50 research outputs found

    Діалогізм як умова реалізації свободи в іудаїзмі

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    У статті розглядається проблема співвідношення феномена свободи з такою формою реалізації людської екзистенції, як діалог. Для іудаїзму виявами діалогу на рівні розкриття зв'язку "Я" з "абсолютним Ти" є молитва та пророцтво. Автор доводить, що ці форми діалогу у свій власний спосіб виявляють механізми актуалізації індивідуальної та колективної свободи. Метою свободи виступає повнота розкриття призначення існування людини та людства у світі.In the article examines the problem of comparing the phenomenon of freedom with a form of human realization of existence, such as dialog. For Judaism, prayer and prophecy are the opening to the connection of "I" and the absolute "You". These forms of dialog, in their own way, appear to be mechanisms of the actualization of individual and collective freedom. The goal of this freedom appears to be the full understanding of the purpose of man and humanity in the world

    Biobased materialen, circulaire economie en natuurlijk kapitaal

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    This preliminary study investigates the amount of biomass that would be needed in the Netherlands to replace the fossil raw materials used in the manufacture of plastics and how this transition to biobased plastics can be achieved. It is based on desk research and calculations of the area of agricultural land that would be needed to produce sufficient biobased material to meet Dutch demand for biobased plastics. In addition, interviews were held with experts on the institutional obstacles to such a transition. Far too little agricultural land is available in the Netherlands to produce the required amount of biomass needed to replace fossil plastics. Research with the aim of increasing the contribution made by biobased materials to the circular economy should focus on assessing the options for producing sustainable raw materials and on a comprehensive assessment of the sustainable use of biomass in various applications

    Toolkit for a systems analysis framework of the EU bioeconomy : overview of WP2 in the EU FP 7 SAT-BBE project: systems analysis tools framework for the EU Bio-Based Economy Strategy

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    The objective of the SAT-BBE project is to describe, monitor and model the bioeconomy part of the economic system, by the development of an appropriate conceptual toolkit. In WP1, the concepts of bioeconomy and non-bioeconomy sectors have been defined, the major interactions and feedback effects between the bioeconomy and other parts of the system have been identified and analysed. Also, the likely impacts and trade-offs of the bioeconomy drivers (e.g. economic growth, climate change) have been studied. On its turn, the objective of WP 2 in the SAT-BBE project is to provide an inventory of tools for evaluation and monitoring the EU bioeconomy, according to the data bases required, the indicators available, and the quantitative and qualitative models currently used or under development

    Macro-economic Impact Study for Bio-based Malaysia

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    This Macro-economic Impact Study (MES) provides quantitative insights into the macro-economic effects of introducing green, palmbased alternatives for electricity, fuels, chemicals and materials industries in Malaysia between now and 2030

    The relationship between bioeconomy sectors and the rest of the economy

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    Deliverable 1.1 of the EU FP 7 SAT-BBE project Systems Analysis Tools Framework for the EU Bio-Based Economy Strateg

    Biofuels, greenhouse gases and climate change. A review

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    Biobrandstoffen? Vooral doorgaan

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    De wereldvoedselprijzen stijgen door de teelt van gewassen voor de productie van vloeibare biobrandstoffen. Stichting Natuur en Milieu wil daarom stoppen met het stimuleren daarvan. Een erg ongenuanceerde reactie, vindt Edward Smeets, die in mei promoveert op een onderzoek naar de duurzame productie van bio-energie. "Als grondstof voor de huidige zogenoemde eerstegeneratiebiobrandstoffen worden onder meer koolzaad, maïs en palmfruit gebruikt. De sterk groeiende vraag naar deze gewassen kan inderdaad leiden tot concurrentie met de teelt van voedselgewassen en een stijging van de voedselprijzen als gevolg hebben. De toenemende welvaart in landen als China en India heeft echter een veel grotere impact. Een andere belangrijke oorzaak voor de prijsstijgingen zijn de tegenvallende oogsten in West-Afrika en Australië. Biobrandstof is zeker niet de hoofdoorzaak van de gestegen voedselprijzen.

    Possibilities and limitations for sustainable bioenergy production systems

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    The focus of this thesis is on the possibilities and limitations of sustainable bioenergy production systems. First, the potential contribution of bioenergy to the energy supply in different world regions in the year 2050 from different biomass sources (dedicated woody energy crops, residues and waste and biomass from forest growth) is analysed. The results show that particularly the potential of dedicated crops produced on land that is no longer required for the production of food can be very large in various world regions. However, a reduction of the area of agricultural that is needed to cover the demand for food requires substantial increases in the efficiency with which food is being produced through the application of state-of-the-art technologies, which are not realistic considering current socio-economic trends. Next, the possibilities and limitations of a certified production of short rotation coppice in Brazil and Ukraine and ethanol from sugar cane in Brazil are investigated. Compliance with sustainability criteria may require changes in the management of energy crop production or in the operation of processing plants that may limit the potential or increase the costs of bioenergy. Potential bottlenecks are the impacts on biodiversity and food security, because of the increase of the area of land used for the production of energy crops. Genetically modified sugar cane is currently being developed, but not (yet) applied. Both a ban on and an allowance of the use of genetically modified cane could become a bottleneck, considering the potentially large advantages as well as disadvantages involved. Both are highly uncertain at this moment. Compliance with most other environmental and socio-economic criteria can be guaranteed at limited additional costs and using existing certification systems. Further, special attention has been paid to the impact of fertilizer- and manure-induced nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from energy crop production on the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions when replacing conventional transportation fuels by first-generation biofuels (taking into account also other GHG emissions across the life cycle) is analysed. The results show that N2O emissions can be very important for the GHG balance of biofuels depending, amongst others, on the type of land use that is replaced by energy crops. Finally, the economic performance and environmental performance of switchgrass and miscanthus production chains in the European Union are analysed. The results show that miscanthus and switchgrass have a favourable and robust greenhouse gas and energy balance compared to oil and natural gas. Miscanthus and switchgrass can be produced in East Europe at competitive costs compared to fossil fuels. Also the impacts on biodiversity can be favourable, provided that attention is paid to the harvest regime and the size and location relative to existing areas of natural vegetation

    Biobrandstoffen? Vooral doorgaan

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    De wereldvoedselprijzen stijgen door de teelt van gewassen voor de productie van vloeibare biobrandstoffen. Stichting Natuur en Milieu wil daarom stoppen met het stimuleren daarvan. Een erg ongenuanceerde reactie, vindt Edward Smeets, die in mei promoveert op een onderzoek naar de duurzame productie van bio-energie. "Als grondstof voor de huidige zogenoemde eerstegeneratiebiobrandstoffen worden onder meer koolzaad, maïs en palmfruit gebruikt. De sterk groeiende vraag naar deze gewassen kan inderdaad leiden tot concurrentie met de teelt van voedselgewassen en een stijging van de voedselprijzen als gevolg hebben. De toenemende welvaart in landen als China en India heeft echter een veel grotere impact. Een andere belangrijke oorzaak voor de prijsstijgingen zijn de tegenvallende oogsten in West-Afrika en Australië. Biobrandstof is zeker niet de hoofdoorzaak van de gestegen voedselprijzen.