1,271 research outputs found

    Правове регулювання повторного шлюбу у римському та ранньовізантійському праві

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    В статті досліджується традиційна проблема інституту повторного шлюбу в контексті його еволюції на засадах античних та християнських цінностей.В статье исследуется традиционная проблема института повторного брака в контексте его эволюции на принципах античных и христианских ценностей.In the article the traditional problem of institute of the deuterogamy is probed in the context of its evolution on principles of ancient and christian values

    Responding to the new International Classification of Diseases-11 prolonged grief disorder during the COVID-19 pandemic: a new bereavement network and three-tiered model of care

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    The field of bereavement research and care is at a tipping point. The introduction of prolonged grief disorder (PGD) in the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) has ignited clinical interest in this new disorder, along with debate over challenges in validating and implementing these new criteria. At the same time, the global COVID-19 pandemic has launched several local and international efforts to provide urgent support and comfort for individuals and communities suffering from grief. Recently, grief experts have called for a collective response to these complicated bereavements and possible increase in PGD due to COVID-19. Here we outline a new European network that aims to unite a community of grief researchers and clinicians to provide accessible, evidence-based support particularly during times of unprecedent crisis. The Bereavement Network Europe (BNE) has been developed with two main aims. Firstly, to develop expert agreed, internationally acceptable guidelines for bereavement care through a three-tiered approach. Secondly, to provide a platform for researchers and clinicians to share knowledge, collaborate, and develop consensus protocols to facilitate the introduction of PGD to diverse stakeholders. This article outlines the current status and aims of the BNE along with the plans for upcoming network initiatives and the three-tiered bereavement care guidelines in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Keywords: Bereavement network Europe; COVID-19; ICD-11; Prolonged grief disorder; Three-tiered bereavement care

    Interactive Multi-Domain System Analysis and Design

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    Abstract This paper presents a MATLAB tool for interactive transfer function analysis which can be used to enhance students and engineers understanding of system characteristics and behaviour. It allows a user to develop an intuitive feeling for the relationship between time and frequency domains, and locations of roots of a transfer function

    Valid measurement of DSM-5 persistent complex bereavement disorder and DSM-5-TR and ICD-11 prolonged grief disorder:The Traumatic Grief Inventory-Self Report Plus (TGI-SR+)

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    Introduction: When grief reactions after bereavement are so intense that they impair daily functioning, a diagnosis of disturbed grief may apply. Slightly differing criteria-sets for disturbed grief are included in the ICD-11, the DSM-5, and its forthcoming text revision, DSM-5-TR. We examined psychometric properties of a new self-report measure, the 22-item Traumatic Grief Inventory-Self Report Plus (TGI-SR+), that assesses these criteria sets for Persistent Complex Bereavement Disorder (PCBD) as per DSM-5, and Prolonged Grief Disorder (PGD) as defined in ICD-11 and DSM-5-TR. Material and methods: We examined the: i) factor structure, ii) internal consistency, iii) temporal stability, iv) convergent validity, v) known-groups validity, vi) probable caseness, and vii) optimal clinical cut-off scores in two Dutch bereaved samples. Sample 1 consisted of 278 adults, bereaved by various causes. Sample 2 included 270 adults who lost loved ones in a traffic accident. Results: We found support for a 3-factor PCBD model, 1-factor DSM-5-TR model, and 1-factor ICD-11 PGD model. The DSM-5 PCBD, DSM-5-TR PGD, and ICD-11 PGD items demonstrated good internal consistency and temporal stability. Associations between disturbed grief symptoms and posttraumatic stress and depression levels supported convergent validity. Associations between demographic/loss-related variables and disturbed grief symptoms supported known-groups validity. Optimal clinical cut-offs for the TGI-SR+ total score were ≥ 75, ≥71, and ≥ 75 for probable caseness of DSM-5 PCBD, DSM-5-TR PGD, and ICD-11 PGD, respectively. Discussion: While replication of our findings in diverse bereaved samples is needed, we conclude that the TGI-SR+ is a reliable and valid measure to assess symptoms of DSM-5 PCBD, DSM-5-TR PGD, and ICD-11 PGD

    Development of Stresses in Cohesionless Poured Sand

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    The pressure distribution beneath a conical sandpile, created by pouring sand from a point source onto a rough rigid support, shows a pronounced minimum below the apex (`the dip'). Recent work of the authors has attempted to explain this phenomenon by invoking local rules for stress propagation that depend on the local geometry, and hence on the construction history, of the medium. We discuss the fundamental difference between such approaches, which lead to hyperbolic differential equations, and elastoplastic models, for which the equations are elliptic within any elastic zones present .... This displacement field appears to be either ill-defined, or defined relative to a reference state whose physical existence is in doubt. Insofar as their predictions depend on physical factors unknown and outside experimental control, such elastoplastic models predict that the observations should be intrinsically irreproducible .... Our hyperbolic models are based instead on a physical picture of the material, in which (a) the load is supported by a skeletal network of force chains ("stress paths") whose geometry depends on construction history; (b) this network is `fragile' or marginally stable, in a sense that we define. .... We point out that our hyperbolic models can nonetheless be reconciled with elastoplastic ideas by taking the limit of an extremely anisotropic yield condition.Comment: 25 pages, latex RS.tex with rspublic.sty, 7 figures in Rsfig.ps. Philosophical Transactions A, Royal Society, submitted 02/9

    Static avalanches and Giant stress fluctuations in Silos

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    We propose a simple model for arch formation in silos. We show that small pertubations (such as the thermal expansion of the beads) may lead to giant stress fluctuations on the bottom plate of the silo. The relative amplitude Δ\Delta of these fluctuations are found to be power-law distributed, as Δτ\Delta^{-\tau}, τ1.0\tau \simeq 1.0. These fluctuations are related to large scale `static avalanches', which correspond to long-range redistributions of stress paths within the silo.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures.p

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