5,986 research outputs found

    Urban Space: The Phenomena of Unfinished in the Cities of Montenegro

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    Throughout the history of civilisation and architecture, the phenomenon of unfinished has been constantly present. Many historical and sociopolitical developments have caused some buildings and urban areas never to be completed. Nevertheless, these “structures”, although “mistakes of the past”, have continued to live spontaneously, being integrated into the urban fabric of the city. They have often become parts of the public space, as “mutants”, and a constant inspiration for architects and artists. There are many such examples in the territory of Montenegro: Ulcinj, Risan, Budva, Pluzine, Niksic, etc. The Revolution Memorial Hall building in Niksic, an unfinished concrete and steel mega-structure – “mega-unfinishedness” (“a similar structure was not built in the former SFRY”), is a good example of it. Today, this unfinished “dead space” continues to “live” by generating new “events in space”, from “kiosk size businesses” to the idea of being simply “buried”, turning thus into a “live monument”

    Importance of the management incentives for the improvement of company’s activities

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    In this paper we have emphasized on the importance of the management incentives and their impact on company’s efficiency and effectiveness of corporate governance. Company owners, who regard managerial incentives as an investment rather than as a financial outlay, could expect a commitment of the managers to the interests of the company, achievement of desired results and business prosperity. At the same time, the potential conflict of interests between company’s shareholders and management could be solved by allocation of appropriate management incentives. As the effectiveness of management incentives depends on their good evaluation, it is important to identify potential indicators and to measure their consistency with the value created to business owners. Moreover we have identified financial measures for manager’s contribution to the company operations, used as a criterion for entitlement to managers’ incentives. Paper ends by assessing the need to adjust the company to changing global financial environment, with a special reference to the changes of incentives’ policy in Serbian companies, and the most important motivational factors affecting Romanian employees during the current period of global financial crisis.Management Incentives, Principal-Agent Problem, Incentive Schemes, Company Performance

    Kreativnost u pričama učenika - studija slučaja u osnovnoj školi

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    The paper explores a question relevant to educational practice: to what extent are teachers’ assessments of students’ creative story writing reliable and useful for gaining insight into students’ creative production in this domain, and for shaping and providing adequate support to creative potential of young people at school setting. Participants in this study were sixth and seventh grade primary school students who wrote stories (N=142), and teachers who assessed creativity of these stories (N=3). A statistically significant, but low agreement was found among teachers’ assessments of the stories’ creativity. The teachers identified two groups of creativity indicators: the first group refers to expression in the verbal domain (knowledge of language, playing with language), while the other group refers to creativity in general (originality, sentiment, ethic dimension). Case studies of four most creative story writers failed to find a typical profile with critical contribution of any indicator or precondition for their creative production. Narrative analysis of the most creative stories confirmed the existence of those indicators of creative potential which the teachers reported in their essays. It is concluded that an individual approach in interpreting data on the child’ talents is necessary even at the primary school level. It is recommended to combine qualitative and quantitative methods, which enables obtaining data that would not be accessible by using only one or the other approach.Problem rada određen je kao pitanje značajno za školsku praksu: koliko su pouzdane i korisne procene nastavnika za formiranje slike o kreativnim kapacitetima učenika i za oblikovanje adekvatne podrške kreativnim potencijalima mladih u školi. U istraživanju su učestvovali učenici šestog i sedmog razreda osnovne škole (N=142) koji su pisali priče, i nastavnici koji su procenjivali kreativnost tih priča (N=3). Utvrđeno je statistički značajno, ali nisko slaganje nastavnika u procenjivanju kreativnosti priča. Nastavnici su u pričama identifikovali dve grupe indikatora kreativnosti: prva grupa odnosila se na izražavanje u verbalnom domenu (poznavanje jezika, igranje jezikom), a druga na kreativnost uopšte (originalnost, emocionalnost, etička dimenzija). Četiri studije slučaja učenika koji su napisali najkreativnije priče otkrile su da nema tipičnog profila sa kritičnim doprinosom bilo kog indikatora ili preduslova koji su uključeni u ispitivanje. Analiza narativa najkreativnijih priča potvrdila je prisustvo indikatora kreativnog potencijala o kojima su izveštavali nastavnici u svojim esejima. Zaključeno je da je neophodan individualni pristup u tumačenju podataka o detetovom talentu već na osnovnoškolskom uzrastu. Preporučeno je kombinovanje kvantitativnih i kvalitativnih metoda koje stvara uslove za dolaženje do podataka koji se ne bi mogli dobiti primenom samo jednog pristupa

    Priprema nastavnika za realizaciju izbornih predmeta

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    Education and in-service teacher training aimed at developing teachers' professional competencies are one of key elements of the ongoing reform of the education system in Serbia. The implementation of a number of optional subjects and courses opens the question of the selection and competencies of the teachers who can best run them. The experiences in the realization of the optional subjects Religion and Civic Education, as optional-compulsory subjects in primary and secondary schools, indicate the need for additional teacher training both in the domain of teaching contents and methodological-didactic preparation for work with students of particular ages. The increase and the diversity of optional subjects and courses tailored to meet particular local needs requires changes in both pre-service and in-service teacher training. Prospective teachers should acquire and develop knowledge, skills and attitudes which will ensure their professional and responsible reactions, also, to the needs of students and their parents by tailoring and realizing attractive, functional optional teaching contents and activities. Flexible organization and continuous modernization of in-service training promises a satisfactory preparation of teachers for any new roles and functions in the school.Obrazovanje i stručno usavršavanje nastavnika radi povećanja njihove profesionalne kompetentnosti predstavlja jedan od ključnih elemenata aktuelne reforme obrazovnog sistema u Srbiji. Uvođenje većeg broja izbornih i fakultativnih predmeta i programa otvara pitanje izbora i kompetencija nastavnika koji će ih kvalitetno realizovati. Iskustva u realizaciji verske nastave i građanskog vaspitanja, kao obaveznih izbornih predmeta u osnovnim i srednjim školama, ukazuju na potrebu dodatnog obrazovanja nastavnog kadra kako u domenu nastavnih sadržaja, tako i u oblasti metodičko-didaktičke pripreme za rad u školi sa učenicima određenog uzrasta. Uvećanje broja i raznovrsnost izbornih predmeta i fakultativnih programa koji će odgovarati lokalnim potrebama zahteva promene u bazičnom obrazovanju i stručnom usavršavanju nastavnika. Nastavnici bi trebalo da steknu i razviju znanja veštine i stavove koji će omogućiti njihovo stručno i odgovorio reagovanje na potrebe dece u roditelja škole u kojoj rade, kroz koncipiranje i realizaciju atraktivnih i funkcionalnih izbornih i fakultativnih nastavnih sadržaja i aktivnosti. Fleksibilna organizacija i kontinuirano osavremenjavanje stručnog obrazovanja uz pad obećava zadovoljavajuću pripremu nastavnika za nove uloge i funkcije u školi

    Adaptation of translational machinery in malaria parasites to accommodate translation of poly-adenosine stretches throughout its life cycle

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    Malaria is caused by unicellular apicomplexan parasites of the genu