Ecological education more and more gets an important place and role in the educational system. The ecological approach mostly fits into the teaching contents of geography and biology, but it is also possible and necessary in other subjects of instruction (physics, chemistry, T.E.). Ecological education must find its place in all subjects of instruction, but as for the teaching contents, geography offers the largest possibilities for methodological arrangement of ecological themes (e.g. problem of water pollution, atmosphere, etc.). The role of education is not just reflected in the need of changing the model of behavior towards the environment but also in the attempt of redefining the educational aim throughout the development of ecological conscience of pupils as the conscience of preserving, protecting and advancing the environment.Ekološko obrazovanje sve više dobija značajno mesto i ulogu u obrazovanju i vaspitanju. Ekološki pristup se najviše uklapa u nastavne sadržaje biologije i geografije, ali je moguć i potreban i u drugim nastavnim predmetima (fizike, hemije, tehničkog obrazovanja). Ekološko obrazovanje mora da nađe svoje mesto u svim nastavnim predmetima, ali geografija svojim nastavnim sadržajima je predmet koji pruža velike mogućnosti za metodičku obradu ekoloških tema (npr. problem zagađenosti voda, atmosfere itd.) Uloga vaspitanja i obrazovanja ne ogleda se samo u potrebi promene modela ponašanja prema životnoj sredini, već u pokušaju redefinisanja cilja vaspitanja i obrazovanja kroz razvoj ekološke svesti učenika, kao svesti o čuvanju, zaštiti i unapređenju životne sredine