5 research outputs found

    An untrained deep learning method for reconstructing dynamic magnetic resonance images from accelerated model-based data

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    The purpose of this work is to implement physics-based regularization as a stopping condition in tuning an untrained deep neural network for reconstructing MR images from accelerated data. The ConvDecoder neural network was trained with a physics-based regularization term incorporating the spoiled gradient echo equation that describes variable-flip angle (VFA) data. Fully-sampled VFA k-space data were retrospectively accelerated by factors of R={8,12,18,36} and reconstructed with ConvDecoder (CD), ConvDecoder with the proposed regularization (CD+r), locally low-rank (LR) reconstruction, and compressed sensing with L1-wavelet regularization (L1). Final images from CD+r training were evaluated at the \emph{argmin} of the regularization loss; whereas the CD, LR, and L1 reconstructions were chosen optimally based on ground truth data. The performance measures used were the normalized root-mean square error, the concordance correlation coefficient (CCC), and the structural similarity index (SSIM). The CD+r reconstructions, chosen using the stopping condition, yielded SSIMs that were similar to the CD (p=0.47) and LR SSIMs (p=0.95) across R and that were significantly higher than the L1 SSIMs (p=0.04). The CCC values for the CD+r T1 maps across all R and subjects were greater than those corresponding to the L1 (p=0.15) and LR (p=0.13) T1 maps, respectively. For R > 12 (<4.2 minutes scan time), L1 and LR T1 maps exhibit a loss of spatially refined details compared to CD+r. We conclude that the use of an untrained neural network together with a physics-based regularization loss shows promise as a measure for determining the optimal stopping point in training without relying on fully-sampled ground truth data.Comment: 45 pages, 7 figures, 2 Tables, supplementary material included (10 figures, 4 tables

    Mathematical modelling of the dynamics of image-informed tumor habitats in a murine model of glioma

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    Abstract Tumors exhibit high molecular, phenotypic, and physiological heterogeneity. In this effort, we employ quantitative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data to capture this heterogeneity through imaging-based subregions or “habitats” in a murine model of glioma. We then demonstrate the ability to model and predict the growth of the habitats using coupled ordinary differential equations (ODEs) in the presence and absence of radiotherapy. Female Wistar rats (N = 21) were inoculated intracranially with 106 C6 glioma cells, a subset of which received 20 Gy (N = 5) or 40 Gy (N = 8) of radiation. All rats underwent diffusion-weighted and dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI at up to seven time points. All MRI data at each visit were subsequently clustered using k-means to identify physiological tumor habitats. A family of four models consisting of three coupled ODEs were developed and calibrated to the habitat time series of control and treated rats and evaluated for predictive capability. The Akaike Information Criterion was used for model selection, and the normalized sum-of-square-error (SSE) was used to evaluate goodness-of-fit in model calibration and prediction. Three tumor habitats with significantly different imaging data characteristics (p < 0.05) were identified: high-vascularity high-cellularity, low-vascularity high-cellularity, and low-vascularity low-cellularity. Model selection resulted in a five-parameter model whose predictions of habitat dynamics yielded SSEs that were similar to the SSEs from the calibrated model. It is thus feasible to mathematically describe habitat dynamics in a preclinical model of glioma using biology-based ODEs, showing promise for forecasting heterogeneous tumor behavior

    Modeling cell line-specific recruitment of signaling proteins to the insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor.

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    Receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) typically contain multiple autophosphorylation sites in their cytoplasmic domains. Once activated, these autophosphorylation sites can recruit downstream signaling proteins containing Src homology 2 (SH2) and phosphotyrosine-binding (PTB) domains, which recognize phosphotyrosine-containing short linear motifs (SLiMs). These domains and SLiMs have polyspecific or promiscuous binding activities. Thus, multiple signaling proteins may compete for binding to a common SLiM and vice versa. To investigate the effects of competition on RTK signaling, we used a rule-based modeling approach to develop and analyze models for ligand-induced recruitment of SH2/PTB domain-containing proteins to autophosphorylation sites in the insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1) receptor (IGF1R). Models were parameterized using published datasets reporting protein copy numbers and site-specific binding affinities. Simulations were facilitated by a novel application of model restructuration, to reduce redundancy in rule-derived equations. We compare predictions obtained via numerical simulation of the model to those obtained through simple prediction methods, such as through an analytical approximation, or ranking by copy number and/or KD value, and find that the simple methods are unable to recapitulate the predictions of numerical simulations. We created 45 cell line-specific models that demonstrate how early events in IGF1R signaling depend on the protein abundance profile of a cell. Simulations, facilitated by model restructuration, identified pairs of IGF1R binding partners that are recruited in anti-correlated and correlated fashions, despite no inclusion of cooperativity in our models. This work shows that the outcome of competition depends on the physicochemical parameters that characterize pairwise interactions, as well as network properties, including network connectivity and the relative abundances of competitors

    Integrating mechanism-based modeling with biomedical imaging to build practical digital twins for clinical oncology

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    Digital twins employ mathematical and computational models to virtually represent a physical object (e.g., planes, human organs), predict the behavior of the object, and enable decision-making to optimize the future behavior of the object. While digital twins have been widely used in engineering for decades, their applications to oncology are only just emerging. Due to advances in experimental techniques quantitatively characterizing cancer, as well advances in the mathematical and computational sciences, the notion of building and applying digital twins to understand tumor dynamics and personalize the care of cancer patients has been increasingly appreciated. In this review, we present the opportunities and challenges of applying digital twins in clinical oncology, with a particular focus on integrating medical imaging with mechanism-based, tissue-scale mathematical modeling. Specifically, we first introduce the general digital twin framework and then illustrate existing applications of image-guided digital twins in healthcare. Next, we detail both the imaging and modeling techniques that provide practical opportunities to build patient-specific digital twins for oncology. We then describe the current challenges and limitations in developing image-guided, mechanism-based digital twins for oncology along with potential solutions. We conclude by outlining five fundamental questions that can serve as a roadmap when designing and building a practical digital twin for oncology and attempt to provide answers for a specific application to brain cancer. We hope that this contribution provides motivation for the imaging science, oncology, and computational communities to develop practical digital twin technologies to improve the care of patients battling cancer