432 research outputs found

    Nickel superalloys in the aerospace industry

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    Import 05/08/2014Tato bakalářská práce pojednává o vysoce legovaných materiálech na bázi niklu tzv. superslitinách. Jejím cílem bylo popsat chemické složení, typ přítomných fází, zpevňující mechanizmy a procesy ovlivňující jejich životnost. V experimentální části se zabývá studiem superslitiny Inconel 625. U slitiny byla po naleptání kovu v základním stavu zkoumána struktura. Mikrostrukturní analýza byla provedena s využitím světelného mikroskopu.This bachelor's thesis discusses high-alloy materials for nickel-based superalloys called. Its aim was to describe the chemical composition, type of phases present, strengthening mechanisms and processes that affect their life. In the experimental part deals with the study of superalloy Inconel 625. The alloy was after etching metal in the ground state structure studied. Microstructural analysis was performed using a light microscope.636 - Katedra materiálového inženýrstvívelmi dobř

    Excessive internet use by young Europeans: psychological vulnerability and digital literacy?

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    This paper combines clinical-psychological and digital literacy frameworks to shed new light on explanations for excessive Internet use (EIU). The combination of these opposing approaches leads to a more comprehensive explanation of intense use with negative outcomes. A survey with a random sample of 18,709 Internet-using children between 11 and 16 years old was carried out in 25 European countries. The study shows that there are interactional and indirect relationships between psychological and digital literacy variables and EIU. Psychologically vulnerable children with higher levels of digital engagement have the most negative outcomes while the least at risk are non-vulnerable children with high levels of literacy (interactional relationship). In reality, psychologically vulnerable children’s risk of negative outcomes is exacerbated by their tendency to spend more time online but countered by their lower literacy levels (contradicting direct and indirect relationships). Among those who are not vulnerable, digital literacy is weakly related to negative outcomes. The implications of these results for future research are that explanations for EIU should incorporate psychological and digital literacy indicators. Practical implications are that clinical psychologists working with EIU should consider digital literacy in developing interventions and that digital inclusion interventions should consider the potential negative impact of increased Internet use on vulnerable young people. This paper’s original contribution lies in showing that whether intense Internet use is related to negative outcomes depends on the psychological characteristics of the child

    Wichtige geschichtliche Ereignisse, die die Stellung der Katholischen Kirche und jetzige Lage des Religionsunterrichts in der Tschechischen Republik beinflussen

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    Sadašnje stanje Katoličke crkve i katoličkog vjeronauka u školi u Republici Češkoj još uvijek je pod utjecajem važnih povijesnih događaja. Među njih svakako valja ubrojiti spaljivanje Jana Husa (1415), bitku kod Bijele gore nedaleko od Praga (1620), vladavinu Habsburgovaca i razdoblje komunističkoga totalitarnog režima. Danas je broj katolika u Republici Češkoj malen, pa je prema tome malen i broj učenika koji pohađaju katolički vjeronauk u javnoj školi. Vjeroučitelji laici se formiraju na teološkim učilištima, a nerijetko imaju i drugu profesiju.The current situation of the Catholic Church and Catholic religious education in schools in the Czech Republic is still under the influence of important historical events. Among them is certainly the burning of Jan Hus (1415), the Battle of White Hill near Prague (1620), the rule of the Habsburgs and the period of communist totalitarian rule. Today, the number of Catholics in the Czech Republic is small, and consequently a small number of students attend Catholic religious education in public schools. Lay RE teachers are formed at the theological seminary, and often have a second profession.Die jetzige Situation der Katholischen Kirche und des katholischen Religionsunterrichts in der Tschechischen Republik sind noch immer unter dem Einfluss wichtiger geschichtlichen Ereignisse. Dazu zählen vor allem Verbrennung des Jan Hus (1415), die Schlacht auf dem Weissen Berg unweit von Prag (1620), die Habsburger- Herrschaft wie auch der Zeitraum der kommunistischen totalitären Herrschaft. Heute ist die Anzahl der Katholiken in der Tschechischen Republik klein, demzufolge ist auch die Anzahl der Schüler klein, die den katholischen Religonsunterricht in der Schule besuchen. Die Religionslehrer, die Laien, werden an den theologischen Lehranstalten formiert, nicht selten haben die auch eine andere Profession

    Excessive Internet Use Among Australian Children

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    This brief report builds upon the findings of the EU Kids Online project’s work into Excessive Internet Use among the 19,834 European children (aged 11-16) participating in that study. It compares the European data with the much smaller cohort of 300 Australian children (aged 11-16) who were researched in the parallel AU Kids Online project. In both cases the children were selected according to a random sampling strategy. The full EU Kids Online report includes the research methodology and can be accessed via: http://www2.lse.ac.uk/media@lse/research/EUKidsOnline/EU%20Kids%20II%20(2009- 11)/EUKidsOnlineIIReports/D4FullFindings.pdf The full AU Kids Online report can be accessed via: http://cultural-science.org/journal/index.php/culturalscience/article/view/49/129 The EU Kids Online Excessive Internet Use report can be found at http://www2.lse.ac.uk/media@lse/research/EUKidsOnline/EU%20Kids%20Online%20report s.aspx Its authors are David Šmahel (Masaryk University, Czech Republic); Ellen Helsper (London School of Economics, UK); Lelia Green (Edith Cowan University, Australia); Veronika Kalmus (University of Tartu, Estonia); Lukas Blinka (Masaryk University, Czech Republic) and Kjartan Ólafsson (University of Akureyri, Iceland and Masaryk University, Czech Republic). The EU Kids Online Excessive Internet Report builds upon the work of the ‘EU Kids Online’ network funded by the EC (DG Information Society) Safer Internet plus Programme (project code SIP-KEP-321803); see www.eukidsonline.net. The parallel Australian research is funded by the ARC Centre of Excellence for Creative Industries and Innovation. This report draws upon the EU Kids Online Excessive Internet Use report, and upon the research of the authors acknowledged above

    Implementation, Preservation and Improvement of the Quality Management System in a Selected Testing Laboratory According to ČSN EN ISO/IEC 17025: 2018 Standard

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    Tato diplomová práce se zabývá implementací normy ČSN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018 na pracovišti 3D měření ve společnosti Hella Mohelnice. Hlavním záměrem bylo popsat změny nutné pro vytvoření vhodných podmínek, které vedly k úspěšnému zvládnutí akreditace. Práce je rozdělena do dvou částí. V první teoretické části je čtenářovi přiblížena norma ČSN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018 a její struktura. Dále pak výhody její implementace a proces akreditace. Poté následuje kapitola s názvem management rizik, která analyzuje možná rizika s využitím různých metod a technik prevence rizik vedoucí k jejich eliminaci. Praktická část je zaměřená na popis pracoviště 3D měření a jeho přeměnu v závislosti na implementaci požadavků normy ČSN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018. Mezi hlavní body tohoto oddílu patří řízení rizik týkající se nestrannosti, určení velikosti nejistoty měření v případě souřadnicového měřícího stroje, nastavení procesu zlepšování a celkové náklady na akreditaci dle normy ČSN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018.This thesis deals with the implementation of ČSN EN ISO / IEC 17025:2018 in the workplace of 3D measurements in Hella Mohelnice company. The main intention was describing the changes for creating of the suitable conditions that lead to successful management of accreditation. The thesis is divided into two parts. The first theoretical part is introducing ČSN EN ISO / IEC 17025:2018 and its structure. Furthermore, the benefits of its implementation and the accreditation process. Other chapter describes risk management, which analyzes the possible risks using various methods and techniques of risk prevention leading to their elimination. The practical part is focused for the description of the 3D measurement workplace and its transformation depending on the implementation of the requirements of ČSN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018. The main points of this section include risk management related to impartiality, determining the magnitude of SMS uncertainty, improvement process and total costs of accreditation according to ČSN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018.639 - Katedra managementu kvalityvelmi dobř

    Wichtige geschichtliche Ereignisse, die die Stellung der Katholischen Kirche und jetzige Lage des Religionsunterrichts in der Tschechischen Republik beinflussen

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    Sadašnje stanje Katoličke crkve i katoličkog vjeronauka u školi u Republici Češkoj još uvijek je pod utjecajem važnih povijesnih događaja. Među njih svakako valja ubrojiti spaljivanje Jana Husa (1415), bitku kod Bijele gore nedaleko od Praga (1620), vladavinu Habsburgovaca i razdoblje komunističkoga totalitarnog režima. Danas je broj katolika u Republici Češkoj malen, pa je prema tome malen i broj učenika koji pohađaju katolički vjeronauk u javnoj školi. Vjeroučitelji laici se formiraju na teološkim učilištima, a nerijetko imaju i drugu profesiju.The current situation of the Catholic Church and Catholic religious education in schools in the Czech Republic is still under the influence of important historical events. Among them is certainly the burning of Jan Hus (1415), the Battle of White Hill near Prague (1620), the rule of the Habsburgs and the period of communist totalitarian rule. Today, the number of Catholics in the Czech Republic is small, and consequently a small number of students attend Catholic religious education in public schools. Lay RE teachers are formed at the theological seminary, and often have a second profession.Die jetzige Situation der Katholischen Kirche und des katholischen Religionsunterrichts in der Tschechischen Republik sind noch immer unter dem Einfluss wichtiger geschichtlichen Ereignisse. Dazu zählen vor allem Verbrennung des Jan Hus (1415), die Schlacht auf dem Weissen Berg unweit von Prag (1620), die Habsburger- Herrschaft wie auch der Zeitraum der kommunistischen totalitären Herrschaft. Heute ist die Anzahl der Katholiken in der Tschechischen Republik klein, demzufolge ist auch die Anzahl der Schüler klein, die den katholischen Religonsunterricht in der Schule besuchen. Die Religionslehrer, die Laien, werden an den theologischen Lehranstalten formiert, nicht selten haben die auch eine andere Profession

    Increased risk of traffic accidents in subjects with latent toxoplasmosis: a retrospective case-control study

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    BACKGROUND: The parasite Toxoplasma gondii infects 30–60% of humans worldwide. Latent toxoplasmosis, i.e., the life-long presence of Toxoplasma cysts in neural and muscular tissues, leads to prolongation of reaction times in infected subjects. It is not known, however, whether the changes observed in the laboratory influence the performance of subjects in real-life situations. METHODS: The seroprevalence of latent toxoplasmosis in subjects involved in traffic accidents (N = 146) and in the general population living in the same area (N = 446) was compared by a Mantel-Haenszel test for age-stratified data. Correlation between relative risk of traffic accidents and level of anti-Toxoplasma antibody titre was evaluated with the Cochran-Armitage test for trends. RESULTS: A higher seroprevalence was found in the traffic accident set than in the general population (Chi(2)(MH) = 21.45, p < 0.0001). The value of the odds ratio (OR) suggests that subjects with latent toxoplasmosis had a 2.65 (C.I.(95)= 1.76–4.01) times higher risk of an accident than the toxoplasmosis-negative subjects. The OR significantly increased with level of anti-Toxoplasma antibody titre (p < 0.0001), being low (OR = 1.86, C.I.(95) = 1.14–3.03) for the 99 subjects with low antibody titres (8 and 16), higher (OR = 4.78, C.I.(95) = 2.39–9.59) for the 37 subjects with moderate titres (32 and 64), and very high (OR = 16.03, C.I.(95) = 1.89–135.66) for the 6 subjects with titres higher than 64. CONCLUSION: The subjects with latent toxoplasmosis have significantly increased risk of traffic accidents than the noninfected subjects. Relative risk of traffic accidents decreases with the duration of infection. These results suggest that 'asymptomatic' acquired toxoplasmosis might in fact represent a serious and highly underestimated public health problem, as well as an economic problem