1,636 research outputs found

    Separating the Opposing Effects of Bilateral Tax Treaties

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    Bilateral tax treaties (BTT) are intended to promote foreign direct investment and foreign affiliate activity through double taxation relief. However, BTTs also typically contain provisions that facilitate sharing of tax information between countries intended to curtail tax avoidance by multinational firms. These provisions should disproportionately affect firms that intensively use inputs for which an arms-length price is easily observed, since strategic transfer practices that manipulate tax liabilities are no longer effective with information sharing between countries. Using BEA firm-level data we are able to separately estimate the impacts of double-taxation relief and sharing of tax information on investment behavior of US multinational firms. We find a significant positive effect of new tax treaties on foreign affiliate activity between member nations that is offset (and even reversed) the more a firm relies on inputs traded on an organized exchange (i.e., inputs for which the arms-length price is easily observed). We find these opposing BTT effects for both the intensive margin (sales of existing affiliates) and the extensive margin (entry of new affiliates).

    Monitoring climate change and child health: The case for putting children in all policies

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    Climate change is threatening the health of current and future generations of children. The most recent evidence from the Lancet Countdown: Tracking Progress on Health and Climate Change finds declining trends in yield potential of major crops, rising heatwave exposures, and increasing climate suitability for the transmission of infectious diseases, putting at risk the health and wellbeing of children around the world. However, if children are considered at the core of planning and implementation, the policy responses to climate change could yield enormous benefits for the health and wellbeing of children throughout their lives. Child health professionals have a role to play in ensuring this, with the beneficiaries of their involvement ranging from the individual child to the global community. The newly established Children in All Policies 2030 initiative will work with the Lancet Countdown to provide the evidence on the climate change responses necessary to protect and promote the health of children

    Effect of egg turning and incubation time on carbonic anhydrase gene expression in the blastoderm of the Japanese quail (Coturnix c. japonica)

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    (1) The gene expression of carbonic anhydrase, a key enzyme for the production sub-embryonic fluid (SEF), was assessed in turned and unturned eggs of the Japanese quail. The plasma membrane-associated isoforms CA IV, CAIX, CA XII, CA XIV, and the cytoplasmic isoform CA II, were investigated in the extra-embryonic tissue of the blastoderm and in embryonic blood. (2) Eggs were incubated at 37.6C, c. 60% R.H., and turned hourly (90 ) or left unturned. From 48 to 96 hours of incubation mRNA was extracted from blastoderm tissue, reverse-transcribed to cDNA and quantified by real-time qPCR using gene-specific primers. Blood collected at 96h was processed identically. (3) Blastoderm CAIV gene expression increased with the period of incubation only in turned eggs, with maxima at 84 and 96h of incubation. Only very low levels were found in blood. (4) Blastoderm CA II gene expression was greatest at 48 and 54h of incubation, subsequently declining to much lower levels and una ected by turning. Blood CA II gene expression was about 25-fold greater than that in the blastoderm. (5) The expression of CA IX in the blastoderm was the highest of all isoforms, yet unaffected by turning. CA XII did not amplify and CA XIV was present at unquantifiable low levels. (6) It is concluded that solely gene expression for CA IV is sensitive to egg turning, and that increased CA IV gene expression could account for the additional SEF mass found at 84-96h of incubation. in embryos of turned eggs

    Campylobacter infection and household factors are associated with childhood growth in urban Bangladesh : an analysis of the MAL-ED study

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    The dual burden of enteric infection and childhood malnutrition continues to be a global health concern and a leading cause of morbidity and death among children. Campylobacter infection, in particular, is highly prevalent in low- and middle-income countries, including Bangladesh. We examined longitudinal data to evaluate the trajectories of change in child growth, and to identify associations with Campylobacter infection and household factors. The study analyzed data from 265 children participating in the MAL-ED Study in Mirpur, Bangladesh. We applied latent growth curve modelling to evaluate the trajectories of change in children’s height, as measured by length-for-age z-score (LAZ), from age 0–24 months. Asymptomatic and symptomatic Campylobacter infections were included as 3- and 6-month lagged time-varying covariates, while household risk factors were included as time-invariant covariates. Maternal height and birth order were positively associated with LAZ at birth. An inverse association was found between increasing age and LAZ. Campylobacter infection prevalence increased with age, with over 70% of children 18–24 months of age testing positive for infection. In the final model, Campylobacter infection in the preceding 3-month interval was negatively associated with LAZ at 12, 15, and 18 months of age; similarly, infection in the preceding 6-month interval was negatively associated with LAZ at 15, 18, and 21 months of age. Duration of antibiotic use and access to treated drinking water were negatively associated with Campylobacter infection, with the strength of the latter effect increasing with children’s age. Campylobacter infection had a significant negative effect on child’s growth and this effect was most powerful between 12 and 21 months. The treatment of drinking water and increased antibiotic use have a positive indirect effect on linear child growth trajectory, acting via their association with Campylobacter infection

    Changes in Youth Cigarette Use Following the Dismantling of an Antitobacco Media Campaign in Florida

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    We examined the association of the termination of a successful youth-targeted antitobacco media campaign ("truth") and changes in smoking rates among youths aged 12-17 years in Florida. Six telephone-based surveys were completed during the active media campaign (1998-2001), and 2 postcampaign surveys were completed in 2004 and 2006 (each n ~1,800). Prevalence of current smoking among youth observed during the campaign continued to decrease in the first postcampaign survey; however, by the second follow-up survey, youth smoking rates had increased significantly for youth aged 16 years or older. Our findings support the need for consistent antitobacco messaging to reduce the prevalence of youth smoking

    The p110α and p110β Isoforms of Class I Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase Are Involved in Toll-Like Receptor 5 Signaling in Epithelial Cells

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    Background. Bacterial flagellin triggers inflammation in mammalian cells via Toll-like receptor (TLR) 5. Release of the chemokine IL-8 in response to flagellin involves NF-κB, p38 MAP kinase, and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K). However, PI3K has been reported to be either pro- or anti-inflammatory in different model systems. We hypothesized that this could be due to different activities of the p110α and β isoforms of PI3K. Results. PI3K and Akt were rapidly activated in Caco-2 colon carcinoma cells by flagellin. Using a plasmid-based shRNA delivery system and novel p110 isoform-specific inhibitors, we found that flagellin-induced IL-8 production was dependent on both p110α and p110β. However in the mouse, inhibition of p110β but not p110α reduced the increase of serum IL-6 levels induced by intraperitoneal injection of flagellin. Conclusions. These data demonstrate that the p110α and β isoforms of class IA PI3K are both required for the proinflammatory response to flagellin

    Respiratory impedance in healthy unsedated South African infants: Effects of maternal smoking

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    Background and objective: Non-invasive techniques for measuring lung mechanics in infants are needed for a better understanding of lung growth and function, and to study the effects of prenatal factors on subsequent lung growth in healthy infants. The forced oscillation technique requires minimal cooperation from the individual but has rarely been used in infants. The study aims to assess the use of the forced oscillation technique to measure the influence of antenatal exposures on respiratory mechanics in unsedated infants enrolled in a birth cohort study in Cape Town, South Africa. Methods: Healthy term infants were studied at 6–10 weeks of age using the forced oscillation technique. Respiratory impedance was measured in the frequency range 8–48 Hz via a face mask during natural sleep. Respiratory system resistance, compliance and inertance were calculated from the impedance spectra. Results: Of 177 infants tested, successful measurements were obtained in 164 (93%). Median (25–75%) values for resistance, compliance and inertance were 50.2 (39.5–60.6) cmH2O.s.L−1, 0.78 (0.61–0.99) mL.cmH2O−1 and 0.062 (0.050–0.086) cmH2O.s2.L−1, respectively. As a group, male infants had 16% higher resistance (P = 0.006) and 18% lower compliance (P  = 0.02) than females. Infants whose mothers smoked during pregnancy had a 19% lower compliance than infants not exposed to tobacco smoke during pregnancy (P = 0.005). Neither maternal HIV infection nor ethnicity had a significant effect on respiratory mechanics. Conclusions: The forced oscillation technique is sensitive enough to demonstrate the effects of tobacco smoke exposure and sex in respiratory mechanics in healthy infants. This technique will facilitate assessing perinatal influences of lung function in infancy