70 research outputs found

    Effect of streptomycin on the stoichiometry of GTP hydrolysis in a poly(U)-dependent cell-free translation system

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    AbstractThe technique of Sepharose-bound template translation has been used to estimate the stoichiometry of GTP hydrolysis during peptide elongation in the presence of streptomycin. The presence of streptomycin has been shown to have no great effect on the elongation rate and the stoichiometry of GTP hydrolysis during codonspecific peptide elongation in the poly(U)-directed translation system: the molar ratio of hydrolysed GTP to incorporated phenylalanine was about 2. At the same time streptomycin exerted a significant effect during misreading when a ribosome-bound peptide in the poly(U)-programmed system was elongated by leucine or isoleucine residues: the miselongation was stimulated and hence the ratio of hydrolysed GTP per peptide bond was strongly reduced, as compared with the excessive GTP hydrolysis which is characteristic of the misreading system in the absence of streptomycin [(1984) FEBS Lett. 178, 283-287]. The conclusion has been made that streptomycin blocks the stage of correction (‘proof-reading’) following GTP hydrolysis during EF-Tu-dependent aminoacyl-tRNA binding

    Breeding of "Aikol" strain sheep

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    Low-productive Kyrgyz fine-wool, fine- coarse-wool hybrids and local coarse-wool sheep have been interbred with Gissar breed sheep in Aikol cooperative. The Aikol meat-greasy pedigree group was created as a result of this work. The lambs of “Aikol” strain grow faster than the local lambs. Their birth weight is 4,5-5,0 kg. The weight of 4 months old lamb is 32-34 kg, an 18 months old young sheep is 76-78 kg, while the mature ram is 110-157 kg, and the weight of the ewe is 56-64 kg according to the age. The breeding capacity of “Aikol” strain sheep is more productive in meat-fat and the ewe is better milker than the local sheep. They also possess good meat-grease quality and enable producing cheap and pollutionfree mutton and fat-tailed bacon

    Production Strategies of Livestock Herders in the Grasslands of Kazakhstan: Implications for the Marketing of Fine Fibres

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    Goat populations have been rising in Kazakhstan over the past ten years since independence and goats are preferred by farmers trying to restock. Quality of cashmere production is the key to profitable and sustainable sales to world markets for this luxury good. However, Kazakhstan did not develop a cashmere industry in the Soviet period so today goats are sheared rather than combed and little profit is made from cashmere. Goats, as well as sheep and camels are currently multi-purpose animals providing income from sales of animals, cashmere, milk and meat. This will change as the terms of trade change for high quality cashmere and households comb for fine down

    Thermodynamics of integrated deoxidation of steel with a new alloy of aluminum-silicum-manganese (Al - Si - Mn)

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    The article considers the issue of using a complex alloy of aluminosilicomanganese as a deoxidizer. The value of the Wagner parameter of steel interaction - silicon, aluminum, manganese and concentration in the liquid, were associated with their activity in the metal. A certain consumption of the deoxidizer - aluminosilicomanganese per ton of liquid steel to improve the residual oxygen content in the metal. Possible generators of non-metallic inclusions are established

    Elongation determination using finite element and boundary element method

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    This paper presents an application of the finite element method and boundary element method to determine the distribution of the elongation. Computer simulations were performed using the computation of numerical algorithms according to a mathematical structure of the model and taking into account the values of all other elements of the fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensor. Experimental studies were confirmed by elongation measurement system using one uniform FBG

    Development of carbon ferrochrome smelting technology using high-ash coal

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    This article presents the results of experimental tests using coal from the Saryadyr deposit as a reducing agent for the smelting of carbonaceous ferrochrome. Large-scale laboratory tests were carried out on the smelting of carbonaceous ferrochrome in an ore-thermal furnace with a capacity of 200 kV · A. X-ray diffraction analysis of the obtained alloy and slag on a diffractometer was carried out. The presence of forsterite 2MgO·SiO2 and magnesitochromite Cr2Fe0,2Mg0,8O4 in the slag was revealed, as well as the FeCr compound and the absence of silicide compounds. The optimal percentage of replacing traditional coke with coal up to 30% (by weight) has been found, which can significantly reduce the specific consumption of quartzite in the charge

    The possibility of involvement in ferroalloy conversion of nickel ores of Kazakhstan

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    The article considers the method of using substandard oxidized nickel ores of the Batamsha deposit and their suitability for sintering. Laboratory studies on the agglomeration of domestic nickel ores with different reducing agents were carried out for the metallurgical evaluation of nickel ores. Agglomeration was carried out according to standard technology, the layer height averaged 24 cm. The agglomeration process proceeded intensively at a discharge of 1100 - 1200 mm Hg, the sintering temperature of which reached over 1200°C. To improve the mechanical properties of the obtained agglomerates, it is necessary to continue research with a change in the composition of charge materials and a metallurgical assessment with the smelting of nickel-containing intermediates

    Cashmere Marketing is a New Income Source for Central Asian Livestock Farmers

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    Some indigenous goats in the Central Asian republics of Kazakstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan produce good quality cashmere (Millar 1986). International processors have recently been buying this cashmere. (Kerven et al., 2005), but Central Asian producers are not equipped to take full advantage of these new marketing opportunities. The U.S. AID Global Livestock-Collaborative Research Support Program project, Developing Institutions and capacity for sheep and fiber marketing in Central Asia is working to increase the income of small-scale livestock farmers through improved cashmere marketing

    Crummer SunTrust Portfolio Recommendations: Crummer Investment Management [2014]

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    On balance, we believe the market will move modestly higher in the short-term. As we believe the economy is still recovering, we recommend over weighting the portfolio in cyclical sectors and underweighting countercyclical sectors. Like all soothsayers, we can only hope our glass is half‐full

    Approaches to evaluating the quality of masking noise interference

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    The paper discusses the characteristics of spatial electromagnetic noise generators, as well as the formation of a broadband noise signal. A number of well-known methods for assessing the quality of masking noise interference and the approaches used in them have been described. Approaches to the measurement of masking noise were also determined in assessing their quality. In conclusion, additional methods are proposed for assessing the quality of masking noises, such as searching for correlation of noise in different frequency sub-bands and using statistical and (or) graphical methods (tests) for randomness