to enhance observational studies

    The Phillips Curve in the 1990s

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    This paper will explore whether or not the Phillips curve relationship exists for the 1990s. I will attempt to estimate a Phillips curve for the past decade using data for the United States. In section two, I will explain the theory behind the Phillips curve and how the theory has evolved. In section three, I will present a literature review discussing previous research and results. Section four will present my empirical model and data. In section 5, I will present my results and discuss econometric problems such as serial correlation that may lead to biased estimates. In section six I will briefly conclude the paper

    Optimal superdense coding of entangled states

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    We present a one-shot method for preparing pure entangled states between a sender and a receiver at a minimal cost of entanglement and quantum communication. In the case of preparing unentangled states, an earlier paper showed that a 2n-qubit quantum state could be communicated to a receiver by physically transmitting only n+o(n) qubits in addition to consuming n ebits of entanglement and some shared randomness. When the states to be prepared are entangled, we find that there is a reduction in the number of qubits that need to be transmitted, interpolating between no communication at all for maximally entangled states and the earlier two-for-one result of the unentangled case, all without the use of any shared randomness. We also present two applications of our result: a direct proof of the achievability of the optimal superdense coding protocol for entangled states produced by a memoryless source, and a demonstration that the quantum identification capacity of an ebit is two qubits.Comment: Final Version. Several technical issues clarifie

    Social Pathogenic Sources Of Poor Community Health

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    The United States currently provides a health care system that is neither efficient nor equitable. Despite outspending the world on health care, over three-fourths of developed countries produce better health outcomes (Auerbach et al., 2000). Simultaneously, the Ecological School of Thought has documented the large impact that social, economic, and environmental circumstances play in health outcomes. Unfortunately, these \u27ecological studies are frequently conducted without theoretical justification, and rely solely on a cross-sectional research design and a myriad of unrelated variables. This study represents an important step towards the development of a true theory of ecology . More specifically, we argue that the adversity associated with socio-economic disadvantage, social disorganization, and a lack of health care resources, leads to adverse health outcomes, represented by sentinel health events. This research employs both a cross-sectional (2000) and longitudinal designs (1990 - 2000) to assess the antecedents of sentinel health events in 309 United States counties. Structural Equation Modeling was the statistical technique employed in the study. Findings revealed that socioeconomic disadvantage remains a primary contributor to sentinel health. Indeed the economic growth between 1990 and 2000 was associated with increased rates of sentinel health events. Social disorganization was identified as a primary contributor to sentinel health events at a specific time point (2000), but was not significant over time (1990 -2000). Conversely, the inadequacy of health care resources was non-significant in the cross-sectional model (2000), but significant in the longitudinal model (1990 -2000). In both models, racial characteristics were fundamentally linked to ecological predictors of health We found support for the notion that sentinel health events would be reduced through economic equity and the development of healthy environments where community ties are reinforced. Less support is found for saturating given geographical areas with health care resources in order to reduce sentinel health events. Future research should be directed by the theoretical advancements made by this study. More specifically, future studies should examine independent cross-level effects, that is, through the inclusion of behavior variables as mediating factors for ecological constructs

    Perceived Familial Social Support After Coming Out Predicts Mental Health in Gender-Diverse Adolescents

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    This study aimed to explore the social experiences of gender-diverse (GD) youth and how they influence mental health using longitudinal data collected by the Developmental Social Neuroscience (DSN) lab at the University of Oregon. The data included survey responses from 157 cis-gender, and 17 GD adolescents (age 9-18) from four time points that were approximately 18 months apart. Coarsened Exact Matching based on demographic variables was used to create a cis-gender matched pairs sample (n = 13) for participants who had indicated a GD identity by the third time point. We found a significant decrease in perceived familial social support between wave 1 (W1) and wave 3 (W3) and waves 2 (W2) and W3 for the GD group only. Additionally, we found significant predictive relationships between depression and perceived familial social support at W3 and at the first point an individual indicated their GD identity, suggesting that the negative impacts of perceived familial social support (either after coming out or by W3) in GD adolescents contributes to depressive symptomatology

    A detected feature at the expected wavelength for the HD R5(0) line in Jupiter's and Uranus' atmospheres

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    A feature was detected at the expected wavelength for the HD R5(0) line in Jupiter's and Uranus' atmospheres. An upper limit for Neptune was also found. Added to the earlier detection of a similar feature for Saturn, it is proposed that all evidence from this type of measurement can be interpreted as arising from a D/H ratio of about .0004 for all the major planets. This value is not in agreement with measurements from CH3D transitions, and is at least fifty times the accepted interstellar medium value of 5 x .000001, implying deuterium enhancement in the solar system via fractionation in the proto-solar nebula

    A Perplexing Case Of Episodic Abdominal Pain And The Role Of Mast Cells Gastroenteritis

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    Here we present a case of chronic intractable vomiting and diarrhea of unknown cause, and introduce the relatively new entity of mast cell gastroenteritis. Our patient is a 38-year old female with PMH of seronegative rheumatoid arthritis, mixed connective tissue disorder, and several recent hospitalizations over the past 4 months at outside hospitals for suspected colitis with associated vomiting and diarrhea. Current symptoms include 4 days of nausea with intractable vomiting, and 2 days of rectal fullness with mucoid rectal discharge. Previous workup at outside hospitals included multiple abdominal CT scans, flexible sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy, and exploratory laparotomy. Prior to admission no definitive diagnosis were identified for her symptoms, despite extensive workup. Possible causes considered include inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel disease, hereditary angioedema, and small vessel vasculitis. On admission, our physical exam showed no abnormalities including normal rectal exam. CT scan showed inflammation in the colon particularly in the rectum. A flexible sigmoidoscopy showed only edematous appearance of the colon without bleeding, ulcerations, or erythema. Biopsies were obtained, and initial pathology was non-specific. Special stains of the rectal tissue showed increased CD117+ cells at the lamina propria suggesting mast cell gastroenteritis (MCG) as the cause of her symptoms. She was treated with IV steroids until she could tolerate oral budesonide on discharge. MCG is defined as the abundance of mast cells at the lamina propria along the GI tract. Release of inflammatory mediators by these cells cause gastrointestinal mucosal inflammation leading to symptoms of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. The relatively new and evolving diagnosis of MCG can be part of a larger systemic process or as the patient’s primary problem. Treatments include antihistamines, cromolyn, and steroids. Knowing when to test for MCG and how to interpret the results given a clinical scenario can be helpful in understanding the cause of a patient’s symptoms. In the setting of this case we can better understand this clinical reasoning behind MCG and more effectively treat our patient and her underlying GI mastocytosis.https://digitalcommons.psjhealth.org/ppmc_internal/1008/thumbnail.jp