18 research outputs found

    Sucrose transporter1 functions in phloem loading in maize leaves

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    In most plants, sucrose is exported from source leaves to carbon-importing sink tissues to sustain their growth and metabolism. Apoplastic phloem-loading species require sucrose transporters (SUTs) to transport sucrose into the phloem. In many dicot plants, genetic and biochemical evidence has established that SUT1-type proteins function in phloem loading. However, the role of SUT1 in phloem loading in monocot plants is not clear since the rice (Oryza sativa) and sugarcane (Saccharum hybrid) SUT1 orthologues do not appear to function in phloem loading of sucrose. A SUT1 gene was previously cloned from maize (Zea mays) and shown to have expression and biochemical activity consistent with a hypothesized role in phloem loading. To determine the biological function of SUT1 in maize, a sut1 mutant was isolated and characterized. sut1 mutant plants hyperaccumulate carbohydrates in mature leaves and display leaf chlorosis with premature senescence. In addition, sut1 mutants have greatly reduced stature, altered biomass partitioning, delayed flowering, and stunted tassel development. Cold-girdling wild-type leaves to block phloem transport phenocopied the sut1 mutants, supporting a role for maize SUT1 in sucrose export. Furthermore, application of 14C-sucrose to abraded sut1 mutant and wild-type leaves showed that sucrose export was greatly diminished in sut1 mutants compared with wild type. Collectively, these data demonstrate that SUT1 is crucial for efficient phloem loading of sucrose in maize leaves

    Using Evolution as a Guide to Engineer Kranz-Type C4 photosynthesis

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    Kranz-type C4 photosynthesis has independently and rapidly evolved over sixty times to dramatically increase radiation use efficiency in both monocots and eudicots. Indeed, it is one of the most exceptional examples of convergent evolution in the history of life. The repeated and rapid evolution of Kranz-type C4 suggests that it may be a derivative of a conserved developmental pathway that is present in all angiosperms. Here, I argue that the Kranz-type C4 photosynthetic system is an extension of the endodermis/starch sheath, that is normally only found in the roots and stems, into photosynthetic structures such as leaves. Support for this hypothesis was recently provided by a study that showed that the same genetic pathway that gives rise to the endodermis in roots, the SCARECROW/SHORT-ROOT radial pattering system, also regulates the development of Kranz anatomy and C4 physiology in leaves. This new hypothesis for the evolution of Kranz-type C4 photosynthesis has opened new opportunities to explore the underlying genetic networks that regulate the development and physiology of C4 and provides new potential avenues for the engineering of the mechanism into C3 crops

    The Psychedelic Genes of Maize Redundantly Promote Carbohydrate Export From Leaves

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    Whole-plant carbohydrate partitioning involves the assimilation of carbon in leaves and its translocation to nonphotosynthetic tissues. This process is fundamental to plant growth and development, but its regulation is poorly understood. To identify genes controlling carbohydrate partitioning, we isolated mutants that are defective in exporting fixed carbon from leaves. Here we describe psychedelic (psc), a new mutant of maize (Zea mays) that is perturbed in carbohydrate partitioning. psc mutants exhibit stable, discrete chlorotic and green regions within their leaves. psc chlorotic tissues hyperaccumulate starch and soluble sugars, while psc green tissues appear comparable to wild-type leaves. The psc chlorotic and green tissue boundaries are usually delineated by larger veins, suggesting that translocation of a mobile compound through the veins may influence the tissue phenotype. psc mutants display altered biomass partitioning, which is consistent with reduced carbohydrate export from leaves to developing tissues. We determined that the psc mutation is unlinked to previously characterized maize leaf carbohydrate hyperaccumulation mutants. Additionally, we found that the psc mutant phenotype is inherited as a recessive, duplicate-factor trait in some inbred lines. Genetic analyses with other maize mutants with variegated leaves and impaired carbohydrate partitioning suggest that Psc defines an independent pathway. Therefore, investigations into the psc mutation have uncovered two previously unknown genes that redundantly function to regulate carbohydrate partitioning in maize

    Structural and functional heterogeneity in phloem loading and transport

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    The phloem is often regarded as a relatively straightforward transport system composed of loading (collection), long-distance (transport) and unloading zones. While this simple view is necessary and useful in many contexts, it belies the reality, which is that the phloem is inherently complex. At least three types of sieve element-companion cell complexes are found in minor veins of leaves. Individual species may have more than one type, indicating that they employ multiple loading strategies, even in the same vein. Gene expression data in particular points to heterogeneity in sieve element-companion cell complexes of minor veins, perhaps in all flowering plants. Phloem heterogeneity in the long-distance phloem is also evident in many species based on anatomical, biochemical and gene expression data. In this regard, members of the Cucurbitaceae are especially complex and interesting. We conclude that the phloem is highly intricate and that a hidden world of specialized function awaits discovery

    The Tie-dyed

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    Tie-dyed1 Encodes a Novel, Phloem-Expressed Transmembrane Protein That Functions in Carbohydrate Partitioning1[C][W][OA]

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    Carbon is partitioned between export from the leaf and retention within the leaf, and this process is essential for all aspects of plant growth and development. In most plants, sucrose is loaded into the phloem of carbon-exporting leaves (sources), transported through the veins, and unloaded into carbon-importing tissues (sinks). We have taken a genetic approach to identify genes regulating carbon partitioning in maize (Zea mays). We identified a collection of mutants, called the tie-dyed (tdy) loci, that hyperaccumulate carbohydrates in regions of their leaves. To understand the molecular function of Tdy1, we cloned the gene. Tdy1 encodes a novel transmembrane protein present only in grasses, although two protein domains are conserved across angiosperms. We found that Tdy1 is expressed exclusively in phloem cells of both source and sink tissues, suggesting that Tdy1 may play a role in phloem loading and unloading processes. In addition, Tdy1 RNA accumulates in protophloem cells upon differentiation, suggesting that Tdy1 may function as soon as phloem cells become competent to transport assimilates. Monitoring the movement of a fluorescent, soluble dye showed that tdy1 leaves have retarded phloem loading. However, once the dye entered into the phloem, solute transport appeared equal in wild-type and tdy1 mutant plants, suggesting that tdy1 plants are not defective in phloem unloading. Therefore, even though Tdy1 RNA accumulates in source and sink tissues, we propose that TDY1 functions in carbon partitioning by promoting phloem loading. Possible roles for TDY1 are discussed


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