11 research outputs found

    Occurrence of Gastro-Intestinal Parasites in Polish Primitive Horses from the Roztocze National Park, Poland

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    The study was performed to investigate the gastrointestinal parasite fauna using the method of diagnostic deworming in own modification in 29 Polish primitive horses (Equus caballus) from the Roztocze National Park, south-east of Poland. The parasite community was comprised of 35 species represented by three nematode families (Strongylidae, Ascaridae, Habronematidae), one cestode family (Anoplocephalidae) and larvae of insects from the family Gasterophilidae (Diptera). Strongylidae being 100 % prevalent was represented by 31 species from the subfamily Strongylinae (6 species) and Cyathostominae (25 species). Parascaris equorum was recorded in 48.3 %, Habronema muscae in 55.2 %, tapeworms (Anoplocephala perfoliata) in 24.1 % and Gasterophilus intestinalis larvae in 41.4 % of horses surveyed. The present results showed high prevalence of pathogenic intestinal parasites, which create the risk of health problems for horses living free in the reserve as well as stabled horses, when rarely treated.Обсуждаются результаты исследования желудочно-кишечной паразитофауны у 29 лошадей породы польський коник (Equus сaballus), которые разводятся в условиях вольного и конюшенного содержания в Розточанском национальном парке, что на юго-востоке Польши. При этом был использован метод диагностической дегельминтизации в собственной модификации. Выявлено, что сообщество паразитов состояло из 35 видов, которые были представлены семeйствами Strongylidae, Ascaridae, Habronematidae (Nematoda), Anoplocephalidae (Cestoda) и личинками насекомых из семейства Gasterophilidae (Diptera). Стронгилиды были найдены у всех исследованных лошадей (100 %) и представлены 31 видом из подсемейства Strongylinae (6 видов) и Cyathostominae (25 видов). Parascaris equorum был зафиксирован в 48,3 %, Habronema muscae в 55,2 %, ленточные черви (Anoplocephala perfoliata) в 24,1 % и личинки Gasterophilus intestinalis в 41,4 % исследованных лошадей. Полученные результаты выявили высокую распространенность патогенных кишечных паразитов, которые представляют опасность для здоровья лошадей в условиях вольного и конюшенного содержания, а также в случае нерегулярных антигельминтных обработок поголовья

    Порівняльна ефективність різних способів лікування телят за абомазоентериту

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    The article presents the results of the comparative effectivness of different treatment regimens of calves with abomazoenteritis. Three groups of black-and-white-breed calves of the age of 1–1.5 months were formed for 5 animals in each of the 1st and 2nd experimental (patients with abomazoenteritis) and control – clinically healthy animals. Treatment of sick calves in experimental groups was performed using diet therapy, antimicrobial and rehydration therapy. Animals of the second experimental group, in addition, used detoxification means and Sel-Plex. It was found that calving treatment with the use of diet, antimicrobial, detoxication, rehydration therapy helped to eliminate the main clinical symptoms of the disease. Positive changes were established during laboratory blood tests: the number of red blood cells, leukocytes, hemoglobin, total protein and hematocrit was normalized. In animals with abomazoenteritis, during treatment decreased the activity of transaminases decreased, the content of TBA-active products and medium-weight molecules. The treatment was effective and contributed to a reduction in the duration of their clinical recovery, but the normalization of biochemical parameters was more pronounced in animals of the second experimental group. Application together with antimicrobial and rehydration means of Sel-Plex and detoxification drugs accelerated the restoration of basic biochemical parameters (aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, TBK-active products and medium-weight molecules) to normal, and therefore reduced the metabolic intoxication of the animals organism.У статті наведені результати порівняльної ефективності різних схем лікування телят, хворих на абомазоентерит. Дослідження проводилися на телятах чорно-рябої породи віком 1–1,5 місяця. Було сформовано 2 – дві дослідні (хворі на абомазоентерит) і контрольна (клінічно здорові) групи по 5 тварини у кожній. Лікування хворих телят дослідних груп проводили з застосуванням дієтотерапії, антимікробної та регідратаційної терапії. Тваринам другої дослідної групи, окрім того, застосовували дезінтокаційні засоби та селеновмісний препарат Сел-Плкс. Встановлено, що проведене лікування телят з використанням дієти, антимікробних, антититоксичних, регідратаційних засобів сприяло усуненню основних клінічних симптомів хвороби. Позитивні зміни встановлені при лабораторному дослідженні крові: нормалізувалася кількість еритроцитів, лейкоцитів, вміст гемоглобіну, загального протеїну та гематокритна величина. У хворих тварин в процесі лікування знижувалася активність трансаміназ, зменшувався вміст ТБК-активних продуктів і молекул середньої маси. Застосоване лікування було ефективним і сприяло скороченню терміну їхнього клінічного одужання, проте нормалізація біохімічних показників (аспартатамінотрансферази, аланінамінотрансферази, ТБК-активних продуктів та молекул середньої маси) була більш виражена у тварин другої дослідної групи. Отже, застосування поряд з антимікробними та регідратаційними засобами імуностимулюючих та дезінтокаційних препаратів прискорило відновлення основних біохімічних показників до норми, а отже і зменшувало метаболічну інтоксикацію організму тварин

    The gastro-intestinal parasites community, of the Przewalski's horse, Equus przewalskii Poljakov, 1881, and the domestic horse in the Chernobyl exclusion zone

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    A diagnostic deworming of 21 Przewalski horses, free−living in the Chernobyl exclusion zone Ukraine, and of six stabled domestic horses, has been conducted eighteen years after the Chernobyl nuclear disaster. This survey yielded 31 species (of 5 families and 3 classes, 28 species of nematodes, 1 species of cestodes, and 2 larvae of botflies). A total 29 and 19 helmith species has been recorded in the Przewalski horse and domestic horse respectively. Only six helmith species were common for the two horse species. Species from the family Strongylidae constituted the dominant helmith group. Four cyathostomine species (Cyathostomum catinatum, Cylicostephanus minutes, C. longibursatus, Cylicocyclus nassatus) formed the majority of helmith parasites both in the Przewalski and domestic horses. The presently reported study revealed that Przewalski's horses keep their typical biological features and high resistance to parasitic infections. A substantial growth of heard was observed as well as good clinical health state of horses. This can be an argument favouring the use of Przewalski horses in re-naturalization of ecological disaster areas

    Gastro-intestinal parasites in yearlings of wild Polish primitive horses from the Popielno Forest Reserve, Poland

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    The thesis presents in a complex way the content and peculiarities of a balanced scorecard (BSC) implementation as the basis of continuous and cyclic strategic management business process in the process-oriented management system of library as a complex open socio-communication system. The main features of the process approach in library management are discovered and described. The conceptual apparatus of library science concerning process-oriented management, strategic management, BSC and special management tools is specified. The library is considered as an interactive and interconnected system of business processes (directing, main, providing (supporting) and managerial), the model of process-oriented library management system in which strategic, resource, production management and personnel management are interdependent and in their interaction provide the efficiency of management, customer satisfaction, and the fulfillment of the library social role. The model of library strategic management as a directing continuous business process is designed and theoretically substantiated, and its structure is considered. During the development of the model IDEF0 methodology was used. IDEF0 is a methodology of functional modeling and graphical description of processes designed to describe the business processes. A comprehensive analysis of special management tools and its interconnection with BSC for the implementation of the strategic management business process and certain its sub-processes are carried out. The development of the theory and practice of strategic management in foreign and Ukrainian libraries has been studied. The model of the BSC for application as a basis of library strategic management has been improved and adapted

    The effects of seasonality and group size on fecal egg counts in wild Przewalski’s horses (Equus ferus przewalskii, Poljakov, 1881) in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone, Ukraine during 2014 – 2018

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the difference in Fecal Egg Counts (FEC) with regard to group size, age, sex and body condition of wild free-roaming Przewalski’s horses in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone (Ukraine), across different seasons, over a five-year period (2014 – 2018). We hypothesized that horses from larger group sizes would have higher faecal egg counts (FECs). The relationship between FECs and the year and season of sample collection, and age, sex and group size of the horses was analyzed. Generalized linear model using positive strongylid FEC`s as a variable response, was used to investigate the differences in FECs between the groups


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    The study was performed to investigate the gastrointestinal parasite fauna using the method of diagnostic deworming in own modification in 29 Polish primitive horses (Equus caballus) from the Roztocze National Park, south-east of Poland. The parasite community was comprised of 35 species represented by three nematode families (Strongylidae, Ascaridae, Habronematidae), one cestode family (Anoplocephalidae) and larvae of insects from the family Gasterophilidae (Diptera). Strongylidae being 100 % prevalent was represented by 31 species from the subfamily Strongylinae (6 species) and Cyathostominae (25 species). Parascaris equorum was recorded in 48.3 %, Habronema muscae in 55.2 %, tapeworms (Anoplocephala perfoliata) in 24.1 % and Gasterophilus intestinalis larvae in 41.4 % of horses surveyed. The present results showed high prevalence of pathogenic intestinal parasites, which create the risk of health problems for horses living free in the reserve as well as stabled horses, when rarely treated.Обсуждаются результаты исследования желудочно-кишечной паразитофауны у 29 лошадей породы польський коник (Equus сaballus), которые разводятся в условиях вольного и конюшенного содержания в Розточанском национальном парке, что на юго-востоке Польши. При этом был использован метод диагностической дегельминтизации в собственной модификации. Выявлено, что сообщество паразитов состояло из 35 видов, которые были представлены семeйствами Strongylidae, Ascaridae, Habronematidae (Nematoda), Anoplocephalidae (Cestoda) и личинками насекомых из семейства Gasterophilidae (Diptera). Стронгилиды были найдены у всех исследованных лошадей (100 %) и представлены 31 видом из подсемейства Strongylinae (6 видов) и Cyathostominae (25 видов). Parascaris equorum был зафиксирован в 48,3 %, Habronema muscae в 55,2 %, ленточные черви (Anoplocephala perfoliata) в 24,1 % и личинки Gasterophilus intestinalis в 41,4 % исследованных лошадей. Полученные результаты выявили высокую распространенность патогенных кишечных паразитов, которые представляют опасность для здоровья лошадей в условиях вольного и конюшенного содержания, а также в случае нерегулярных антигельминтных обработок поголовья