42 research outputs found

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    GeneriekTeresa Patricio, Jose Maria Rubio en Pierre Smars De woning Hankar (met nota over de tuin door Herman Van den Bossche). [The Hankar House at Brussels.]Op nog maar luttele maanden van de honderdste verjaardag van het mythisch dubbel Art Nouveau-manifest van Victor Horta èn Paul Hankar, vraagt precies het eigen woonhuis van deze laatste beangstigd om een tweede levenskans.Nauwgezet speurwerk liet Teresa Patricio, Jose Maria Rubio en Pierre Smars alvast toe de onverhoopte bewaringstoestand èn onthullende kwaliteiten van dit cult-huis te onderkennen.Hun suggestie tot restauratie van essentieel geachte ruimten grijpt ongetwijfeld een zeldzame kans aan om het schaarse nog bewaard gebleven oeuvre van Hankar ook daadwerkelijk te rehabiliteren.Ludo Meesters De heuvelrug tussen Herentals en Kasterlee. [The range of hills between Herentals and Kasterlee.]Toponiemen als Kruisberg, Bosbergen, Galgenberg, Langenberg of Hoge Berg lijken niet meteen te verwijzen naar een karakteristiek Vlaams landschap, ook al blijken ze beperkt tot kleine oneffenheden van een uitgestrekte heuvelrug langsheen de Kleine Nete. Een omvangrijk landduincomplex en suggestieve plaatsnamen als Snepkensvijlver, Schoutenheide, Lavendelven, Koningsbos of Goor Akkers wijzen hoe dan ook ondubbelzinnig op de aanwezige troeven voor de oprichting van een regionaal landschapspark. Aldus althans Ludo Meesters, die met concrete beschermings- en beheersvoorstellen plant, mens en dier op vreedzame wijze op deze plek ziet cohabiteren.Maurits Timperman en Miek Goossens m.m.v. Marc Vandendries Huize Rutsaert in Veurne (met nota over Het onderzoek naar de originele polychromie door M. Buyle). [The Rutsaert House in Veurne.]Samen met zovele \u27onnuttige\u27 lotgenoten zou ook het witte nonnenklooster te Veurne op last van Jozef II in 1783 de deuren sluiten.Vrijwel meteen omgebouwd tot een merkwaardige staalkaart van Frans classicisme, zou Huize-Rutsaert niet enkel haar verleden niet totaal verloochenen, maar voortaan een markante opeenvolging van bewoners kennen.Naar aanleiding van de gevelrestauratie gaat historicus Maurits Timperman hier, samen met Miek Goossens en Marc Vandendries, nader op in.SummaryM&L Binnenkran


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    The paper presents open source software tools developed by the author to facilitate in-situ documentation of architectural and archæological heritage. The design choices are exposed and related to a general issue in conservation and documentation: taking decisions about a valuable object under threat . The questions of level of objectivity is central to the three steps of this process. It is our belief that in-situ documentation has to be favoured in this demanding context, full of potential discoveries. The very powerful surveying techniques in rapid development nowadays enhance our vision but often tend to bring back a critical part of the documentation process to the office. The software presented facilitate a direct treatment of the data on the site. Emphasis is given to flexibility, interoperability and simplicity. Key features of the software are listed and illustrated with examples (3D model of Gothic vaults, analysis of the shape of a column, deformation of a wall, direct interaction with AutoCAD)

    Geometry and Construction Techniques of Gothic Vaults in Brabant (Belgium)

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    Controlled intervention: monitoring the dismantlement and reconstruction of the flying buttresses of two Gothic churches

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    This study on controlled intervention focuses on the interest of monitoring during structural interventions on historical constructions. In addition to being a mechanism for control or validation of the intervention, in some cases, an adequate monitoring system can be a prerequisite for the execution of complex structural interventions. In this contribution, the methodology of controlled intervention is applied on the dismantlement and reconstruction of flying buttresses and illustrated with two case studies. In one case, the St. James Church in Leuven, the monitoring process governs the intervention. For the other case, the Church of Our Lady in Laken, monitoring data are used to control and validate the design of the intervention measures. In both cases, thanks to the monitoring systems, the dismantlement was controlled in real-time and the disturbance to the structure could be kept to a minimum. © 2012 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.status: publishe

    Church of Saint-James at leuven (B) - Structural Assessment and Consolidation Measures

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    The construction of the church dates back from 1220. During several subsequent building phases, the wooden roofs in the central and side naves were replaced with masonry vaults, and flying buttresses were added. The structure itself is located on a former swamp, resulting in large differential settlements. In the past, restoration works took place. However, due to the excessive cracks observed, it was decided in 1963 to close the church for service, to remove the severely cracked masonry vaults of the side naves and to shore up the pillars of the main nave. Additionally, in 2000, the remaining flying buttresses were removed and replaced by tie-rods. The focus of this paper is on the structural understanding of this historical building, to determine the most appropriate strengthening and consolidation measures, respecting the au-thenticity of the building and preserving it for the future.status: publishe

    Activity and composition of ammonia oxidizing bacterial communities and emission dynamics of NH3 and N2O in a compost reactor treating organic household waste

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    To monitor emissions of NH3 and N2O during composting and link these to ammonia oxidation rates and the community structure of ammonia oxidizing bacteria (AOB). A laboratory-scale compost reactor treating organic household waste was run for 2 months. NH3 emissions peaked when pH started to increase. Small amounts of N2O and CH4 were also produced. In total, 16% and less than 1% of the initial N was lost as NH3-N and N2O-N respectively. The potential ammonia oxidation rate, determined by a chlorate inhibition assay, increased fourfold during the first 9 days and then remained high. Initially, both Nitrosospira and Nitrosomonas populations were detected using DGGE analysis of AOB specific 16S rRNA fragments. Only Nitrosomonas europaea was detected under thermophilic conditions, but Nitrosospira populations re-established during the cooling phase. Thermophilic conditions favoured high potential ammonia oxidation rates, suggesting that ammonia oxidation contributed to reduced NH3 emissions. Small but significant amounts of N2O were emitted during the thermophilic phase. The significance of different AOBs detected in the compost for ammonia oxidation is not clear. This study shows that ammonia oxidation occurs at high temperature composting and therefore most likely reduces NH3 emissions