15 research outputs found


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    Apterous viviparous females, an alate female, males, and oviparous females of Drepanosiphoniella fugans Remaudiѐre & Leclant, 1972 (Hemiptera: Aphididae: Drepanosiphinae) were found in eastern Serbia (Bor, Zaječar, Stara Planina) in 2022. Drepanosiphoniella is a new genus for Serbia and the Balkan Peninsula. D. fugans is a holocyclic and monoecious species on Acer monspessulanum L. Its main morphological and biological characteristics and distribution are given. A photograph of the apterous viviparous female, line drawings, and slide photographs of the apterous viviparous female, alate viviparous female, oviparous female, and male are also included

    Dopuna opisa rđaste grinje konoplje Aculops cannabicola (Farkas, 1960) (Acari: Eriophyoidea) nađene u Srbiji na Cannabis sativa L.

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    The description of Aculops cannabicola (Farkas, 1960), a new species for the fauna of Serbia, is supplemented. The male and juveniles are described for the first time. This species was found as vagrants on leaves of hemp, Cannabis sativa L. A comparison of characters of the population from Serbia and the originally described samples from Hungary is given.Rđasta grinja konoplje Aculops cannabicola (Farkas, 1960) (Acari: Eriophyoidea) registrovana je kao nova vrsta za faunu Srbije na lokalitetu Rošijana u Deliblatskoj peščari, jula 2006. godine. Prvi put je nađena na istoj biljci domaćinu, Cannabis sativa L. (Cannabaceae) 1958. godine u Mađarskoj kada je opisana pod nazivom Vasates cannabicola (Farkas, 1960). Amrine and Stasny (1994) su je prebacili u rod Aculops Keifer. Cannabis sativa L. je jedini do sada poznati domaćin ove vrste grinje. Budući da originalni opis obuhvata samo 24 morfometrijske i merističke karakteristike, a da se savremeni opisi zasnivaju na oko 70 karakteristika, u ovom radu je dopunjen opis ove vrste. Takođe se prvi put opisuje mužjak i juvenilni stadijumi, čime se kompletiraju morfološki opis i taksonomski status A. cannabicola. Poređenjem raspoloživih morfoloških karakteristika populacija iz Mađarske i Srbije ustanovljena je razlika jedino u dužini oba para nogu

    Eriofide (Acari: Eriophyoidea) na oštricama (Carex sp., Cyperaceae) u Srbiji

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    Six species of eriophyoid mites (Acari: Eriophyoidea) are recorded new to the fauna of Serbia: Phytoptus liroi Roivainen, 1947 and Ph. hirtae Roivainen 1950 (Phytoptidae, Phytoptinae); Novophytoptus rostratae Roivainen, 1947 and N. glyceriae Skoracka & Boczek, 2000 (Phytoptidae: Novophytoptinae) Eriophyes lentiginosus Mitrofanov, Sharonov & Sekerskaya, 1983 (Eriophyidae Eriophyinae); and Leipothrix hirtus Chetverikov, 2005 (Eriophydae Phyllocoptinae). No species from the monogeneric subfamily Novophytoptinae was known until now in Serbia. The plant species Carex leporina L. and C. otrubae Podp. are considered as new hosts for N. gliceriae and E. lentiginosus, respectively.Na oštricama (Cyperaceae) je zabeleženo 35 vrsta eriofida, a na vrstama iz roda Carex do sada su opisane 22 vrste. Većina vrsta je palearktičkog porekla. Fauna Eriophyoidea na oštricama u Srbiji nije proučavana. Do sada je bila poznata samo jedna vrsta - Neoleipotorix carexis (Petanović), opisana 1995. godine sa tipskog lokaliteta na Carskoj bari. U radu su prikazani rezultati istraživanja faune Eriophyoidea na oštricama iz roda Carex sprovedena od 2005. do 2007. godine na nekoliko lokaliteta u Srbiji: na planini Goč i u okolini Beograda, Donjeg Milanovca i Aleksandrovca. Registrovano je 6 vrsta iz dve familije i 4 podfamilije, sve nove za faunu Srbije: Phytoptus liroi Roivainen, 1947, Ph. hirtae Roivainen 1950 (Phytoptidae, Phytoptinae); Novophytoptus rostratae Roivainen, 1947; N. glyceriae Skoracka & Boczek, 2000 (Phytoptidae: Novophytoptinae); Eriophyes lentiginosus Mitrofanov, Sharonov & Sekerskaya, 1983 (Eriophydae: Eriophynae) i Leiopthrix hirtus Chetverikov, 2005 (Eriophydae: Phyllocoptinae). Pored toga, zabeležena je i jedna vrsta iz roda Aceria (Eriophydae: Eriophynae) koja na osnovu raspoloživog materijala nije mogla biti identifikovana do specijskog nivoa. Ni jedna vrsta monogenerične podfamilije Novophytoptinae nije do sada bila poznata u Srbiji. Biljne vrste C. otrubae Podp. i Carex leporina L. su novi domaćini vrstama N. glyceriae odnosno E. lentiginosus


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    Ophraella communa LeSage, 1986 (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae, Galerucinae) is a North American chrysomelid successfully spreading through Europe in recent years. It is a natural enemy and a potential biocontrol agent of Ambrosia artemisiifolia L., an important invasive weed, both for agricultural crops and public health (Vrbničanin, et al., 2008). In Europe, O. communa was first detected in Italy (Boriani et al., 2013), after which it has spread to Switzerland (Müller-Schärer et al., 2014), Slovenia (Seljak, 2017) and Croatia (Zadravec et al., 2019). Here we report the first record of O. commmuna from Serbia. Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. (Asteraceae) plants were surveyed during 2020 in 7 localities in Serbia (Fruška gora - Ležimir, Šid, Sremska Mitrovica, Bela Crkva, Belgrade, Donji Milanovac, Valjevo, Stara planina). Plants were surveyed in the fields, samples were gathered and then inspected in the laboratory

    Oligotrophus betheli felt (Diptera:Cecidomyiidae), a new species in the fauna of Europe

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    Oligotrophus betheli or the juniper tip midge is a North American species and its presence has been established only in Continental USA, on Juniperus spp. (Gagne, 1989). In the period between 2007 and 2009 this species was observed on Juniperus virginiana L. in many localities in Serbia, which represents the first record of this species not only in Serbia, but also in Europe

    Neka zapažanja o rilašu Polydrusus (Polydrusus) picus ssp. picus (Fabricius 1792)

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    Polydrusus (Polydrusus) picus ssp. picus (Fabricius, 1792) which belongs to the family of weevils (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) has been recorded in a high number during the spring 2017 in Belgrade area, Serbia. The adults were detected on aronia plants firstly, and than on strawberry plants and Celltis occidentalis L. leaves. The most of them were found feeding on the youngest leaves. On aronia and C. occidentalis plants, adults fed on young leaves along the periphery of the leaf blade and between the veins. On strawberry plants, adults fed on the same way on young leaves, but also damaged the leaf petioles, sepals, floral and fructal peduncles. High number of adults were found on aronia plants, but the most significant damages were detected on strawberry plants.Tokom proleća 2017. godine, na više lokacija na području Beograda (Srbija), utvrđeno je prisustvo brojnih imaga rilaša Polydrusus (Polydrusus) picus ssp. picus (Fabricius, 1792). Prva imaga nađena su na sadnicama aronije u prodaji, a potom su u većem broju registrovana na aroniji i jagodi u okućnicama i na američkom kopriviću (Celtis occidentalis L.). Odrasle jedinke su se hranile grizući mlade listove po obodu, ostavljajući karakteristična oštećenja

    Coccus hesperidum (L.) (Hemiptera: Coccidae) - štetočina jednosemene tikve, Sechium edule (Jacq.) Sw u Beogradu

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    Numerous colonies of the brown soft scale, Coccus hesperidum (L.) (Hemiptera: Coccidae) were registered on chayote, Sechium edule (Jacq.) Sw. (Cucurbitaceae) in Belgrade area, locality Zemun. Damages were caused by all development stages of scale which feed by sucking plant sap from leaves. In the case of high infestation, scales feed on fruits. As the result of scale feeding, numerous chlorotic spots occur, whicher merge into bright strips usually located by leaf nerves. In case of high level infestation, bright stripes cover the entire leaf surface which leads to discoloration of the leaves. Furthermore, brown soft scales produce large amounts of honeydew where sooty moulds develop, causing reduction of the photosynthesis and transpiration, as well as aesthetic appearance of the plant. This paper presents data on Coccus hesperidum morph ological-biological characteristics, as one of the chayote pests.Na jednosemenoj tikvi, Sechium edule (Jacq.) Sw. (Cucurbitaceae) u Beogradu - lokalitet Zemun, registrovane su brojne kolonije smeđe sočne štitaste vaši, Coccus hesperidum (L.) (Hemiptera: Coccidae). Oštećenja prouzrokuju svi razvojni stadijumi vaši, koji se hrane isisavanjem sokova pre svega iz listova, a pri jakom napadu i iz plodova. Usled ishrane, na listovima se uočavaju simptomi u vidu brojnih hlorotičnih pega koje se spajaju u svetle trake, najčešće duž nerava a u slučaju jakog napada, zahvataju skoro celu površinu, dovodeći do diskoloracije listova. Pored toga, na mednoj rosi koju luči ova vaš, razvijaju se gljive čađavice koje ometaju fotosintezu i transpiraciju kod biljke i narušavaju njen estetski izgled. U radu se daju podaci o osnovnim morfološko-biološkim karakteristikama Coccus hesperidum, kao jednoj od štetočina jednosemene tikve u našoj zemlji

    Apalus bimaculatus (Linnaeus, 1761), nova vrsta Meloidae u Srbiji

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    Apalus bimaculatus (Linnaeus, 1761), which belongs to the family of blister beetles (Coleoptera: Meloidae) has been recorded for the first time in Serbia. It was found in February 2013, in an urban Belgrade area, in the locality of Zemun. Its life cycle is connected with the solitary bee species Colletes cunicularius (Linnaeus) (Hymenoptera: Colletidae), which was found one month later in the same place. Collected adults of A. bimaculatus were reared in laboratory until the first instar larvae - triungulin larvae hatched out from the laid eggs.Početkom 2013. godine, u Srbiji je prvi put utvrđena vrsta Apalus bimaculatus (Linnaeus, 1761), koja pripada familiji Meloidae (Coleoptera). Nađena je u urbanom delu Beograda-lokalitet Zemun. Životni ciklus ove vrste vezan je sa solitarnom pčelom Colletes cunicularius (Linnaeus) (Hymenoptera: Colletidae), čije je prisustvo utvrđeno na istom mestu, mesec dana kasnije. Sakupljena imaga A. bimaculatus su u laboratoriji gajena do momenta piljenja larvi

    Macrosiphoniella helichrysi (Hemiptera: Aphididae), potencijalna štetočina smilja u Srbiji

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    New insect species for the fauna of Serbia has been found on immortelle in Zemun; it is the immortelle aphid - Macrosiphoniella helichrysi Remaudière 1952 (Hemiptera: Aphididae). The aphid is monoecious oligophagous species, living without host alternation on a few Helichrysum plants. All over the world this aphid is anholocyclic, which has been proved in Zemun, and only apterous and winged viviparous parthenogentic females have been found. M. helichrysi is reported to be a pest on immortelle in Hercegovina and its presence on immortelle fields in Serbia need special attention.Nova vrsta insekta za faunu Srbije, vaš smilja-Macrosiphoniella helichrysi Remaudière 1952 (Hemiptera: Aphididae) nađena je u Zemunu. To je monoecična oligofagna vrsta koja tokom vegetacije ne menja biljku domaćina, a kolonije osim na smilju formira i na drugim vrstama roda Helichrysum. Razviće M. helichrysi je anholociklično, u kolonijama se nalaze beskrilne i krilate viviparne partenogenetske ženke. Ovaj insekt pričinjava štete smilju u Hercegovini i zato treba obratiti pažnju na njegovo prisustvo u zasadima smilja u Srbiji

    Zlatna sovica - Chrysodeixis chalcites (Esper, 1789) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) - štetočina gajenih i ukrasnih biljaka

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    During autumn 2018 and 2019, presence of numerous Chrysodeixis chalcites (Esper) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) larvae on cultivated and ornamental plants was recorded in Zemun area, both outdoors and indoors. Outdoors, larvae were registered on Solanum lycopersicum L., Capparis spinosa L., Amaryllis paradisicola Snijman, Hosta sp., Ipomea sp., Canna indica L., Convolvulus tricolor L., Achimenes erecta (Lam.) H. P. Fuchs and Pelargonium x domesticum. Indoors, larvae were registered on the following vegetables, Brassica oleracea L. and Capsicum annuum L., and on ornamental plants Kohleria eriantha (Benth.) Hanst, Pelargonium x domesticum and Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L. On infested plants, larvae mostly fed on leaves, rarely on flowers, causing perforation of the leaf surface and reduction of the photosynthetic area. In case of high infestation level, feeding of the larvae led to complete defoliation which resulted in decay of plants. Considering the fact that this particular species was fairly unknown to the public and had small populations until a few years ago, and due to the recent records of severe damages caused by larvae, it is necessary to point out the potential threat of this species represents in Serbia.Tokom jeseni 2018. i 2019. godine, na području Zemuna, na otvorenom polju i u zaštićenom prostoru, na većem broju gajenih i ukrasnih biljaka, utvrđeno je prisustvo brojnih gusenica Chrysodeixis chalcites (Esper) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Na otvorenom polju, od gajenih biljaka gusenice su naseljavale paradajz (Solanum lycopersicum L.), od začinskih, kapar (Capparis spinosa L.), a od ukrasnih, amarilis (Amaryllis paradisicola Snijman), hostu (Hosta sp.), ipomeu (Ipomea sp.), kanu (Canna indica L.), ladolež (Convolvulus tricolor L.), magični cvet (Achimenes erecta (Lam.) H. P. Fuchs) i muškatlu (Pelargonium x domesticum). U zaštićenom prostoru, registrovane su na gajenim biljkama kupusa (Brassica oleracea L.) i paprike (Capsicum annuum L.), kao i na ukrasnim biljkama kohlerije (Kohleria eriantha (Benth.) Hanst.), muškatle i ukrasnog hibiskusa (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L.). Na napadnutim biljkama, gusenice su se hranile uglavnom listovima, ređe cvetovima, praveći manje ili veće izgrizine a pri jačem napadu su prouzrokovale golobrst, što je imalo za posledicu propadanje biljaka. Imajući u vidu da je ova vrsta u Srbiji do sada bila malobrojna i nepoznata široj javnosti a da su u skorije vreme ispoljena značajnija oštećenja na većem broju gajenih i ukrasnih biljaka, potrebno je ukazati na potencijalnu opasnost od ove štetočine u našoj zemlji