343 research outputs found

    The community of herbivorous arthropods as an indicator for biological control function in the Post Market Environmental Monitoring of the cultivation of stacked Bt maize

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    In field experiments on the potential impacts of the genetically engineered Bt maize events MON 810, MON 88017, and MON 89034 x MON 88017, data were gathered on a diverse range of non-target organisms (NTO). These experiments were performed at different trial locations since 2001.

Surveying herbivores serves two purposes: (i) to assess direct effects on these NTO, and (ii) indirectly analyse disturbances in the biological control function of natural enemies (Sanvido et al., 2009).

Herbivores of interest for this approach should be exposed to the Bt proteins, representative for the maize biocoenosis, and of considerable densities using standardised methods.
Plant bugs (Heteroptera: Miridae), plant- and leafhoppers (Auchenorrhyncha), and flowervisiting arthropods such as thrips (Thysanoptera) were chosen as potential canditate groups.

To evaluate the abundances of these insects, the herb layer was sampled using sticky traps and sweep netting. Maize panicles were sampled during anthesis. The data demonstrate that there is a prevalent community of herbivores in maize, dominated by a few species that can be surveyed over the whole growing season using the methods employed


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    The paper deals with questions of creating at JSC “Alimentarmash "in the last 20 years the technological equipment for the production of vegetable oils from oilseeds: from the press for the final spin to mini oilfactory, using as an energy source for heating the liquid coolant (Thermal oil "Arian") of solid biofuels - husk of sunflower seeds

    In vitro efficacy of garlic extract to control fungal pathogens of wheat

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    In vitro studies were carried out to investigate the inhibitory effect of allicin in garlic juice on hyphal growth and spore germination of Drechslera tritici-repetis, Bipolaris sorokiniana and Septoria tritici. The purpose was to investigate the possibility of developing an organic agriculture compatible garlic/allicin-based management strategy for the wheat fungal spotting complex. Allicin in garlic juice inhibited radial colony growth of all three pathogens on agar plates. Spore germination of all three pathogens was inhibited by allicin in garlic juice in seeded agar plates and in conidial suspensions. At high concentrations of allicin (>80 µg/ml) in garlic juice and pure (synthetic) allicin, conidia lysed. The minimum inhibitory amount of pure synthetic allicin which inhibited spore germination completely ranged between 80-120 µg/ml depending on fungal species. At 10 µg/ml Allicin caused morphological abnormalities in hyphae and conidia of D. tritici-repentis and B. sorokiniana. Allicin-treated hyphae were either collapsed, damaged or thinner when compared with the control. These results suggest that use of garlic juice is a promising, effective and environmentally friendly management measure against fungal pathogens that could be used in the production of an organically grown wheat crop.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Effect of garlic extract on seed germination, seedling health, and vigour of pathogen-infested wheat

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    The effect of garlic extract containing bioactive allicin on the germination and subsequent seedling vigour of pathogeninfested wheat seeds, was tested. The first aim was to characterize the antifungal activities of garlic extract and pure allicin, on the most frequently occurring wheat pathogens of the Helminthosporium genus (sensu lato) in Argentina. The second aim was to characterize the antifungal activities of garlic extract and pure allicin on moulds belonging to the natural endogenous microflora. Garlic extract showed fungicidal activity on the endogenous fungal contamination of the wheat seeds and particularly reduced the degree of disease caused by Bipolaris sorokiniana and Drechslera tritici-repentis. Allicin in garlic juice corrected the poor germination of wheat seeds caused by natural mycoflora of grain. Growth promoting activities of garlic juice on wheat seedling vigour was reported. Interestingly, the inoculum on naturally infected wheat seeds could be reduced with garlic juice as a seed dressing biofungicide, before sowing. In this study, we demonstrated the efficacy and the high control potential of garlic extract against seed-borne wheat fungi. Such results suggest that using garlic extract can minimise the risk of infection as well as minimise the risk of chemical fungicide exposure. On the basis of these results, scale-up to field trials using garlic extract and allicin as the dressing biofungicide before sowing for disinfection of wheat seeds, seems justified as a sustainable alternative to the use of chemical fungicides.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y ForestalesCentro de Investigaciones de Fitopatologí

    Effect of garlic extract on seed germination, seedling health, and vigour of pathogen-infested wheat

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    The effect of garlic extract containing bioactive allicin on the germination and subsequent seedling vigour of pathogeninfested wheat seeds, was tested. The first aim was to characterize the antifungal activities of garlic extract and pure allicin, on the most frequently occurring wheat pathogens of the Helminthosporium genus (sensu lato) in Argentina. The second aim was to characterize the antifungal activities of garlic extract and pure allicin on moulds belonging to the natural endogenous microflora. Garlic extract showed fungicidal activity on the endogenous fungal contamination of the wheat seeds and particularly reduced the degree of disease caused by Bipolaris sorokiniana and Drechslera tritici-repentis. Allicin in garlic juice corrected the poor germination of wheat seeds caused by natural mycoflora of grain. Growth promoting activities of garlic juice on wheat seedling vigour was reported. Interestingly, the inoculum on naturally infected wheat seeds could be reduced with garlic juice as a seed dressing biofungicide, before sowing. In this study, we demonstrated the efficacy and the high control potential of garlic extract against seed-borne wheat fungi. Such results suggest that using garlic extract can minimise the risk of infection as well as minimise the risk of chemical fungicide exposure. On the basis of these results, scale-up to field trials using garlic extract and allicin as the dressing biofungicide before sowing for disinfection of wheat seeds, seems justified as a sustainable alternative to the use of chemical fungicides.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y ForestalesCentro de Investigaciones de Fitopatologí

    Optimierung von Saatgutbehandlungsmitteln mit Wirkung gegen Flugbrand an Gerste und Weizen (Ustilago nuda, U. tritici) unter Nutzung verbesserter Verfahren zum Nachweis der Erreger

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    Ziel des Projektes war die Entwicklung von Saatgutbehandlungsmitteln zur Flugbrandbekämpfung im Ökolandbau und von Techniken die geeignet sind, die Entwicklung solcher Saatgutbehandlungsmittel zu beschleunigen. In Inokulationsversuchen konnte im Feldversuch durch Ausstäuben von Sporen Saatgut mit 2-5% Flugbrandbefall erzeugt werden. Nach Einzelblüteninokulation lag der Befall oft über 60%. Anders als bei Weizen waren bei Gerste die Keimfähigkeit und das Tausendkorngewicht von solchem Saatgut deutlich reduziert. Von ca. 30 geprüften Pflanzenextrakten führten neun nach Inkorporation in PDA zu einer vollständigen Hemmung der Brandsporenkeimung. In Hemmtesten mit Mikroorganismen betrug der Anteil wirksamer Isolate bei den Trichoderma-Isolaten 43%, bei den Actinomyceten 30% und bei den übrigen Bakterien 11%. In mehrjährig durchgeführten Kleinparzellenversuchen mit flugbrandinfizierter Gerste und Weizen wurden mit einigen Behandlungsvarianten Bekämpfungserfolge erzielt. Die Effekte waren aber zu gering für die praktische Anwendung und nur bedingt reproduzierbar. Topfversuche im Gewächshaus mit hochinfizierten Saatgutchargen erbrachten ähnliche Ergebnisse. Die Wirksamkeit gegen Haferflugbrand wurde nur einmal überprüft. Wie im Falle von Gersten- und Weizenflugbrand war der Bekämpfungserfolg auch beim Haferflugbrand unbefriedigend. Eine Ausnahme bildete die Saatgutbehandlung mit Ethanol (70%). Mit ihr wurde bei Hafer eine Flugbrandwirksamkeit von ca. 80% erzielt. Nach Anfärbung mit dem Fluoreszenzfarbstoff Blankophor wurde beobachtet, dass der Pilz schon wenige Tage nach Beginn der Keimung in das Apikalmeristem und die Blattprimordien eindrang. Im 1-Knotenstadium waren die Ährenanlagen meist völlig besiedelt. Ein Protokoll für einen immunologischen (ELISA) und für einen molekularbiologischen (real-time PCR) Nachweis wurde entwickelt und zur Quantifizierung des Pilzes in Jungpflanzen angewendet. Die mit beiden Methoden erhaltenen Daten stimmten gut überein. In weiteren Versuchen konnte die Anwendbarkeit des mikroskopischen Nachweises und des ELISA für die Entwicklung von Saatgutbehandlungsmitteln und –verfahren exemplarisch gezeigt werden