83 research outputs found

    A Case of Autoimmune Pancreatitis Presenting as a Deterioration in Glycaemic Control in a Patient with Pre-Existing Type 2 Diabetes.

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    We report a case of Type 1 autoimmune pancreatitis presenting as a rare cause of worsening hyperglycaemia in a patient with Type 2 diabetes and discuss the difficulties in differentiating this disease from pancreatic cancer

    Why do young adults with Type 1 diabetes find it difficult to manage diabetes in the workplace?

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    This article explores how and why workplace environments impact diabetes management for adults people with Type 1 diabetes, 23-30 years of age. Interviews were conducted with 35 young adults, 29 women and 6 men. The majority of these interviewees worked in sectors such as banking, technology and administration. Young adults found it difficult to manage diabetes in the workplace for two main reasons: work-related time pressures and the non-routine nature of interviewees\u27 work and working environment. Young adults also found it difficult to get the time to exercise both inside and outside of work. Young adults with Type 1 diabetes need to be provided with the tools and technologies that they need to manage diabetes in modern flexible workplaces

    Dealing with the devil: weight loss concerns in young adult women with type 1 diabetes.

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    AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: To examine the weight loss concerns of young adults with type 1 diabetes. BACKGROUND: Eating disorders are prevalent in young women with type 1 diabetes. DESIGN: Qualitative. METHODS: Interviews with 35 young adults (23-30 years of age) with type 1 diabetes and 13 healthcare professionals. RESULTS: Most female interviewees were concerned about the difficulties of losing weight when having diabetes. Six female interviewees developed severe eating disturbances when they were younger. These women initially regarded their disturbed eating behaviour positively and engaged in weight loss activities intermittently. However, over time, they lost control of their behaviour, and it came to dominate their lives. Family conflict often intensified disordered eating behaviours. Eventually all of these women managed to transition away from their behaviour, although this process took, for some of them, several years. Several of them (now in their early to late twenties), however, continued to struggle with weight loss impulses. Healthcare professionals felt that eating- and weight-related issues often went undiagnosed and undocumented in young adult women with type 1 diabetes. CONCLUSION: Many young women with type 1 diabetes are worried about their weight, but will not engage in risky weight loss activities because of concerns about their health. A minority of young adult women will develop more severe eating-related disturbances. These eating disturbances may last a significant amount of time before clinicians become aware of them. These women may also experience disordered weight loss impulses for sometime after clinical interventions. RELEVANCE TO CLINICAL PRACTICE: Clinicians should screen young adult women with type 1 diabetes for eating disorders and monitor young adult women who have developed eating disorders over the longer term. There may be a need to provide asymptomatic young women with diabetes with information about the potential risks of insulin omission

    Considering quality of care for young adults with diabetes in Ireland.

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    BACKGROUND: Research on the quality of diabetes care provided to young adults with Type 1 diabetes is lacking. This study investigates perceptions of quality of care for young adults with Type 1 diabetes (23--30 years old) living in the Republic of Ireland. METHODS: Thirty-five young adults with Type 1 diabetes (twenty-nine women, six men) and thirteen healthcare professionals (ten diabetes nurse specialists, three consultant Endocrinologists) were recruited. All study participants completed semi-structured interviews that explored their perspectives on the quality of diabetes services in Ireland. Interviews were analyzed using standard qualitative thematic analysis techniques. RESULTS: Most interviewees identified problems with Irish diabetes services for young adults. Healthcare services were often characterised by long waiting times, inadequate continuity of care, overreliance on junior doctors and inadequate professional-patient interaction times. Many rural and non-specialist services lacked funding for diabetes education programmes, diabetes nurse specialists, insulin pumps or for psychological support, though these services are important components of quality Type 1 diabetes healthcare. Allied health services such as psychology, podiatry and dietician services appeared to be underfunded in many parts of the country. While Irish diabetes services lacked funding prior to the recession, the economic decline in Ireland, and the subsequent austerity imposed on the Irish health service as a result of that decline, appears to have additional negative consequences. Despite these difficulties, a number of specialist healthcare services for young adults with diabetes seemed to be providing excellent quality of care. Although young adults and professionals identified many of the same problems with Irish diabetes services, professionals appeared to be more critical of diabetes services than young adults. Young adults generally expressed high levels of satisfaction with services, even where they noted that aspects of those services were sub-optimal. CONCLUSION: Good quality care appears to be unequally distributed throughout Ireland. National austerity measures appear to be negatively impacting health services for young adults with diabetes. There is a need for more Endocrinologist and diabetes nurse specialist posts to be funded in Ireland, as well as allied health professional posts

    What’s distressing about having type 1 diabetes? A qualitative study of young adults’ perspectives

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    Background: Diabetes distress is a general term that refers to the emotional burdens, anxieties, frustrations, stressors and worries that stem from managing a severe, complex condition like Type 1 diabetes. To date there has been limited research on diabetes-related distress in younger people with Type 1 diabetes. This qualitative study aimed to identify causes of diabetes distress in a sample of young adults with Type 1 diabetes. Methods: Semi-structured interviews with 35 individuals with Type 1 diabetes (23–30 years of age). Results: This study found diabetes related-distress to be common in a sample of young adults with Type 1 diabetes in the second phase of young adulthood (23–30 years of age). Diabetes distress was triggered by multiple factors, the most common of which were: self-consciousness/stigma, day-to-day diabetes management difficulties, having to fight the healthcare system, concerns about the future and apprehension about pregnancy. A number of factors appeared to moderate distress in this group, including having opportunities to talk to healthcare professionals, attending diabetes education programmes and joining peer support groups. Young adults felt that having opportunities to talk to healthcare professionals about diabetes distress should be a component of standard diabetes care. Conclusions: Some aspects of living with diabetes frequently distress young adults with Type 1 diabetes who are in their twenties. Clinicians should facilitate young adults’ attendance at diabetes education programmes, provide them with opportunities to talk about their diabetes-related frustrations and difficulties and, where possible, assist in the development of peer-support networks for young adults with diabetes

    Using Rapid Reviews in Nursing and Midwifery Research: An Example From a Study Commissioned to Inform Policy-Making

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    Aim: To illustrate the potential use of rapid review approaches in nursing and midwifery research by presenting a worked example from a study conducted to inform policy decision making. Background: Rapid reviews, which can be defined as outputs of a knowledge synthesis approach that involves modifying or omitting elements of a systematic review process due to limited time or resources, are becoming increasingly popular in health research. This paper provides guidance on how a rapid review can be undertaken and discusses the strengths and challenges of the approach. Data source and research design: Data from a rapid review of the literature undertaken in 2015 is used as a worked example to highlight one method of undertaking a rapid review. Implications for nursing: Seeking evidence to inform health policy making or evidence based practice is a process that can be limited by time constraints, making it difficult to conduct comprehensive systematic reviews

    Developing and sustaining specialist and advanced practice roles in nursing and midwifery: A discourse on enablers and barriers

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    Aims and objectives To collate, synthesise and discuss published evidence and expert professional opinion on enablers and barriers to the development and sustainability of specialist and advanced practice roles in nursing and midwifery. Background Expanded practice is a response to population health needs, healthcare costs and practitioners’ willingness to expand their scope of practice through enhanced responsibility, accountability and professional autonomy. Design This discursive paper is based on a rapid review of literature on enablers and barriers to the development and sustainability of specialist and advanced practice roles and is part of a wider policy analysis. Methods We analysed and synthesised of 36 research articles, reviews and discussion papers on enablers and barriers in the development and sustainability of expanded practice roles. Results Several factors enable role expansion, including: role clarity; credentialing and endorsement; availability of education for expanded roles; individual practitioners’ dispositions towards role expansion; support from peers, other professionals and the work organisation; and costs. Where limited or absent, these same factors can constrain role expansion. Conclusions Enabling nurses and midwives to practice to their full scope of education and expertise is a global challenge for disciplinary leadership, a national challenge for professional regulation and a local challenge for employers and individual clinicians. These challenges need to be addressed through multistakeholder coordinated efforts at these four levels. Relevance to clinical practice This discursive paper synthesises empirical evidence and expert professional opinion on the factors that enable or hinder the development and sustainability of specialist and advanced practice roles. Providing a critical appraisal of current knowledge, it provides a reference source for disciplinary debate and policy development regarding the nursing and midwifery resource and informs clinicians of the myriad issues that can impact on their capacity to expand their scope of practice

    The perceptions of key stakeholders of the roles of specialist and advanced nursing and midwifery practitioners

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    Aim: To explore the perceptions of key stakeholders of the roles of specialist and advanced nursing and midwifery practitioners. Background: There is evidence that the contribution of these roles to patient care is poorly understood. Design: This research took place over 2 months in 2015 and is part of a larger study involving a rapid review to inform policy development on the specialist and advanced nursing and midwifery practice in Ireland. As an added value, a qualitative element involving thematic analysis was undertaken with key stakeholders. Methods: A phenomenological qualitative study was conducted incorporating semistructured interviews with key stakeholders (n = 15). Purposive sampling with maximum diversity was used to recruit a wide range of perspectives. Findings: Participant’s perspectives led to seven themes: Impact of these roles; role preparation, experience and organizational support; specialist and advanced practice roles in an interdisciplinary context; different folks but not such different roles; impact of specialist and advanced practice roles on patient outcomes; barriers and facilitators to enacting specialist and advanced practice roles; future development of these roles. Conclusion: There is acknowledgement of the positive impact of specialist and advanced practitioners; however, the evidence is currently not conclusive. Preparation for these roles needs to reflect changes in the calibre of today’s professional applicants, and organizational support is paramount to their successful execution. The contribution of their activity to patient outcome needs to be made visible to enhance these roles and to justify the development of new roles across a variety of healthcare areas

    The universal, collaborative and dynamic model of specialist and advanced nursing and midwifery practice: A way forward?

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    Aims and objectives To inform and guide the development of a future model of specialist and advanced nursing and midwifery practice. Background There is a sizable body of empirical literature supporting the unique contributions of specialist and advanced practice roles to health care. However, there is very little international evidence to inform the integration of a future model for advanced or specialist practice in the Irish healthcare system. Design A qualitative study was conducted to initiate this important area of inquiry. Methods Purposive sampling was used to generate a sample of informants (n = 15) for the interviews. Nurses and midwives working in specialist and advanced practice and participants from other areas such as legislative, regulatory, policy, medicine and education were included in the sampling frame. Results Arguments for a new model of specialist and advanced practice were voiced. A number of participants proposed that flexibility within specialist and advanced practitioner career pathways was essential. Otherwise, there existed the possibility of being directed into specialised “silos,” precluding movement to another area of integrated practice. Future specialist and advanced practice education programmes need to include topics such as the development of emotional and political intelligence. Conclusion The contribution of specialist and advanced practice roles to the health service includes providing rapid access to care, seamless patient flow across services, early discharge and lead coordinator of the patient\u27s care trajectory. There was a recommendation of moving towards a universal model to cultivate specialist and advanced nurse and midwife practitioners
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