2,864 research outputs found

    Controlled Ecological Life Support Systems (CELSS) physiochemical waste management systems evaluation

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    Parametric data for six waste management subsystems considered for use on the Space Station are compared, i.e.: (1) dry incineration; (2) wet oxidation; (3) supercritical water oxidation; (4) vapor compression distillation; (5) thermoelectric integrated membrane evaporation system; and (6) vapor phase catalytic ammonia removal. The parameters selected for comparison are on-orbit weight and volume, resupply and return to Earth logistics, power consumption, and heat rejection. Trades studies are performed on subsystem parameters derived from the most recent literature. The Boeing Engineering Trade Study (BETS), an environmental control and life support system (ECLSS) trade study computer program developed by Boeing Aerospace Company, is used to properly size the subsystems under study. The six waste treatment subsystems modeled in this program are sized to process the wastes for a 90-day Space Station mission with an 8-person crew, and an emergency supply period of 28 days. The resulting subsystem parameters are compared not only on an individual subsystem level but also as part of an integrated ECLSS

    Exclusion of Tiny Interstellar Dust Grains from the Heliosphere

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    The distribution of interstellar dust grains (ISDG) observed in the Solar System depends on the nature of the interstellar medium-solar wind interaction. The charge of the grains couples them to the interstellar magnetic field (ISMF) resulting in some fraction of grains being excluded from the heliosphere while grains on the larger end of the size distribution, with gyroradii comparable to the size of the heliosphere, penetrate the termination shock. This results in a skewing the size distribution detected in the Solar System. We present new calculations of grain trajectories and the resultant grain density distribution for small ISDGs propagating through the heliosphere. We make use of detailed heliosphere model results, using three-dimensional (3-D) magnetohydrodynamic/kinetic models designed to match data on the shape of the termination shock and the relative deflection of interstellar neutral H and He flowing into the heliosphere. We find that the necessary inclination of the ISMF relative to the inflow direction results in an asymmetry in the distribution of the larger grains (0.1 micron) that penetrate the heliopause. Smaller grains (0.01 micron) are completely excluded from the Solar System at the heliopause.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in the Solar Wind 12 conference proceeding

    The Origin of Soft X-rays in DQ Herculis

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    DQ Herculis (Nova Herculis 1934) is a deeply eclipsing cataclysmic variable containing a magnetic white dwarf primary. The accretion disk is thought to block our line of sight to the white dwarf at all orbital phases due to its extreme inclination angle. Nevertheless, soft X-rays were detected from DQ Her with ROSAT PSPC. To probe the origin of these soft X-rays, we have performed Chandra ACIS observations. We confirm that DQ Her is an X-ray source. The bulk of the X-rays are from a point-like source and exhibit a shallow partial eclipse. We interpret this as due to scattering of the unseen central X-ray source, probably in an accretion disk wind. At the same time, we observe what appear to be weak extended X-ray features around DQ Her, which we interpret as an X-ray emitting knot in the nova shell.Comment: 18 pages including 4 figures, accepted for publication in Astrphyisical Journa

    Active current sheets and hot flow anomalies in Mercury's bow shock

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    Hot flow anomalies (HFAs) represent a subset of solar wind discontinuities interacting with collisionless bow shocks. They are typically formed when the normal component of motional (convective) electric field points toward the embedded current sheet on at least one of its sides. The core region of an HFA contains hot and highly deflected ion flows and rather low and turbulent magnetic field. In this paper, we report first observations of HFA-like events at Mercury identified over a course of two planetary years. Using data from the orbital phase of the MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging (MESSENGER) mission, we identify a representative ensemble of active current sheets magnetically connected to Mercury's bow shock. We show that some of these events exhibit unambiguous magnetic and particle signatures of HFAs similar to those observed earlier at other planets, and present their key physical characteristics. Our analysis suggests that Mercury's bow shock does not only mediate the flow of supersonic solar wind plasma but also provides conditions for local particle acceleration and heating as predicted by previous numerical simulations. Together with earlier observations of HFA activity at Earth, Venus and Saturn, our results confirm that hot flow anomalies are a common property of planetary bow shocks, and show that the characteristic size of these events is of the order of one planetary radius.Comment: 39 pages, 15 figures, 2 table

    Dust in the Local Interstellar Wind

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    The gas-to-dust mass ratios found for interstellar dust within the Solar System, versus values determined astronomically for the cloud around the Solar System, suggest that large and small interstellar grains have separate histories, and that large interstellar grains preferentially detected by spacecraft are not formed exclusively by mass exchange with nearby interstellar gas. Observations by the Ulysses and Galileo satellites of the mass spectrum and flux rate of interstellar dust within the heliosphere are combined with information about the density, composition, and relative flow speed and direction of interstellar gas in the cloud surrounding the solar system to derive an in situ value for the gas-to-dust mass ratio, Rg/d=9438+46R_{g/d} = 94^{+46}_{-38}. Hubble observations of the cloud surrounding the solar system yield a gas-to-dust mass ratio of Rg/d=551+61-251 when B-star reference abundances are assumed. The exclusion of small dust grains from the heliosheath and heliosphere regions are modeled, increasing the discrepancy between interstellar and in situ observations. The shock destruction of interstellar grains is considered, and comparisons are made with interplanetary and presolar dust grains.Comment: 87 pages, 9 figures, 6 tables, accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal. Uses AASTe