5 research outputs found

    Antioxidant Protection and Lipid Peroxidation in the Testes and Different Parts of the Epididymis in Boars

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    Za održavanje fizioloških procesa spermatogeneze i steroidogeneze u testisima te povoljnih mikorookolišnih uvjeta u tkivima epididimisa tijekom sazrijevanja, prolaska i pohrane spermija nužno je primjereno djelovanje antioksidativnih enzima radi održavanja fiziološke razine reaktivnih kisikovih spojeva. Nadalje, stjecanje gibljivosti i oplodne sposobnosti spermija tijekom njihovog prolaska kroz epididimis povezano je s različitim biokemijskim promjenama osobito u svojstvima njihovih membrana, čiji molekularni mehanizmi nisu do danas u potpunosti utvrđeni. Međutim, sposobnost testisa i epididimisa da štite spermije od štetnih učinka oksidacijskih procesa pomoću lokalno sintetiziranih antioksidansa, nije do sada u nerasta dostatno istražena. Cilj ovoga rada bio je istražiti razlike u razini antioksidacijske zaštite, intenziteta oksidacijskih oštećenja lipida i vrijednostima biokemijskih pokazatelja u testisima te različitim dijelovima epididimisa spolno zrelih nerasta. Osim toga, istraživana je i međusobna povezanost određivanih pokazatelja u različitim dijelovima spolnog sustava i spermijima različitog stupnja zrelosti. Istraživanje je provedeno na 5 klinički zdravih spolno zrelih nerasta pasmine Švedski landras u dobi od 10 mjeseci. Na liniji klanja uzeti su uzorci tkiva testisa te glave, tijela i repa epididimisa. U dobivenim nadtalozima homogeniziranih tkiva određene su aktivnosti glutation peroksidaze (GSH-Px), glutation reduktaze (GSH-RD), superoksid dismutaze (SOD), gama glutamil transferaze (GGT), kisele fosfataze (ACP) i laktat dehidrogenaze (LDH) te koncentracije triacilglicerola, fosfolipida, kolesterola, slobodnih masnih kiselina (SMK) i malonildialdehida (MDA). Značajno viša aktivnost GSH-Px-a i GSH-RD-a (p<0,05) utvrđena je u tkivu testisa u odnosu na tkiva epididimisa. U tkivu je testisa utvrđena i značajno viša aktivnost SOD-a u odnosu na tkiva glave i repa epididimisa (p<0,05). Koncentracija MDA u glavi epididimisa bila je značajno viša od one u testisima, tijelu i repu epididimisa te značajno niža u tkivima tijela i repa epididimisa u odnosu na onu u testisima (p<0,05). U tkivu repa epididimisa zabilježene su značajno više aktivnosti GGT-a, ACP-a i LDH-a u odnosu na one u testisima. Značajno niže koncentracije TAG-a i SMK-a zabilježene su u tkivu repa epididimisa u odnosu na one u tkivu glave epididimisa (p<0,05). Iz dobivenih rezultata može se zaključiti da je visoka aktivnost antioksidacijskih enzima u testisima nerasta nužna za primjerenu zaštitu spermija i stanica tkiva testisa od oksidacijskih oštećenja. Tkiva testisa i glave epididimisa nerasta podložnija su lipidnoj peroksidaciji, odnosno oksidacijskom stresu. Znatnu zaštitnu funkciju od oksidacijskog stresa tijekom pohranjivanja spermija u repu epididimisa ima unutarstanični glutation kojeg osigurava GGT. Rezultati ovog istraživanja ukazuju na fiziološko značenje antioksidacijskih enzima u tkivima spolnog sustava nerasta. Osim toga, dobiveni bi rezultati mogli poslužiti za bolje razumijevanje mehanizama nastanka muške neplodnosti i unapređenju očuvanja sjemena nerasta.For maintenance of physiological processes of spermatogenesis and steroidogenesis in testes and favorable microenvironmental conditions in tissues of epididymis during maturation, transport and storage of spermatozoa it is of crucial importance that antioxidative enzymes act properly in order to control physiological levels of reactive oxygen species. Further, acquisition of spermatozoa motility and fertile capability during transport through epididymis is associated with different biochemical changes particularly in characteristics of their cell membranes and corresponding molecular mechanisms, which are not fully defined yet. However, the ability of testes and epididymis to protect spermatozoa from detrimental effects of oxidation processes by locally synthesized antioxidants is not studied in details up to now. The aim of this study was to investigate differences in level of antioxidative protection, intensity of lipid peroxidation and values of biochemical parameters in testes and different parts of epididymis in reproductive mature boars. Besides, the correlation among tested parameters in different parts of reproductive system and spermatozoa of different stages of maturity were studied. Study was performed on 5 clinically healthy and reproductive mature boars of Swedish landrace breed aging 10 months. Tissue samples of testes and head, body and tail of epididymis were taken. In obtained supernatants of homogenized tissues the activity of glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px), glutathione reductase (GSH-RD), superoxide dismutase (SOD), gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT), acid phosphatase and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) as well as concentrations of triacylglycerols, phopsholipids, cholesterol, free fatty acids (FFA) and malondialdehyde (MDA) were determined. Significantly higher activities of GSH-Px and GSH-RD (P<0.05) were determined in tissue of testes as compared to those in tissues of epididymis. In tissue of testes it was established significantly higher activity of SOD in comparison to that found in tissues of head and tail od epididymis (P<0.05). Concentration of MDA in head of epididymis was significantly higher from that in testes, body and tail of epididymis but significantly lower than that in tissues of body and tail of epididymis as compared to that in testes (P<0.05). In tissue of epididymis tail significantly higher activities of GGT, ACP and LDH were recorded in relation to those in testes. Significantly lower concentrations of TAG and FFA were recorded in epididymis tail tissue in comparison to those in epididymis head tissue (P<0.05). From the obtained results it could be concluded that high activities of antioxidative enzymes in testes of boars are essential for appropriate protection of spermatozoa and cells of testes tissue against oxidative damages. The tissues of testes and epididymis head in boars were more susceptible to lipid peroxidation, i.e. to oxidative stress. A significant protective function has intracellular glutathione which is maintained by GGT against oxidative stress during storage of spermatozoa in epididymis tail. The results of current study indicate physiological importance of antioxidative enzymes in tissues of reproductive system in boars. Furthermore, the obtained results may serve for better understanding of mechanisms of male infertility and for improvement of boar semen storage

    The effects of oxidative stress on the male reproductive system and mechanisms of antioxidant protection

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    Za održavanje fizioloških procesa sper- matogeneze i steroidogeneze u testisima te povoljnih mikorookolišnih uvjeta u tkivima epididimisa tijekom sazrijevanja, prolaska i pohrane spermija nužno je primjereno djelo- vanje antioksidansa radi održavanja fiziološ- ke razine reaktivnih kisikovih spojeva (ROS). Stanje oksidacijskog stresa, koje nastaje naru- šavanjem ravnoteže između oksidansa (ROS i dr.) i prooksidansa (antioksidansi) u korist ok- sidansa, može za posljedicu imati narušavanje spermatogeneze i steroidogeneze. Tkiva testisa i epididimisa sa spermijima različitog stupnja zrelosti podložna su lipidnoj peroksidaciji, od- nosno oksidacijskom stresu. Narušene funkcije testisa mogu se odraziti i na sposobnost stvara- nja gibljivih, vijabilnih i morfološki normalnih spermija koji imaju sposobnost oploditi jajne stanice te održati rast i razvoj zametka. Visoka je aktivnost antioksidacijskih enzima u testi- sima nužna za primjerenu zaštitu spermija i stanica tkiva testisa od oksidacijskih oštećenja. Nadalje, stjecanje gibljivosti i oplodne sposob- nosti spermija tijekom njihovog prolaska kroz epididimis povezano je s različitim biokemij- skim promjenama osobito u svojstvima njiho- vih membrana. Tijekom prolaska kroz epidi- dimis spermiji su podvrgnuti stalnoj promjeni mikrookoliša u lumenu, koje je modificirano zbog sekrecijskih i endocitotičkih aktivnosti stanica sluznice epitela. U konačnici, usklađena aktivnost u sekreciji različitih tvari kao i endo- citozi u epitelnim stanicama duž kanala, utje- če na konačno sazrijevanje spermija, njihovu koncentraciju, zaštitu, pohranu i oplodnu spo- sobnost. Navedene uzastopne promjene prati i promjena osobitosti spermija tijekom njihovog prolaska kroz epididimis, a osobito promjene u svojstvima njihovih membrana. No, mijenja se i sastav bjelančevina, lipida i ostalih tvari u ra- zličitim dijelovima epididimisa, koje sudjeluju u procesima sazrijevanja spermija, a čije funk- cije nisu u potpunosti razjašnjene. Međutim, ni sposobnost testisa i epididimisa u zaštiti sper- mija od štetnih učinka oksidacijskih procesa koji se zbivaju tijekom njihove tvorbe, pohrane i sazrijevanja u epididimisima pomoću lokalno sintetiziranih antioksidansa, nije do sada u pot- punosti istražena.To maintain the physiological processes of spermatogenesis and steroidogenesis in the testes and favourable micro- environmental conditions in epididymis tissues during maturation, transport and storage of spermatozoa, it is crucial that the antioxidative enzymes act properly to control physiological levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS). The state of oxidative stress, caused by disruption of the balance between oxidants (ROS, etc.) and prooxidants (antioxidants) in favour of oxidants, can result in impairment of spermatogenesis and steroidogenesis. The tissues of the testes and epididymis, containing spermatozoa of varying degrees of maturity, are susceptible to lipid peroxidation, i.e. to oxidative stress. Altered function of the testes may be reflected in the ability to create motile, viable and morphologically normal spermatozoa that have the ability to fertilize the egg and sustain growth and development of the embryo. High activities of antioxidative enzymes in the testes of boars are essential for appropriate protection of spermatozoa and cells of testicular tissue against oxidative damage. Further, acquisition of spermatozoa motility and fertile capability during transport through the epididymis is associated with a series of biochemical changes, particularly in the characteristics of their cell membranes. During passage through the epididymis, the spermatozoa undergo fluctuations in the microenvironment of the lumen, which is modified due to the secretion and endocytotic activity of the epithelial mucosa cells. Ultimately, synchronized activity in the secretion of various substances and endocytosis in epithelial cells along the epididymal channels affects the final maturation of the spermatozoa, their concentration, protection, storage, and fertilizing ability. These consecutive changes are followed by changes in the features of the spermatozoa during their passage through the epididymis, and in particular changes in the membrane properties. However, the composition of proteins, lipids and other substances in various parts of the epididymis involved in the processes of spermatozoa maturation, whose functions are not yet fully clarified, are also altered. The ability of the testes and epididymis to protect spermatozoa from the detrimental effects of oxidation processes occurring during their formation, storage, and maturation in the epididymis by locally synthesized antioxidants has not yet been studied in detail

    Utjecaj spola i kastracije na biokemijski profil seruma svinja u komercijalnom uzgoju

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    Sex-related differences in physiological processes, pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment of disease have great importance in human medicine, and these differences should also be investigated and implemented in studies on animals. To our knowledge, this study is the first to investigate the effects of sex and castration on the serum biochemical profile of commercial pigs. The study was conducted on clinically healthy, sexually mature fattening pigs of the Swedish Landrace breed, divided into four groups: intact males (n = 6), intact females (n = 5), castrated males (n = 6) and castrated females (n = 7). Blood samples were taken from the jugular vein using blood test tubes without an anticoagulant. After centrifugation, the serum was separated, and the values of the following parameters were determined by spectrophotometry: the activities of aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase and γ-glutamyl transferase, and the concentrations of total proteins, albumins, triacylglycerols, total cholesterol, glucose, urea, bilirubin and creatinine. The study results showed significantly lower (P<0.05) serum glucose concentrations in castrated males as compared to intact males. However, castrated males had significantly higher (P<0.05) urea concentration than intact ones. There were no significant between-group differences in the values of the other parameters investigated, however, certain patterns of occurrence were observed. Accordingly, further studies are required in order to define more accurately the effects of sex and castration on the values of biochemical parameters in the blood serum of pigs.Spolne razlike u fiziološkim procesima, patofiziologiji, dijagnostici i liječenju bolesti imaju sve veću važnost u humanoj medicini, a trebale bi se istražiti te uzeti u obzir i u istraživanjima na životinjama. Prema našim spoznajama u ovom je radu po prvi put istražen utjecaj spola u svinja u komercijalnom uzgoju i utjecaj kastracije općenito u svinja na biokemijski profil seruma. Istraživanje je provedeno na klinički zdravim, spolno zrelim tovljenicima pasmine švedski landras, koji su podijeljeni u četiri skupine: intaktni mužjaci (n = 6), intaktne ženke (n = 5), kastrirani mužjaci (n = 6) i kastrirane ženke (n = 7). Krv je uzorkovana punkcijom jugularne vene u epruvete bez antikoagulansa. Nakon centrifugiranja izdvojen je serum i spektrofotometrijski su određene vrijednosti sljedećih pokazatelja: aktivnosti aspartat-aminotransferaze, alanin-aminotransferaze i γ-glutamil transferaze te koncentracije ukupnih bjelančevina, albumina, triacilglicerola, ukupnog kolesterola, glukoze, ureje, bilirubina i kreatinina. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da je koncentracija glukoze u serumu kastriranih mužjaka bila znakovito manja (P < 0,05) u usporedbi s intaktnim mužjacima. No koncentracija ureje bila je znakovito veća (P < 0,05) u kastriranih mužjaka u usporedbi s intaktnima. Vrijednosti ostalih istraživanih pokazatelja nisu se znakovito razlikovale među skupinama, no uočeni su obrasci različitih vrijednosti pojedinih pokazatelja u različitih skupina. Zaključno, potrebno je provesti daljnja istraživanja kako bi se preciznije definirao utjecaj spola i kastracije na vrijednosti biokemijskih pokazatelja u krvnom serumu svinja

    Effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation on male fertility

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    Elektromagnetsko se zračenje emitira iz prirodnog okruženja, ali i uporabom industrijskih i svakodnevnih uređaja za bežičnu komunikaciju, stoga su ljudski i životinjski organizmi stalno izloženi zračenju. Tijekom posljednjih godina, zbog brzog tehnološkog napretka, elektromagnetsko zračenje iz umjetnih izvora premašilo je vrijednosti zračenja prirodnog podrijetla. Opća zabrinutost svih nas, zbog sve većeg broja uređaja (mobilnih telefona, prijenosnih računala, Wi-Fi-ja i mikrovalnih pećnica), koji koriste radiofrekvencijsko elektromagnetsko zračenje (RF-EMZ) opravdana je zbog sve brojnijih dokaza o njihovoj štetnosti na žive organizme. Suvremeni uređaji moderne tehnologije emitiraju radiofrekvencijske elektromagnetske valove malih frekvencija koje ljudsko i životinjsko tijelo apsorbira što može imati potencijalne štetne učinke na: mozak, srce, endokrini sustav i reproduktivnu funkciju. Muški je reproduktivni sustav jedno od najosjetljivijih tkiva na RF-EMZ-e. Tako je primjerice, iz trenutno dostupnih studija provedenih in vitro i in vivo, jasno da RF-EMZ-e ima štetne učinke na spermatogenezu, odnosno kakvoću ejakulata ljudi i životinja – broj spermija u ejakulatu, preživljavanje, morfologiju i gibljivost spermija - utječe na stanični metabolizam i endokrini sustav i može prouzročiti genotoksičnost, genomsku nestabilnost i oksidativni stres, a to može prouzročiti neplodnost. Štetni učinci RFEMZ-a dijele se na toplinske i netoplinske. Većinanegativnih bioloških učinaka pripisuje se netoplinskim učincima, a toplinski se učinci nastali RF-EMZ mobilnog telefona, smatraju manje štetnima. Zbog stvaranja prevelike količine reaktivnih kisikovih spojeva u muškom spolnom sustavu hipertermija skrotuma i povećani oksidativni stres mogu biti ključni mehanizmi putem kojih RF-EMZ-e utječe na plodnost muškaraca. Navedeni su i negativni učinci povezani s vremenom korištenja, ponajprije mobilnog telefona. Stoga je cilj ovoga preglednog rada opisati neke od učinaka RF-EMZ-a na muški spolni sustav.Humans and animals are constantly exposed to electromagnetic radiation emitted from the natural environment, and through the use of industrial and everyday devices for wireless communication. In recent years, due to rapid technological progress, electromagnetic radiation from artificial sources has exceeded the values of radiation of natural origin. General concern about the increasing number of devices (mobile phones, laptops, Wi-Fi and microwave ovens) using radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation (RF-EMR) is justified due to increasing evidence of their harm to the living organism. Modern technology devices emit small frequency radiofrequency electromagnetic waves, which are then absorbed by the human and animal bodies and can potentially cause adverse effects on the brain, heart, endocrine system and reproductive function. It is believed that the male reproductive system is one of the most sensitive tissues to RF-EMR. It is clear from the literature that RF-EMR has harmful effects on ejaculate quality indicators (such as spermatozoa count in ejaculate and spermatozoa morphology and motility), affects cellular metabolism and the endocrine system, and causes genotoxicity, genomic instability and oxidative stress, which in turn may result in infertility. The adverse effects of RF-EMR are divided into thermal and non-thermal. Most negative biological effects are attributed to non-thermal effects, while the thermal effects from cell phone radiation are considered to be less harmful. However, scrotum hyperthermia and increased oxidative stress from the formation of excess reactive oxygen compounds in the male reproductive system can be key mechanisms by which RF-EMR affects male fertility. The negative effects associated with the duration of use of mobile phones are known and listed above. Therefore, the aim of this review article is to describe some of the effects of RF-EMR on the male reproductive system

    Vitamin D function in sheep

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    Nepotpuna prehrana životinja pa tako i ovaca, može dovesti do narušavanje homeostaze organizma, smanjenja proizvodnje, pojave bolesti pa i do uginuća. Vitamin D označava skupinu usko povezanih tvari koje posjeduju antirahitičnu aktivnost. Među vitaminima jedinstven je po tome što je jedini koji se u organizam ne unosi samo hranom (sijeno, a u mesojeda hrana animalnog podrijetla), već se u organizmu (koži) stvara i uz pomoć sunčeve svjetlosti. Uobičajeno je da pašno držane ovce rijetko kad trebaju dodatke vitamina D. To je stoga jer ovce ukoliko su izložene UVB zračenju, odnosno sunčevoj svjetlosti mogu nadoknaditi manjak vitamina D u hrani sintezom vitamina D unutar kože. No, ukoliko je izloženost ovaca suncu smanjena dugotrajnom naoblakom ili uzgojem u zatvorenom te kada je sadržaj vitamina D2 u hrani nizak, tada unesena količina vitamina D može biti nedostatna. U janjadi se deficit vitamina D očituje pojavom rahitisa, a u odraslih ovaca pojavom osteomalacije te hipokalcemije. U ovaca se obično javlja u kasnom graviditetu, ali je zabilježena i u životinja različite dobi. Slijedom svega navedenoga cilj je ovoga preglednoga rada je upoznati doktore veterinarske medicine s novim saznanjima o ulogama i metabolizmu vitamina D u ovaca te njegovom značenju za zdravlje i održavanje proizvodnih sposobnosti jedinke, odnosno stada.The incomplete nutrition of animals, including sheep, can lead to a disruption of homeostasis, reduced production, development of disease, and even animal death. Vitamin D refers to a group of closely related substances that possess antirachitic activity. This is the only vitamin that is not only taken into the organism by way of dietary origin (hay, food of animal origin in carnivores), but is also synthetised in the body (skin) with the help of sunlight. Typically, grazing sheep rarely need vitamin D supplements. This is because sheep can compensate for the lack of vitamin D in their food by synthesizing vitamin D in the skin if they are exposed to UVB radiation or sunlight. However, if sheep exposure to the sun is reduced by prolonged bad weather or indoor animal breeding, and when the vitamin D2 content of the diet is low, then the animal may have insufficient vitamin D consumption. In lambs, vitamin D deficiency is manifested by rickets, and in adult sheep by osteomalacia and hypocalcaemia. In sheep, this usually occurs in late pregnancy but has been observed in animals of all ages. Following the above, the aim of this review is to acquaint veterinarians with new knowledge about the roles and metabolism of vitamin D in sheep and its importance for the health and maintenance of productive abilities of the individual animal or herd