18,304 research outputs found

    Big Bang Nucleosynthesis with Independent Neutrino Distribution Functions

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    We have performed new Big Bang Nucleosynthesis calculations which employ arbitrarily-specified, time-dependent neutrino and antineutrino distribution functions for each of up to four neutrino flavors. We self-consistently couple these distributions to the thermodynamics, the expansion rate and scale factor-time/temperature relationship, as well as to all relevant weak, electromagnetic, and strong nuclear reaction processes in the early universe. With this approach, we can treat any scenario in which neutrino or antineutrino spectral distortion might arise. These scenarios might include, for example, decaying particles, active-sterile neutrino oscillations, and active-active neutrino oscillations in the presence of significant lepton numbers. Our calculations allow lepton numbers and sterile neutrinos to be constrained with observationally-determined primordial helium and deuterium abundances. We have modified a standard BBN code to perform these calculations and have made it available to the community.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Nurse telephone triage in out of hours primary care: a pilot study

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    Unlocking Opportunity for African American Girls: A Call to Action for Educational Equity

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    This report seeks to expand conversations around educational opportunity by taking a comprehensive look at the barriers African American girls face and the educational and economic outcomes that result. One important barrier is the prevalence of stereotypes that adversely impact the educational experiences of African American girls. Structural and institutional barriers examined in this report -- such as under-resourced schools, disparate discipline practices, gender-based violence and harassment, and lack of support for pregnant and parenting students -- further compromise educational outcomes for African American girls. This report fills an important gap in existing data on educational achievement and its attendant economic consequences. Although there is plentiful data on American children and education, the lack of data broken down by race and gender together has fueled the assumption that all girls are doing fine in school. But in fact, although girls overall graduate from high school at higher rates than boys, girls of color are graduating at far lower rates than white girls and boys. In almost all states with available data, the high school graduation rate for African American girls is below the national average for girls overall, resulting in severe economic consequences for African American women and their families

    The Food Quality Protection Act : implications for Missouri agriculture

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    The Prevalence of Carbon-13 in Respiratory Carbon Dioxide As an Indicator of the Type of Endogenous Substrate. The change from lipid to carbohydrate during the respiratory rise in potato slices

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    Isotope discrimination is a common feature of biosynthesis in nature, with the result that different classes of carbon compounds frequently display different 13C/12C ratios. The 13C/12C ratio of lipid in potato tuber tissue is considerably lower than that for starch or protein. We have collected respiratory CO2 from potato discs in successive periods through 24 hr from the time of cutting—an interval in which the respiration rate rises 3–5-fold. The 13C/12C ratio of the evolved CO2 was determined for each period, and compared with the 13C/12C ratios of the major tissue metabolites. In the first hours the carbon isotope ratio of the CO2 matches that of lipid. With time, the ratio approaches that typical of starch or protein. An estimation has been made of the contribution of lipid and carbohydrate to the total respiration at each juncture. In connection with additional observations, it was deduced that the basal, or initial, respiration represents lipid metabolism —- possibly the alpha-oxidation of long chain fatty acids -— while the developed repiration represents conventional tricarboxylic acid cycle oxidation of the products of carbohydrate glycolysis. The true isotopic composition of the respiratory CO2 may be obscured by fractionation attending the refixation of CO2 during respiration, and by CO2 arising from dissolved CO2 and bicarbonate preexisting in the tuber. Means are described for coping with both pitfalls

    The Human Thioesterase II Protein Binds to a Site on HIV-1 Nef Critical for CD4 Down-regulation

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    A HIV-1 Nef affinity column was used to purify a 35-kDa Nef-interacting protein from T-cell lysates. The 35-kDa protein was identified by peptide microsequence analysis as the human thioesterase II (hTE) enzyme, an enzyme previously identified in a yeast two-hybrid screen as a potential Nef-interacting protein. Immunofluorescence studies showed that hTE localizes to peroxisomes and that coexpression of Nef and hTE leads to relocalization of Nef to peroxisomes. Interaction of Nef and hTE was abolished by point mutations in Nef at residues Asp108, Leu112, Phe121, Pro122, and Asp123. All of these mutations also abrogated the ability of Nef to down-regulate CD4 from the surface of HIV-infected cells. Based on the x-ray and NMR structures of Nef, these residues define a surface on Nef critical for CD4 down-regulation. A subset of these mutations also affected the ability of Nef to down-regulate major histocompatibility complex class I. These results, taken together with previous studies, identify a region on Nef critical for most of its known functions. However, not all Nef alleles bind to hTE with high affinity, so the role of hTE during HIV infection remains uncertain

    The Development of the Neoclassical Tradition in Labor Economics

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    This essay on labor economics examines neoclassical theory\u27s rise to ascendancy following the second World War, with a secondary focus on the relative decline but continued influence of institutionalist economic theory. The authors describe the evolution of institutional and neoclassical theory from the late nineteenth to mid-twentieth centuries, examine some early intellectual debates between the two camps, briefly describe the work of neoclassical labor economics pioneers, and look at major developments over the past 30 years. They argue that neoclassical economists\u27 increasing intellectual breadth and influence in public policy have led them to pay closer attention to issues that have long been of concern to institutionalists and neoinstitutionalists

    Soybean cyst nematode

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    "Soybean cyst nematode (SCN) is a plant nematode. Nematodes are microscopic roundworms, and plant nematodes feed on plant parts. Many different kinds of nematodes exist, and their common names often reflect their most important host."--First page.Terry L. Niblack (Department of Plant Pathology), and George S. Smith (Integrated Pest Management, College of Agriculture)Revised 2/90/10

    Integrated out-of-hours care arrangements in England: observational study of progress towards single call access via NHS Direct and impact on the wider health system

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    Objectives: To assess the extent of service integration achieved within general practice cooperatives and NHS Direct sites participating in the Department of Health’s national “Exemplar Programme” for single call access to out-of-hours care via NHS Direct. To assess the impact of integrated out-of-hours care arrangements upon general practice cooperatives and the wider health system (use of emergency departments, 999 ambulance services, and minor injuries units). Design: Observational before and after study of demand, activity, and trends in the use of other health services. Setting: Thirty four English general practice cooperatives with NHS Direct partners (“exemplars”) of which four acted as “case exemplars”. Also 10 control cooperatives for comparison. Main Outcome Measures: Extent of integration achieved (defined as the proportion of hours and the proportion of general practice patients covered by integrated arrangements), patterns of general practice cooperative demand and activity and trends in use of the wider health system in the first year. Results: Of 31 distinct exemplars 21 (68%) integrated all out-of-hours call management by March 2004. Nine (29%) established single call access for all patients. In the only case exemplar where direct comparison was possible, cooperative nurse telephone triage before integration completed a higher proportion of calls with telephone advice than did NHS Direct afterwards (39% v 30%; p<0.0001). The proportion of calls completed by NHS Direct telephone advice at other sites was lower. There is evidence for transfer of demand from case exemplars to 999 ambulance services. A downturn in overall demand for care seen in two case exemplars was also seen in control sites. Conclusion: The new model of out-of-hours care was implemented in a variety of settings across England by new partnerships between general practice cooperatives and NHS Direct. Single call access was not widely implemented and most patients needed to make at least two telephone calls to contact the service. In the first year, integration may have produced some reduction in total demand, but this may have been accompanied by shifts from one part of the local health system to another. NHS Direct demonstrated capability in handling calls but may not currently have sufficient capacity to support national implementation
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