26 research outputs found


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    Contemporary world is global, interdependent, rapidly changing generating uncertainties compounded by bankrupting nature, destroying human and social capitals. In addition, some sovereign countries possess weapons of mass destruction. It is obvious that the current world is not sustainable, and reduction of threats cannot be achieved within the current paradigm. A new social, economic and political paradigm is required and that can be achieved not by violence, but by more knowledge. Power has shifted from military force to wealth and now to knowledge. Power shift does not merely transfer power, it transforms it. New paradigm is a continuous change, where scientific research, art and education play a dominant role

    Isospin Impurity of the 4.57-MeV State in ^6Li

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    The T=1 isospin mixing in the 4.57-MeV (T=0) state in ^6Li is investigated via the α+d→^6Li*→α+d* reaction and found to be less than 1%

    4th EPS Seminar on International Research Facilities

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    Comments on Recent Progress in Few Particle Physics

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    Indicators of Economic Progress: The Power of Measurement and Human Welfare

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    Right measurement is a powerful instrument for social progress; wrong or imprecise measurement a source of hazard and even havoc. The essential purpose of economic activity is the promotion of human development, welfare and well-being in a sustainable manner, and not growth for growth’s sake, yet we lack effective measures to monitor progress toward these objectives. Advances in understanding, theory and measurement must necessarily proceed hand in hand. A companion article in this publication sets forth the urgent need for new theory in economics. This article sets forth the complementary need for new measures. The stakes are high and the choice is ours. On one side, rising social tensions, recurring financial crises and ecological disaster; on the other, the progressive unfolding and development of human capacity in harmony with Nature. The deficiencies of GDP as a measure are well-documented by leading economists Kuznets, Tobin, Tinbergen and many others; but, unfortunately, decision-making still remains largely based on GDP, valid during 1930-70 perhaps, but certainly inappropriate today. The challenge is to derive more appropriate indicators to reflect real, sustainable economic welfare, social development and human wellbeing. The attributes that have made GDP so successful are often overlooked — it provides clear objectives for policy and decision-making. We propose new composite indicator, HEWI, which can be used to guide decision-making, which retains the strengths associated with GDP, while substantially enhancing its value as a measure of human economic development. HEWI monitors progress on factors that contribute prominently to present economic welfare — household consumption, government welfare-related expenditure, income inequality and unemployment — as well as factors that have the potential to significantly enhance long term sustainability — education, fossil fuel energy efficiency and net household savings. The index is applied to assess the economic performance of select countries from 1985-2005

    Symposium on Few-body Problems, Light Nuclei and Nuclear Interactions

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