47 research outputs found

    In situ size sorting in CVD synthesis of Si microspheres

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    [EN] Silicon microspheres produced in gas-phase by hot-wall CVD offer unique quality in terms of sphericity, surface smoothness, and size. However, the spheres produced are polydisperse in size, which typically range from 0.5 mu m to 5 mu m. In this work we show through experiments and calculations that thermophoretic forces arising from strong temperature gradients inside the reactor volume effectively sort the particles in size along the reactor. These temperature gradients are shown to be produced by a convective gas flow. The results prove that it is possible to select the particle size by collecting them in a particular reactor region, opening new possibilities towards the production by CVD of size-controlled high-quality silicon microspheres.The authors acknowledge financial support from the following projects: ENE2013-49984-EXP, MAT2012-35040, MAT2015-69669-P and ESP2014-54256-C4-2-R of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO), and PROMETEOII/2014/026 of the Regional Valencian Government.Garín Escrivá, M.; Fenollosa Esteve, R.; Kowalski, L. (2016). In situ size sorting in CVD synthesis of Si microspheres. Scientific Reports. 6:1-10. https://doi.org/10.1038/srep38719S110

    The Influence of Education and Socialization on Radicalization: An Exploration of Theoretical Presumptions and Empirical Research

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    Background and Objective: Research into radicalization does not pay much attention to education. This is remarkable and possibly misses an important influence on the process of radicalization. Therefore this article sets out to explore the relation between education on the one hand and the onset or prevention of radicalization on the other hand. Method: This article is a theoretical literature review. It has analyzed empirical studies-mainly from European countries-about the educational aims, content and style of Muslim parents and parents with (extreme) right-wing sympathies. Results: Research examining similarity in right-wing sympathies between parents and children yields mixed results, but studies among adolescents point to a significant concordance. Research also showed that authoritarian parenting may play a significant role. Similar research among Muslim families was not found. While raising children with distrust and an authoritarian style are prevalent, the impact on adolescents has not been investigated. The empirical literature we reviewed does not give sufficient evidence to conclude that democratic ideal in and an authoritative style of education are conducive to the development of a democratic attitude. Conclusion: There is a knowledge gap with regard to the influence of education on the onset or the prevention of radicalization. Schools and families are underappreciated sources of informal social control and social capital and therefore the gap should be closed. If there is a better understanding of the effect of education, policy as well as interventions can be developed to assist parents and teachers in preventing radicalization. © 2011 The Author(s)

    Salafi-jihadi's in Amsterdam: portretten

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    Geweld in naam van de islam vormt voor westerse samenlevingen een bedreiging, getuige de aanslagen in New York, Madrid en Londen. In Nederland heeft de moord op Theo van Gogh voor een toenemende aandacht voor radicale Nederlandse moslims gezorgd die zich afzetten tegen de Nederlandse samenleving en specifiek voor de enkelingen die daarin zelfs een gewelddadige koers propageren. Om preventief beleid te kunnen ontwikkelen is het van belang te weten waarom deze jongeren kiezen voor een radicale invulling van de islam, een benadering die de meeste moslims met argusogen bekijken. Deze uitgave geeft antwoord op deze vraag aan de hand van een portret van twaalf salafi-jihadi’s in Amsterdam. Het onderzoek verbindt op uitzonderlijke wijze een kwantitatieve analyse van radicaliseringsprocessen met veldwerk onder salafi-jihadi jongeren in Amsterdam. Met deze uitgave worden inzichten over deze specifieke groep jongeren breed toegankelijk gemaakt. De auteurs laten zien dat deze jongeren niet handelen vanuit een irrationele, onverklaarbare religieuze drang, maar vanuit behoeften die te maken hebben met hun persoonlijke en maatschappelijke omstandigheden

    Physical properties of Cretaceous to Eocene platform-to-basin carbonates from Albania

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    Understanding acoustic velocities of sedimentary deposits is crucial for realistic subsurface imaging. The velocities rely on mineralogy, density, as well as pore volume (porosity) and pore structure. In carbonate rocks, both depositional and diagenetic histories exert a significant control on these characteristics. In order to determine this control, petrographic analysis (thin sections) associated with the analysis of the carbonate content, grain density, permeability, porosity, and acoustic measurements were performed on samples from Cretaceous to Eocene carbonate platform-to-basin series of Albania. Rock facies showed two depositional associations and four pore-type associations. Very low average permeability (<1 mD) and variable porosity values (0–14%) characterize the samples. Pore type and diagenetic alteration steered the porosity-permeability distribution. Modelling of the velocity-porosity relationship, using the differential effective medium theory (DEM), revealed that variations in the acoustic velocity were mainly driven by variations in porosity and pore type, while facies and mineralogy were of minor importance. The Albanian dataset was compared with petrophysical data retrieved from time- and deep-water facies equivalent carbonate series of the Gargano Promontory in Italy. The comparison demonstrates that the variation in acoustic velocity is limited within the Albanian samples due to the pronounced infill of primary and secondary pores. Acoustic velocity data, on the other hand, are more scattered for the Gargano and this is essentially related to the higher porosity due to the preserved primary macro-intergranular and micro-intercrystalline pores, and/or to significant development of secondary mouldic pores. This study contributes to the understanding of heterogeneities and spatial distribution of pore types resulting in different petrophysical signatures of Cretaceous platform to deep-water carbonates. The data provide a better insight into possible variations in reservoir quality and seismic signature of these types of carbonates in subsurface reservoirs