33 research outputs found

    Transition absorption as a mechanism of surface photoelectron emission from metals

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    Transition absorption of electromagnetic field energy by an electron passing through a boundary between two media with different dielectric permittivities is considered both classically and quantum mechanically. It is shown that transition absorption can make a substantial contribution to the process of electron photoemission from metals due to the surface photoelectric effect.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Spontaneous hot-electron light emission from electron-fed optical antennas

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    Nanoscale electronics and photonics are among the most promising research areas providing functional nano-components for data transfer and signal processing. By adopting metal-based optical antennas as a disruptive technological vehicle, we demonstrate that these two device-generating technologies can be interfaced to create an electronically-driven self-emitting unit. This nanoscale plasmonic transmitter operates by injecting electrons in a contacted tunneling antenna feedgap. Under certain operating conditions, we show that the antenna enters a highly nonlinear regime in which the energy of the emitted photons exceeds the quantum limit imposed by the applied bias. We propose a model based upon the spontaneous emission of hot electrons that correctly reproduces the experimental findings. The electron-fed optical antennas described here are critical devices for interfacing electrons and photons, enabling thus the development of optical transceivers for on-chip wireless broadcasting of information at the nanoscale

    Coherent surface plasmon amplification through the dissipative instability of 2D direct current

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    Coherent surface plasmon amplification through the dissipative instability of 2D direct current

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    We propose an original concept for on-chip excitation and amplification of surface plasmon polaritons. Our approach, named nanoresotron, utilizes the collective effect of dissipative instability of a 2D direct current flowing in vicinity of a metal surface. The instability arises through the excitation of self-consistent plasma oscillations and results in the creation of a pair of collective surface electromagnetic modes in addition to conventional plasmon resonances. We derive the dispersion equations for these modes using self-consistent solutions of Maxwell’s and 2D hydrodynamics equations. We find that the phase velocities of these new collective modes are close to the drift velocity of 2D electrons. We demonstrate that the slow mode is amplified while the fast mode exhibits absorption. Estimates indicate that very high gain are attainable, which makes the nanoresotron a promising scheme to electrically excite and regenerate surface plasmon polaritons

    Effect of quantized conductivity on the anomalous photon emission radiated from atomic-size point contacts

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    International audienceWe observe anomalous visible to near-infrared electromagnetic emission from electrically driven atomicsize point contacts. We show that the number of photons released strongly depends on the quantized conductance steps of the contact. Counterintuitively, the light intensity features an exponential decay dependence with the injected electrical power. We propose an analytical model for the light emission considering an out-of-equilibrium electron distribution. We treat photon emission as a Bremsstrahlung process resulting from hot electrons colliding with the metal boundary, and find qualitative accord with the experimental data


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    Electrostatic Control over Optically Pumped Hot Electrons in Optical Gap Antennas

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    International audienceWe investigate the influence of a static electric field on the incoherent nonlinear response of an unloaded electrically contacted nanoscale optical gap antenna. Upon excitation by a tightly focused near-infrared femtosecond laser beam, a transient elevated temperature of the electronic distribution results in a broadband emission of nonlinear photoluminescence (N-PL). We demonstrate a modulation of the yield at which driving photons are frequency up-converted by means of an external control of the electronic surface charge density. We show that the electron temperature and consequently the N-PL intensity can be enhanced or reduced depending on the command polarity and the strength of the control static field. A modulation depth larger than 100% is observed for activation voltages of a few volts