114 research outputs found

    Closing of schools and redistribution of teaching staff: Case study of the municipality of Nova Varoš

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    This research examined the redistribution of teaching staff in the Municipality of Nova Varoš in the last 25 years. The aim of this paper was to determine the number of teachers who were redistributed in the mentioned period and whether this was influenced by the closing of schools and the decrease in the number of schools. The results were obtained on the basis of data analysis from the Annual Work Plans of Schools in the Municipality of Nova Varoš and the Special Collective Agreements for employees in primary and secondary schools. The results of the research indicate that the optimization of the school network, based on the current state and demographic trends, will go towards the unification of small schools

    Lokalizacija glavnih i pomoćnih otvora na mezijalnom i distalnom korenu prvih donjih molara

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    Introduction. Understanding the morphology of the root canal system, and especially its apical third, represents the basic precondition for the successful treatment of diseased pulp and the apical endodontium. Aim. The aim of this study was to precisely locate the main and ancillary foramina in the mesial and distal first lower molars. Method. One hundred extracted first lower molars, originating from persons of both sexes and three different age groups, were used in the study. Results. The analysis of the sampled molars’ apical third was carried out using a binocular magnifier and a digital X-ray scanner (Trophy). The results showed that the main mesial and distal root foramina were located mostly on the distal surface. The ancillary mesial and distal root foramina were located at the lingual end, in most cases. Statistical analysis demonstrated the congruence of results achieved using the binocular magnifier and digital x-ray in 100% of cases if the main foramen is located on the very top of the mesial root (χ2 =17.23; p lt 0.001), and in 92.9% of cases if the main foramen is localised on the very top of the distal root of the first lower molar (χ2 =12.07; p lt 0.001). Conclusion. The most common localisation of the main foramina for all age categories and in both mesial and distal roots is on the distal surface of the root. The greatest number of ancillary foramina was observed in the youngest age category, while they were localised most often on the lingual side of the mesial and distal root.Uvod Poznavanje morfologije korenskog kanalskog sistema zuba, a naročito njegove apeksne trećine, predstavlja osnovni preduslov za uspešno lečenje obolele pulpe i apeksnog endodoncijuma. Cilj rada Cilj rada je bio da se odredi tačna lokalizacija glavnih i pomoćnih otvora na mezijalnom i distalnom korenu prvih donjih stalnih molara. Metod rada Ispitano je 100 ekstrahovanih prvih donjih molara osoba oba pola, podeljenih u tri starosne kategorije. Analiza apeksne trećine uzoraka je urađena pomoću binokularne lupe i digitalnog rendgenografskog aparata (Trophy). Rezultati Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da je najčešća lokalizacija glavnih otvora na mezijalnom i distalnom korenu bila na distalnoj strani. Pomoćni otvori na mezijalnom i distalnom korenu su najčešće bili lokalizovani na lingvalnoj strani korena. Statistička analiza je pokazala podudarnost rezultata dobijenih primenom binokularne lupe i digitalne rendgenografije kod 100% ispitanih zuba ako je glavni otvor lokalizovan na samom vrhu mezijalnog korena (χ2=17,23; p lt 0,001), odnosno kod 92,9% zuba kada je glavni otvor na samom vrhu distalnog korena prvog donjeg molara (χ2=12,07; p lt 0,001). Zaključak Najčešća lokalizacija glavnih otvora i kod mezijalnog i kod distalnog korena je na distalnoj površini korena u svim starosnim kategorijama. Najveći broj pomoćnih otvora uočen je u najmlađoj starosnoj kategoriji, a najčešće su bili lokalizovani na lingvalnoj strani mezijalnog i distalnog korena

    Obrazovna struktura ruralnog stanovništva Nišavske oblasti

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    The paper analyzes the educational structure of the rural population of Nišava region (Nišavski region) at the regional and municipal levels. The obtained results should indicate a change of qualification and the educational level of rural population of 15 years of age and over from 2002 to 2011. The aim was to perceive possible importance of human resources for cultural revival and social development of the villages in the Nišava region (Nišavski region) through the analysis of educational structure of the rural population.U radu je analizirana obrazovna struktura ruralnog stanovništva na nivou Nišavske oblasti i opština. Dobijeni rezultati bi trebalo da ukažu na promene školske spreme i obrazovnog nivoa seoskog stanovništva starijeg od 15 godina u periodu od 2002. do 2011. godine. Cilj je bio da se kroz analizu obrazovne strukture ruralnog stanovništva sagleda mogući značaj ljudskih resursa za kulturno oživljavanje i socijalni razvoj sela na prostoru Nišavske oblasti

    Obrazovna struktura ruralnog stanovništva Nišavske oblasti

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    The paper analyzes the educational structure of the rural population of Nišava region (Nišavski region) at the regional and municipal levels. The obtained results should indicate a change of qualification and the educational level of rural population of 15 years of age and over from 2002 to 2011. The aim was to perceive possible importance of human resources for cultural revival and social development of the villages in the Nišava region (Nišavski region) through the analysis of educational structure of the rural population.U radu je analizirana obrazovna struktura ruralnog stanovništva na nivou Nišavske oblasti i opština. Dobijeni rezultati bi trebalo da ukažu na promene školske spreme i obrazovnog nivoa seoskog stanovništva starijeg od 15 godina u periodu od 2002. do 2011. godine. Cilj je bio da se kroz analizu obrazovne strukture ruralnog stanovništva sagleda mogući značaj ljudskih resursa za kulturno oživljavanje i socijalni razvoj sela na prostoru Nišavske oblasti

    Educational Structure of Rural Population of the Nišava Region: Nišavski Region

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    The paper analyzes the educational structure of the rural population of Nišava region (Nišavski region) at the regional and municipal levels. The obtained results should indicate a change of qualification and the educational level of rural population of 15 years of age and over from 2002 to 2011. The aim was to perceive possible importance of human resources for cultural revival and social development of the villages in the Nišava region (Nišavski region) through the analysis of educational structure of the rural population

    Analysis of fieldwork methodology in anthropogeographic works of Jovan Cvijić

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    Interpreting the extensive and varied bibliography of Jovan Cvijić, largely in foreign languages, which apart from the text includes geographic and ethnographic map of the Balkan Peninsula, atlases, notes and drawings, it is concluded that his scientific work was versatile and complex. Cvijić's perception of space, the use of didactic principles, methods and forms of work can be categorized as actual and modern even in the present time. He was the first among the Balkan geographers who simultaneously interpreted natural, historical, sociological, ethnographic and ethno-psychological phenomena and processes. Cvijić pointed to the relationship between the geographic environment and human communities, civilizations and historical events, constantly examining their mutual conditionality. Numerous research trips in almost all regions of the Balkan Peninsula led to his interest in the culture and customs of the people. He noted that in the Balkans, there are different people by origin, religion and mentality. The result of the field research is certainly one of Cvijić's most important work - 'Anthropogeographical problems of the Balkan Peninsula'. His scientific approach has given an outstanding contribution to methodological development of geography

    Representation ethnological content in geography textbooks for 2nd grade gymnasium

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    The interdisciplinary teaching-scientific disciplines and all participants in the educational process, the school becomes an environment in which, in addition to teaching and learning, fosters the harmonious development of personality of students with various aspects. Geography and ethnology ratio is determined by their position in the system of scientific disciplines and tasks that have in education. From ethnology as a science is the selection of content, according to educational and functional tasks of teaching geography in specific socio-historical context. In geography textbooks represented ethnological themes through the study of the origin, beliefs and customs of a nation or community. As such, characteristics of the different analyzed ethnology people, by studying the relations between them, and thus enrich the geography textbooks. Ethnological facilities are very suitable for the teaching process because they enable wide application forms and methods, as well as a wide selection of new information and communication educational technologies. The aim of this paper is based on defining similarities and differences between geography and ethnology, as well as related and in many ways related to science and unbreakable. The aim of the paper points to the scale of the ethnological contents in geography textbooks for Secondary school. The results show that in terms of geography and ethnology, there are some similarities, but also differences when it comes to the interpretation of certain phenomena, processes and principles. Based on the results, proposals are defined which are contributing to a more efficient study of ethnological content with the aim of more obvious, more permanent and more practical adoption of students' knowledge

    Poljoprivredno stanovništvo u funkciji razvoja poljoprivrede Pčinjskog okruga

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    Research results presented in this paper refer to changes in the structure of the agricultural population of the Pčinja District in the period from 1971 to 2002. They point to markedly decrease in the agricultural population, the share of agricultural population in total population, the share of rural population in total population, as well as the share of active agricultural population in total active population. The process of deagrarianization in this area is a constraining factor for the development of agriculture and causes spontaneous abandonment by working-age population who is employing in other sectors. Transfer of agricultural population in non-agricultural activities takes place either by moving into the city centre or by remaining in agricultural households and employing in non-agricultural activities (which causes daily rural-urban migration). The process of depopulation and deruralization caused ageing population to be involved in agriculture in many rural settlements so that the effects of agricultural production have become significantly decreasing. To eliminate the negative effects of the regional development of the Pčinja District, it is necessary to establish and implement a functional demographic policy and concept of the revitalization of rural area.Rezultati istraživanja prezentovani u radu odnose se na promene u strukturi poljoprivrednog stanovništva Pčinjskog okruga u periodu od 1971. do 2002. godine. Oni ukazuju na izrazito smanjenja broja poljoprivrednog stanovništva, udela poljoprivrednog u ukupnom stanovništvu, udela seoskog u ukupnom stanovništvu, kao i udela aktivnog poljoprivrednog u ukupnom aktivnom stanovništvu. Proces deagrarizacije na ovom prostoru je ograničavajući faktor razvoja poljoprivrede i prouzrokuje stihijno napuštanje radno-sposobnog stanovništva koje se zapošljava u drugim delatnostima. Transfer poljoprivrednog stanovništva u nepoljoprivredne delatnosti odvija se ili preseljenjem u gradski centar ili ostajanjem na poljoprivrednim domaćinstvima i zapošljavanjem u nepoljoprivrednim delatnostima (što uslovljava dnevne migracije selo-grad). Proces depopulacije i deruralizacije je uslovio da se u mnogim seoskim naseljima u poljoprivredu uključuje staro stanovništvo pa su efekti poljoprivredne proizvodnje znatno sniženi. Da bi se otklonile negativne posledice u regionalnom razvoju Pčinjskog okruga potrebno je utvrditi i primeniti funkcionalnu demografsku politiku i koncept revitalizacije ruralnog prostora

    Realizacija oblika i metoda rada upotrebom kompjutera u nastavi geografije

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    Taking into consideration that the quality of education is conditioned by the quality of teaching, there is a justified need for constant innovations in teaching geography. This considers the teaching that stimulates development of geographical abilities through the fast and effective notification of the geographical problem and its independent solving. Geography has significant place in the educational-training process, meaning that more attention should be paid to the way of realization of educational contents in geography. Geographical contents can be interpreted differently and accommodated to the learning abilities of students. Traditional processing of geographical contents with its uniformity and routine must be modernized through the application of multimedia resources, which would help in overcoming certain weaknesses in its processing.Polazeći od činjenice da je kvalitet obrazovanja uslovljen kvalitetom nastave, postoji opravdana potreba za stalnim inovacijama u nastavi geografije. Pri tome se misli na nastavu koja podstiče razvoj geografskih sposobnosti kroz brzo i efikasno uočavanje geografskog problema i njihovo samostalno rešavanje. Geografija ima značajno mesto u obrazovno-vaspitnom procesu, pa shodno tome treba posvetiti veću pažnju načinu realizacije nastavnih sadržaja u geografiji. Geografski sadržaji se mogu različito interpretirati i prilagoditi saznajnim mogućnostima učenika. Tradicionalna obrada geografskih sadržaja sa svojom jednoličnošću i rutinom mora se osavremeniti kroz primenu multimedijskih sredstava čime bi se prevazišle određene slabosti u njihovoj obradi

    Značaj nastave geografije za ekološko obrazovanje učenika

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    Ecological education more and more gets an important place and role in the educational system. The ecological approach mostly fits into the teaching contents of geography and biology, but it is also possible and necessary in other subjects of instruction (physics, chemistry, T.E.). Ecological education must find its place in all subjects of instruction, but as for the teaching contents, geography offers the largest possibilities for methodological arrangement of ecological themes (e.g. problem of water pollution, atmosphere, etc.). The role of education is not just reflected in the need of changing the model of behavior towards the environment but also in the attempt of redefining the educational aim throughout the development of ecological conscience of pupils as the conscience of preserving, protecting and advancing the environment.Ekološko obrazovanje sve više dobija značajno mesto i ulogu u obrazovanju i vaspitanju. Ekološki pristup se najviše uklapa u nastavne sadržaje biologije i geografije, ali je moguć i potreban i u drugim nastavnim predmetima (fizike, hemije, tehničkog obrazovanja). Ekološko obrazovanje mora da nađe svoje mesto u svim nastavnim predmetima, ali geografija svojim nastavnim sadržajima je predmet koji pruža velike mogućnosti za metodičku obradu ekoloških tema (npr. problem zagađenosti voda, atmosfere itd.) Uloga vaspitanja i obrazovanja ne ogleda se samo u potrebi promene modela ponašanja prema životnoj sredini, već u pokušaju redefinisanja cilja vaspitanja i obrazovanja kroz razvoj ekološke svesti učenika, kao svesti o čuvanju, zaštiti i unapređenju životne sredine