1,001 research outputs found
Decoupling of heavy quarks in HQET
Decoupling of c-quark loops in b-quark HQET is considered. The decoupling
coefficients for the HQET heavy-quark field and the heavy-light quark current
are calculated with the three-loop accuracy. The last result can be used to
improve the accuracy of extracting f_B from HQET lattice simulations (without
c-quark loops). The decoupling coefficient for the flavour-nonsinglet QCD
current with n antisymmetrized gamma-matrices is also obtained at three loops;
the result for the tensor current (n=2) is new.Comment: JHEP3 documentclass; the results in a computer-readable form can be
found at http://www-ttp.physik.uni-karlsruhe.de/Progdata/ttp06/ttp06-25/ V2:
a few typos corrected, a few minor text improvements, a few references added;
V3: several typos in formulas fixe
An Algorithm to Construct Groebner Bases for Solving Integration by Parts Relations
This paper is a detailed description of an algorithm based on a generalized
Buchberger algorithm for constructing Groebner-type bases associated with
polynomials of shift operators. The algorithm is used for calculating Feynman
integrals and has proven itself efficient in several complicated cases.Comment: LaTeX, 9 page
Calculation of Feynman diagrams with zero mass threshold from their small momentum expansion
A method of calculating Feynman diagrams from their small momentum expansion
[1] is extended to diagrams with zero mass thresholds. We start from the
asymptotic expansion in large masses [2] (applied to the case when all
are large compared to all momenta squared). Using dimensional regularization, a
finite result is obtained in terms of powers of logarithms (describing the
zero-threshold singularity) times power series in the momentum squared.
Surprisingly, these latter ones represent functions, which not only have the
expected physical `second threshold' but have a branchcut singularity as well
below threshold at a mirror position. These can be understood as
pseudothresholds corresponding to solutions of the Landau equations. In the
spacelike region the imaginary parts from the various contributions cancel. For
the two-loop examples with one mass , in the timelike region for we obtain approximations of high precision. This will be of
relevance in particular for the calculation of the decay in
the approximation.Comment: 17 pages with figures and tables, PostScript file gzip'ed and
The Photophysical Properties Investigation of Hybrid Associates of Methylene Blue Molecules with Colloidal CdS Quantum Dots and CdS / Cd(OH)2 "Core-Shell" Systems
The spectral properties of associates of methylene blue molecules with colloidal CdS quantum dots and
CdS / Cd(OH)2 «core-shell» systems were investigated. It is shown that according to env ironment
methylene blue changes its photophysical properties during association. These properties are due to
changes of MB structure as a result of oxidation-reduction reactions.
When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3527
The Picosecond Kinetic of Luminescence in Hydrophilic Colloidal CdS Quantum Dots
The picosecond kinetic of luminescence in conglomerations of hydrophilic colloidal CdS quantum dots
with an average diameter of 2.5 nm in gelatin was investigated. It was observed in the recombination luminescence
band with a maximum at 580 nm. A complicated character of depending in the time interval
from 300 ps to 1800 ns was found. Obtained dependences were interpreted in terms of radiative recombination
at the donor-acceptor pairs (different sizes), complicated non-radiative transitions involving localized
charge carriers on deeper levels.
When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3527
Numerical evaluation of loop integrals
We present a new method for the numerical evaluation of arbitrary loop
integrals in dimensional regularization. We first derive Mellin-Barnes integral
representations and apply an algorithmic technique, based on the Cauchy
theorem, to extract the divergent parts in the epsilon->0 limit. We then
perform an epsilon-expansion and evaluate the integral coefficients of the
expansion numerically. The method yields stable results in physical kinematic
regions avoiding intricate analytic continuations. It can also be applied to
evaluate both scalar and tensor integrals without employing reduction methods.
We demonstrate our method with specific examples of infrared divergent
integrals with many kinematic scales, such as two-loop and three-loop box
integrals and tensor integrals of rank six for the one-loop hexagon topology
Spectral Manifestation of Hybrid Association of Zn0.7Sd0.3S Colloidal Quantum Dots with J-Aggregates of Thiacarbocyanine Dye
Spectral properties of mixtures of Zn0.7Sd0.3S colloidal quantum dots with mean diameter value of
3.5 nm with the molecules of 3,3'-di(γ-sulfopropil)-9-ethyl-4,5,4',5'-dibenzo-thiacarbocyanine betaine pyridine
salt (DEC), prepared in gelatin were investigated. The obtained data indicated that the formation of
well-luminescent trans-J-aggregates and spectral tuning in the position of the absorption band of DEC and
the luminescence band of quantum dots, providing requirements for resonant energy transfer in the hybrid
associate are the determinant factors in the increase of the luminescent emission of DEC molecules, interacting
with Zn0.7Cd0.3S colloidal quantum dots.
When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3532
On Epsilon Expansions of Four-loop Non-planar Massless Propagator Diagrams
We evaluate three typical four-loop non-planar massless propagator diagrams
in a Taylor expansion in dimensional regularization parameter
up to transcendentality weight twelve, using a recently
developed method of one of the present coauthors (R.L.). We observe only
multiple zeta values in our results.Comment: 3 pages, 1 figure, results unchanged, discussion improved, to appear
in European Physical Journal
"Background Field Integration-by-Parts" and the Connection Between One-Loop and Two-Loop Heisenberg-Euler Effective Actions
We develop integration-by-parts rules for Feynman diagrams involving massive
scalar propagators in a constant background electromagnetic field, and use
these to show that there is a simple diagrammatic interpretation of mass
renormalization in the two-loop scalar QED Heisenberg-Euler effective action
for a general constant background field. This explains why the square of a
one-loop term appears in the renormalized two-loop Heisenberg-Euler effective
action. No integrals need be evaluated, and the explicit form of the background
field propagators is not needed. This dramatically simplifies the computation
of the renormalized two-loop effective action for scalar QED, and generalizes a
previous result obtained for self-dual background fields.Comment: 13 pages; uses axodraw.st
Two-Loop Gluon-Condensate Contributions To Heavy-Quark Current Correlators: Exact Results And Approximations
The coefficient functions of the gluon condensate , in the correlators
of heavy-quark vector, axial, scalar and pseudoscalar currents, are obtained
analytically, to two loops, for all values of . In the limiting
cases , , and , comparisons are made with previous
partial results. Approximation methods, based on these limiting cases, are
critically assessed, with a view to three-loop work. High accuracy is achieved
using a few moments as input. A {\em single} moment, combined with only the
{\em leading} threshold and asymptotic behaviours, gives the two-loop
corrections to better than 1% in the next 10 moments. A two-loop fit to vector
data yields GeV.Comment: 9 page
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