41 research outputs found


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    Enterprise Architecture has been developed in order to optimize the alignment between business needs and the (rapidly changing) possibilities of information technology. But do organizations indeed benefit from the application of Enterprise Architecture according to those who are in any way involved in architecture? To answer this question, a model has been developed (the Enterprise Architecture Value Framework) to organize the benefits of Enterprise Architecture. Based on this model, a survey has been conducted among the various types of stakeholders of Enterprise Architecture, such as architects, project managers, developers and business or IT managers. In the survey the respondents were asked to what extent they perceive various benefits of Enterprise Architecture in their organization. The results of this survey (with 287 fully completed responses) are analyzed and presented in this paper. In all categories of the framework benefits are perceived, though to different extent. Very few benefits are perceived in relation to the external orientation of the organization. Few statistically significant correlations were found in relation to the background of the respondents: the overall view on benefits of Enterprise Architecture appeared independent of the role of the respondents, the economic sector and the number of years of experience with architectur

    Compliance Principles for Decision Management Solutions at the Dutch Government

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    Since decision management is becoming an integrated part of business process management, more and more decision management implementations are realized. Therefore, organizations search for guidance to design such solutions. Principles are often applied to guide the design of information systems in general. A particular area of interest when designing decision management solutions is compliance. In an earlier published study we took a general perspective on principles regarding the design of decision management solutions. In this paper, we re-address our earlier work, yet from a different perspective, the compliance perspective. Thus, we analyzed how the principles can be utilized in the design of compliant decision management solutions. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to specify, classify, and validate compliance principles. To identify relevant compliance principles, we conducted a three round focus group and three round Delphi Study which led to the identification of eleven compliance principles

    The Enterprise Architecture Value Framework

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    Enterprise Architecture (EA) is a discipline aimed at managing the complex interrelationships of business processes and IT in the continuous changing environment of organizations. Despite this ambitious agenda of EA, it is not clear what exactly constitutes the value of EA for an organization or which activities architects should initiate to maximize their effectiveness. In this paper, we present the Enterprise Architecture Value Framework (EAVF). The EAVF is a framework for classifying benefits and costs of EA along the dimensions of organizational goals and EA-related activities. It is derived from definitions of its underlying concepts and is independent of methods, techniques and tools used by architects. The framework is validated both theoretically and by mapping other frameworks on the EAVF. Results support the hypothesis that it offers a framework on which all EA benefits and costs can be mapped uniquely, thus providing a means to unite previous and future research on EA benefits. The development of the EAVF is a first step in creating a measurement instrument for EA benefits and costs. It can be used in practice to align the activities of architects with the goals of the organization, thereby optimizing their effect on the performance of the organization

    EMQN best practice guidelines for the laboratory diagnosis of osteogenesis imperfecta

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    Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) comprises a group of inherited disorders characterized by bone fragility and increased susceptibility to fractures. Historically, the laboratory confirmation of the diagnosis OI rested on cultured dermal fibroblasts to identify decreased or abnormal production of abnormal type I (pro)collagen molecules, measured by gel electrophoresis. With the discovery of COL1A1 and COL1A2 gene variants as a cause of OI, sequence analysis of these genes was added to the diagnostic process. Nowadays, OI is known to be genetically heterogeneous. About 90% of individuals with OI are heterozygous for causative variants in the COL1A1 and COL1A2 genes. The majority of remaining affected individuals have recessively inherited forms of OI with the causative variants in the more recently discovered genes CRTAP, FKBP10, LEPRE1,PLOD2, PPIB, SERPINF1, SERPINH1 and SP7, or in other yet undiscovered genes. These advances in the molecular genetic diagnosis of OI prompted us to develop new guidelines for molecular testing and reporting of results in which we take into account that testing is also used to ‘exclude' OI when there is suspicion of non-accidental injury. Diagnostic flow, methods and reporting scenarios were discussed during an international workshop with 17 clinicians and scientists from 11 countries and converged in these best practice guidelines for the laboratory diagnosis of OI

    Enterprise Architectuur: zegen of plaag? Over het nut en de rol van business en ICT architectuur: openbare les 19 november 2010

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    Dit boek gaat over enterprise architectuur. Enterprise architectuur is een relatief nieuwe discipline, met als doel de opzet, structurering en inrichting van organisaties te sturen en vast te leggen. Enterprise architectuur omvat de business architectuur (beschrijving van bedrijfsprocessen en hoe deze gestructureerd zijn) en de ICT architectuur (de architectuur van het applicatielandschap en van infrastructuur architectuur). De discipline is de afgelopen 20 jaar ontstaan vanuit het bedrijfsleven en de overheid, waar men behoefte had aan inzicht en overzicht in de complexiteit van een moderne organisatie. Het boek beschrijft de rol en het nut van enterprise architectuur en de motivatie voor toepassing ervan. Onderzoeksvragen die hierbij aan de orde komen zijn: waarom wordt er door organisaties überhaupt aandacht besteed aan enterprise architectuur? Wat wordt er nu mee bedoeld? Wat willen we ermee bereiken? Worden de doelstellingen ook gehaald? Kunnen we hier ook de resultaten van meten? We zullen trachten op deze vragen een concreet en helder antwoord te formuleren

    Laat beveiliging niet over aan Beveiligers!: Presentatie voor EAM 2014

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    Presentatie gehouden voor het Nationaal Jaarcongres Enterprise Architectuur Management 2014. Behandelt beveiligingsbeleid voor bedrijven

    HU gaat cybersecurity toepasbaar maken voor kleinere bedrijven en organisaties

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    Bericht over de openbare les met link van een video-opname daarvan van Raymond Slot. lector Cybersecurit

    On the Construction of an Enterprise Architecture Course; a Framework for the Description of Compentencies

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    The challenge: to construct an Enterprise Architecture course with a size of 15 European Credit points (approx. 400 hours of study) for an audience of Bachelor students in IT. The students have an IT-related job and follow this course part-time. Consequently, contact time is restricted to one evening per week