561 research outputs found

    Cluster electron observations of the separatrix layer during traveling compression regions

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    [ 1] We present Cluster 4-point observations of electrons during traveling compression regions ( TCRs) on 19 September 2001. The electron and \B\ signatures vary with distance from the plasma sheet, confirming that transient plasma sheet bulges propagate past Cluster. TCRs with \B\ increases have either no electron signature, or unidirectional similar to1 keV electrons at the plasma sheet edge. However, spacecraft initially near the plasma sheet edge are engulfed within the bulge and observe a diamagnetic reduction in \B\. In cases where the underlying plasma sheet bulge moves earthward, electrons at the plasma sheet edge stream tailward. We suggest this represents either a remote observation of electrons closing the Hall current system in an ion diffusion region located farther tailward, or the outflow jets along the separatrix formed by a second neutral line located farther earthward of the spacecraft. The latter case implies the simultaneous action of multiple X-lines in the near-Earth tail

    Viscously driven plasma flows in the deep geomagnetic tail

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    We present an analysis, based on the principles of stress balance in a 1‐dimensional current sheet, which considers the problem of closed magnetic flux transport into the deep tail by a “viscous”‐like interaction between the solar wind and the magnetosphere. We illustrate our analysis with an example of ISEE‐3 data showing strong tailward plasma sheet flows on apparently closed field lines in the deep tail. Apart from narrow regions adjacent to the magnetopause, these flows are not driven by the scattering of magnetosheath plasma into the magnetosphere. We estimate the fraction of the magnetosheath momentum flux needed to be anomalously transferred into the plasma sheet to drive the flows. In our example this is ∌6%. No previously suggested mechanism (e.g., the Kelvin‐Helmholtz Instability) has been shown capable of providing anomalous momentum transport of this magnitude. Our current understanding of the “viscous” interaction between the solar wind and magnetosphere is thus insufficient to explain these observations

    Does reconnection only occur at points of maximum shear on Mercury’s dayside magnetopause?

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    MESSENGER observations of large numbers of flux transfer events (FTEs) during dayside crossings of Mercury's magnetopause have shown that the highly dynamic Hermean magnetosphere is strongly driven by frequent and intense magnetic reconnection. Since FTEs are products of reconnection, study of them can reveal information about whether reconnection sites favor points of maximum shear on the magnetopause. Here, we analyze 201 FTEs formed under relatively stable upstream solar wind conditions as observed by MESSENGER during inbound magnetopause crossings. By modeling paths of these FTEs along the magnetopause, we determine the conditions and locations of the reconnection sites at which these FTEs were likely formed. The majority of these FTE formation paths were found to intersect with high-magnetic shear regions, defined as shear angles above 135°. Seven FTEs were found where the maximum shear angle possible between the reconnecting magnetic field lines was less than 80° and three of these had shear angles less than 70°, supporting the idea that very low-shear reconnection could be occurring on Mercury's dayside magnetopause under this global-scale picture of magnetic reconnection. Additionally, for the FTEs formed under these low-shear reconnection conditions, tracing a dominant X-line connecting points of maximum shear along the magnetopause that passes through a region of very low-shear may be difficult to justify, implying reconnection could be occurring anywhere along Mercury's magnetopause and may not be confined to points of maximum shear

    Evolution of the plasmoid‐lobe interaction with downtail distance

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    This study examines the interaction between plasmoids moving anti‐sunward at high speeds and the tail lobes which bound them to the north and south. Attention is focused on the influence of changing lobe conditions with downtail distance. It is shown using ISEE 3 measurements that the gradual filling of the lobes with mantle plasma and the decrease in magnetic field intensity reduces the average lobe MHD fast mode speed from 1200 km s^{-1} at X = −80 R_{E} to 400 km s^{-1} at X = −220 R_{E}. This results in the ratio of the plasmoid speed to the fast mode speed increasing with downtail distance, from 0.3 at X = −80 R_{E} to ∌1 at X = −220 R_{E}. It is argued that the “standard” traveling compression region (TCR) signature observed closer to the Earth will be distorted at large distances, where the fast mode transit time between the plasmoid and magnetopause becomes long compared to the time for the plasmoid to move past a given point in the tail. This change in the nature of the plasmoid‐lobe interaction with downtail distance is offered as an explanation for why the reported rate of TCR occurrence peaks at X = −60 to −130 R_{E} and decreases in the more distant tail

    Cassini in situ observations of long duration magnetic reconnection in Saturn’s magnetotail

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    Magnetic reconnection is a fundamental process in solar system and astrophysical plasmas, through which stored magnetic energy associated with current sheets is converted into thermal, kinetic and wave energy1, 2, 3, 4. Magnetic reconnection is also thought to be a key process involved in shedding internally produced plasma from the giant magnetospheres at Jupiter and Saturn through topological reconfiguration of the magnetic field5, 6. The region where magnetic fields reconnect is known as the diffusion region and in this letter we report on the first encounter of the Cassini spacecraft with a diffusion region in Saturn’s magnetotail. The data also show evidence of magnetic reconnection over a period of 19?h revealing that reconnection can, in fact, act for prolonged intervals in a rapidly rotating magnetosphere. We show that reconnection can be a significant pathway for internal plasma loss at Saturn6. This counters the view of reconnection as a transient method of internal plasma loss at Saturn5, 7. These results, although directly relating to the magnetosphere of Saturn, have applications in the understanding of other rapidly rotating magnetospheres, including that of Jupiter and other astrophysical bodies

    A transient enhancement of Mercury's exosphere at extremely high altitudes inferred from pickup ions

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    Mercury has a global dayside exosphere, with measured densities of 10-2 cm-3 at ~1500 km. Here we report on the inferred enhancement of neutral densities (<102 cm-3) at high altitudes (~5300 km) by the MESSENGER spacecraft. Such high-altitude densities cannot be accounted for by the typical exosphere. This event was observed by the Fast-Imaging Plasma Spectrometer (FIPS), which detected heavy ions of planetary origin that were recently ionized, and "picked up" by the solar wind. We estimate that the neutral density required to produce the observed pickup ion fluxes is similar to typical exospheric densities found at ~700 km altitudes. We suggest that this event was most likely caused by a meteroid impact. Understanding meteoroid impacts is critical to understanding the source processes of the exosphere at Mercury, and the use of plasma spectrometers will be crucial for future observations with the Bepi-Colombo mission

    Evaluating Single Spacecraft Observations of Planetary Magnetotails With Simple Monte Carlo Simulations: 2. Magnetic Flux Rope Signature Selection Effects

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    A Monte Carlo method of investigating the effects of placing selection criteria on the magnetic signature of in situ encounters with flux ropes is presented. The technique is applied to two recent flux rope surveys of MESSENGER data within the Hermean magnetotail. It is found that the different criteria placed upon the signatures will preferentially identify slightly different subsets of the underlying population. Quantifying the selection biases first allows the distributions of flux rope parameters to be corrected, allowing a more accurate estimation of the intrinsic distributions. This is shown with regard to the distribution of flux rope radii observed. When accounting for the selection criteria, the mean radius of Hermean magnetotail quasi-force-free flux ropes is found to be 589+273−269 km. Second, it is possible to weight the known identifications in order to determine a rate of recurrence that accounts for the presence of the structures that will not be identified. In the case of the Hermean magnetotail, the average rate of quasi-force-free flux ropes is found to 0.12 min−1 when selection effects are accounted for (up from 0.05 min−1 previously inferred from observations)

    The lunar wake at 6.8 R(L): WIND magnetic field observations

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    We report on WIND magnetic field observations at ∌6.8 RL downstream of the moon on 27th December 1994. The moon was in the solar wind during the encounter. IMP‐8 observations are used to determine baseline IMF conditions, and therefore determine those features in the WIND data which are related to its proximity to the moon. Previous Explorer 35 observations suggest that the lunar wake is not detectable beyond a downstream distance of ∌4 RL. However, despite the distance of WIND from the moon, we observe a slight decrease in field intensity just prior to the spacecraft entering the optical shadow, a slight field strength enhancement whilst in shadow, and perhaps a weak depression once the spacecraft reemerges into sunlight. These signatures closely resemble, but are weaker than, the previous observations. We conclude that a lunar wake did extend to these distances at the time of this encounter. We also note a rotation in field direction some distance outside of the wake signature which may be attributed to the crossing of the lunar mach cone boundary. We discuss the observations in terms of simple models of the solar wind interaction with an insulating body

    Evaluating Single-Spacecraft Observations of Planetary Magnetotails With Simple Monte Carlo Simulations: 1. Spatial Distributions of the Neutral Line

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    A simple Monte Carlo model is presented that considers the effects of spacecraft orbital sampling on the inferred distribution of magnetic flux ropes, generated through magnetic reconnection in the magnetotail current sheet. When generalized, the model allows the determination of the number of orbits required to constrain the underlying population of structures: It is able to quantify this as a function of the physical parameters of the structures (e.g., azimuthal extent and probability of generation). The model is shown adapted to the Hermean magnetotail, where the outputs are compared to the results of a recent survey. This comparison suggests that the center of Mercury's neutral line is located dawnward of midnight by 0.37+1.21−1.02 RM and that the flux ropes are most likely to be wide azimuthally (∌50% of the width of the Hermean tail). The downtail location of the neutral line is not self-consistent or in agreement with previous (independent) studies unless dissipation terms are included planetward of the reconnection site; potential physical explanations are discussed. In the future the model could be adapted to other environments, for example, the dayside magnetopause or other planetary magnetotails
