7,217 research outputs found

    Anomalous Hall Effect in Ferromagnetic Semiconductors in the Hopping Transport Regime

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    We present a theory of the Anomalous Hall Effect (AHE) in ferromagnetic (Ga,Mn)As in the regime when conduction is due to phonon-assisted hopping of holes between localized states in the impurity band. We show that the microscopic origin of the anomalous Hall conductivity in this system can be attributed to a phase that a hole gains when hopping around closed-loop paths in the presence of spin-orbit interactions and background magnetization of the localized Mn moments. Mapping the problem to a random resistor network, we derive an analytic expression for the macroscopic anomalous Hall conductivity σxyAH\sigma_{xy}^{AH}. We show that σxyAH\sigma_{xy}^{AH} is proportional to the first derivative of the density of states ϱ(ϵ)\varrho(\epsilon) and thus can be expected to change sign as a function of impurity band filling. We also show that σxyAH\sigma_{xy}^{AH} depends on temperature as the longitudinal conductivity σxx\sigma_{xx} within logarithmic accuracy.Comment: 4 pages, 1 eps figure, final versio

    Ballistic transport, chiral anomaly and emergence of the neutral electron - hole plasma in graphene

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    The process of coherent creation of particle - hole excitations by an electric field in graphene is quantitatively described using a dynamic "first quantized" approach. We calculate the evolution of current density, number of pairs and energy in ballistic regime using the tight binding model. The series in electric field strength EE up to third order in both DC and AC are calculated. We show how the physics far from the two Dirac points enters various physical quantities in linear response and how it is related to the chiral anomaly. The third harmonic generation and the imaginary part of conductivity are obtained. It is shown that at certain time scale tnlE1/2t_{nl}\propto E^{-1/2} the physical behaviour dramatically changes and the perturbation theory breaks down. Beyond the linear response physics is explored using an exact solution of the first quantized equations. While for small electric fields the I-V curve is linear characterized by the universal minimal resistivity σ=π/2(e2/h)\sigma =\pi /2(e^{2}/h)%, at t>tnlt>t_{nl} the conductivity grows fast. The copious pair creation (with rate E3/2E^{3/2}), analogous to Schwinger's electron - positron pair creation from vacuum in QED, leads to creation of the electron - hole plasma at ballistic times of order tnlt_{nl}. This process is terminated by a relaxational recombination.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures

    Equilibration in phi^4 theory in 3+1 dimensions

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    The process of equilibration in phi^4 theory is investigated for a homogeneous system in 3+1 dimensions and a variety of out-of-equilibrium initial conditions, both in the symmetric and broken phase, by means of the 2PI effective action. Two Phi-derivable approximations including scattering effects are used: the two-loop and the ``basketball'', the latter corresponding to the truncation of the 2PI effective action at O(lambda^2). The approach to equilibrium, as well as the kinetic and chemical equilibration is investigated.Comment: 32 pages, 14 figures, uses axodraw, minor corrections adde

    Spin Disorder and Magnetic Anisotropy in Fe3O4 Nanoparticles

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    We have studied the magnetic behavior of dextran-coated magnetite (Fe3_3O4_4) nanoparticles with median particle size \left=8 nmnm. Magnetization curves and in-field M\"ossbauer spectroscopy measurements showed that the magnetic moment MSM_S of the particles was much smaller than the bulk material. However, we found no evidence of magnetic irreversibility or non-saturating behavior at high fields, usually associated to spin canting. The values of magnetic anisotropy KeffK_{eff} from different techniques indicate that surface or shape contributions are negligible. It is proposed that these particles have bulk-like ferrimagnetic structure with ordered A and B sublattices, but nearly compensated magnetic moments. The dependence of the blocking temperature with frequency and applied fields, TB(H,ω)T_B(H,\omega), suggests that the observed non-monotonic behavior is governed by the strength of interparticle interactions.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, 3 Table

    Investigation of the Domain Wall Fermion Approach to Chiral Gauge Theories on the Lattice

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    We investigate a recent proposal to construct chiral gauge theories on the lattice using domain wall fermions. We restrict ourselves to the finite volume case, in which two domain walls are present, with modes of opposite chirality on each of them. We couple the chiral fermions on only one of the domain walls to a gauge field. In order to preserve gauge invariance, we have to add a scalar field, which gives rise to additional light mirror fermion and scalar modes. We argue that in an anomaly free model these extra modes would decouple if our model possesses a so-called strong coupling symmetric phase. However, our numerical results indicate that such a phase most probably does not exist. ---- Note: 9 Postscript figures are appended as uuencoded compressed tar file.Comment: 27p. Latex; UCSD/PTH 93-28, Wash. U. HEP/93-6

    Theory of the anomalous Hall effect from the Kubo formula and the Dirac equation

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    A model to treat the anomalous Hall effect is developed. Based on the Kubo formalism and on the Dirac equation, this model allows the simultaneous calculation of the skew-scattering and side-jump contributions to the anomalous Hall conductivity. The continuity and the consistency with the weak-relativistic limit described by the Pauli Hamiltonian is shown. For both approaches, Dirac and Pauli, the Feynman diagrams, which lead to the skew-scattering and the side-jump contributions, are underlined. In order to illustrate this method, we apply it to a particular case: a ferromagnetic bulk compound in the limit of weak-scattering and free-electrons approximation. Explicit expressions for the anomalous Hall conductivity for both skew-scattering and side-jump mechanisms are obtained. Within this model, the recently predicted ''spin Hall effect'' appears naturally

    A Class of Nonperturbative Configurations in Abelian-Higgs Models: Complexity from Dynamical Symmetry Breaking

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    We present a numerical investigation of the dynamics of symmetry breaking in both Abelian and non-Abelian [SU(2)][S U (2)] Higgs models in three spatial dimensions. We find a class of time-dependent, long-lived nonperturbative field configurations within the range of parameters corresponding to type-1 superconductors, that is, with vector masses (mvm_v) larger than scalar masses (msm_s). We argue that these emergent nontopological configurations are related to oscillons found previously in other contexts. For the Abelian-Higgs model, our lattice implementation allows us to map the range of parameter space -- the values of β=(ms/mv)2\beta = (m_s /m_v)^2 -- where such configurations exist and to follow them for times t \sim \O(10^5) m^{-1}. An investigation of their properties for z^\hat z-symmetric models reveals an enormously rich structure of resonances and mode-mode oscillations reminiscent of excited atomic states. For the SU(2) case, we present preliminary results indicating the presence of similar oscillonic configurations.Comment: 21 pages, 19 figures, prd, revte

    Theta/SMR Neurofeedback Training Works Well for Some Forensic Psychiatric Patients, But Not for Others:A Sham-Controlled Clinical Case Series

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    Electroencephalographic (EEG) neurofeedback could be a promising treatment for forensic psychiatric patients. Increasing evidence shows some patients are unable to regulate cortical activity. Before neurofeedback can be applied successfully, research is needed to investigate the interpersonal mechanisms responsible for patients’ ability to respond to neurofeedback. A single-case experimental design allows for close monitoring of individual patients, providing valuable information about patients’ response to the intervention and the time frame in which changes in clinical symptoms can be observed. Four patients with Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed., text rev.; DSM-IV-TR) substance use disorder and various comorbidities participated in a sham-controlled clinical case study. Self-report level of impulsivity and craving were assessed. Results indicate that one patient showed more improvements on behavioral measures after the neurofeedback training than did the others. This patient reported less impulsivity and reduced levels of self-reported craving. However, these findings could not be attributed to the neurofeedback intervention. The findings suggest that there is insufficient evidence for the beneficial effects of a theta/sensorimotor rhythm (SMR) neurofeedback intervention on measures of impulsivity and craving, and that there may be great interindividual differences in patients’ ability to regulate cortical activity

    Numerical Simulation of an Electroweak Oscillon

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    Numerical simulations of the bosonic sector of the SU(2)×U(1)SU(2)\times U(1) electroweak Standard Model in 3+1 dimensions have demonstrated the existence of an oscillon -- an extremely long-lived, localized, oscillatory solution to the equations of motion -- when the Higgs mass is equal to twice the W±W^\pm boson mass. It contains total energy roughly 30 TeV localized in a region of radius 0.05 fm. A detailed description of these numerical results is presented.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, uses RevTeX4; v2: expanded results section, fixed typo

    Remote sensing and hydrologic models for performance assessment in Sirsa Irrigation Circle, India

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    Irrigation management / Irrigation systems / Irrigation canals / Performance evaluation / Remote sensing / GIS / Models / Irrigated farming / Hydrology / Satellite surveys / Irrigation scheduling / Evapotranspiration / India