14 research outputs found

    Parametri kvaliteta plodova kod različitih genotipova paradajza u organskoj proizvodnji

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    The aim of this study was to examine the content of total soluble solids, organic acids and lycopene in fruits of different tomato genotypes grown in organic production. Four different genotypes (Volovsko heart Red cherry, Tigrella and Viva) were used during this experiment. The quality of tomato fruits was analyzed based on the measurement of total soluble solids, organic acids and lycopene in fresh weight of the fruit. The values obtained for the analyzed parameters of fruit quality were as follows: total soluble solids 4.98, 5.26, 5.28 and 4.70 (° Brix), organic acids 160.67, 110.34, 132.77 and 116 (citric acid µmol g-1 FW), lycopene, 8.22, 5.70, 7.61, 9.21 (mg kg-1 FW) in genotypes Volovsko srce, Red cherry, Tigrella and Viva. Oscillations in the obtained parameters, especially in the content of lycopene in different genotypes were probably the result of genetic resources, but also the influence of abiotic factors.Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da se ispita sadržaj ukupnih rastvorljivih suvih materija, organskih kiselina i likopena u plodovima različitih genotipova paradajza gajenog u organskoj proizvodnji. Četiri različita genotipa (Volovsko srce, Red cherry, Tigrella i Viva) su korišćeni tokom ovog eksperimenta. Kvalitet plodova paradajza analiziran je na osnovu merenja ukupnih rastvorljivih suvih materija, organskih kiselina i likopena u svežoj masi plodova. Dobijene vrednosti za analizirane parametre kvaliteta plodova su iznosile: ukupne rastvorljive materije 4.98, 5.26, 5.28 i 4.70 (oBrix), organske kiseline 160.67, 110.34, 116 i 132.77 (citric acid µmol g-1 FW), likopen 8.22, 5.70, 7.61, 9.21 (mg kg-1 FW) kod analiziranih genotipova Volovsko srce, Red cherry, Tigrella i Viva. Variranje u dobijenim parametrima, a naročito u sadržaju likopena kod različitih genotipova su bile posledica genetskog potencijala, ali i uticaja abiotičkih faktora

    The effect of different genotypes and growing seasons on the content of nitrate and vitamin C in lettuce leaves

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    Lettuce is a cool season crop, grown worldwide and important vegetable usually used as a sal- ad. It is rich in vitamin C, which has significant role as antioxidant, but lettuce can also accumulate toxic compounds like nitrates. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of different lettuce genotypes and growing seasons on the content of nitrate and vitamin C in the outer and inner leaves. Six cultivars (‘Kiribati’ RZ, ‘Murai’ RZ, ‘Aquino’ RZ, ‘Gaugin’ RZ, ‘Aleppo’ RZ, ‘Carmesi’ RZ) were grown in the greenhouse experiment during autumn, winter and spring. Vitamin C was determined spectrophotometrically at 550 nm and nitrate colorimetrically at 420 nm. Vitamin C ranged between 3.64-12.41 mg per 100 g FW in autumn, 3.68-7.34 mg per 100 g FW in winter and 3.05-7.72 mg per 100 g FW in spring. Cultivar ‘Carmesi’ had the highest level of vitamin C in the outer leaves (9.15 mg per 100 g FW) and ‘Gaugin’ in the inner leaves (12.41 mg per 100 g FW), both in autumn. Nitrate content ranged between 258.77-908.2 mg kg-1 FW in autumn, 296.62-977.64 mg kg-1 FW in winter and 42.74-450.74 mg kg-1 FW in spring. Cultivar ‘Carmesi’ had the highest level of nitrate in the outer leaves (977.64 mg kg -1 FW) and ‘Aleppo’ in the inner leaves (701.45 mg kg -1 FW), both in winter. Nitrate content in all seasons and genotypes stayed within the limit of EC regulation for protected lettuce. Generally, vitamin C was allocated to the inner and nitrate to the outer leaves. Results showed that genotype and growing season can affect the content of vitamin C and nitrate in lettuce leaves

    Seasonal variation of total phenolic content in six lettuce cultivars grown with microbiological fertilizer

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    Lettuce (Lactuca sativa, L.) is an annual, cool season crop belonging to Asteraceae family and to a group of leafy vegetables. It is rich in minerals, vitamins and antioxidative compounds which are essential for human nutrition. The advantage of lettuce, as eaten raw, is that maintains more nutrients than other cooked vegetables. Lettuce is low in calories and it is suggested to diabetics, people with sleep problems and disturbed metabolism. Growers are interested in cultivating lettuce because of their short vegetation period and opportunity to cultivate in all seasons. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of microbiological fertilizer Em Aktiv (Candor) on the total phenolic content (TPC) in six lettuce cultivars. Cultivars (′Kiribati′, ′Murai′, ′Aquino′, ′Gaugin′, ′Aleppo′, ′Carmesi′- Rijk Zwaan) were grown in the fertile soil in a greenhouse experiment during three successive seasons (autumn, winter and spring). Total phenolic content ranged between 175.85-372.73 μg GAE/g FW in autumn, 104.12-522.74 μg GAE/g FW in winter and 88.88-340.93 μg GAE/g FW in spring. Our results indicated that red cultivars mainly had higher total phenolic content compared to green cultivars with the exception in autumn experiment. Among all seasons, control treatment of cultivar ′Carmesi′ showed the highest total phenolic content (522.74 μg GAE/g FW) in winter. The effect of fertilizer Em Aktiv on TPC in different cultivars was to some extent positive in spring and autumn, but even negative during winter season. Such a complex response indicates the need for careful selection of varieties and fertilizers in relation to the season. To conclude, red cultivars were pointed out with higher total phenolic content and they could be recommended as a great source of bioactive compounds for healthy human diet.Salata (Lactuca sativa, L.) je jednogodišnja vrsta, prohladne klime koja pripada familiji Asteraceae i grupi lisnatog povrća. Bogata je mineralima, vitaminima, antioksidantima koji su neophodni u ljudskoj ishrani. Prednost salate, kao sirovog povrća, je da sadrži više hranljivih materija u odnosu na drugo termički obrađeno povrće. Salata ima nisku kalorijsku vrednost i preporučuje se u ishrani dijabetičara, ljudi sa poremećenim ritmom spavanja i metabolizma. Proizvođači su zainteresovani za gajenje salate zbog kratkog vegetacionog perioda i mogućnosti gajenja tokom cele godine. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se utvrdi uticaj mikrobiološkog đubriva Em Aktiv (Candor) na sadržaj ukupnih fenola (TPC) kod šest sorti salate. Sorte (′Kiribati′, ′Murai′, ′Aquino′, ′Gaugin′, ′Aleppo′, ′Carmesi′- Rijk Zwaan) su gajene na plodnom zemljištu u plasteniku tokom tri uzastopne sezone (jesen, zima i proleće). Sadržaj ukupnih fenola kretao se u jesen između 175.85-372.73 μg GAE/g FW, u zimu 104.12-522.74 μg GAE/g FW i u proleće 88.88-340.93 μg GAE/g FW. Rezultati ukazuju da su crvene sorte uglavnom pokazale veći sadržaj ukupnih fenola u odnosu na zelene sorte sa izuzetkom jesenjeg ogleda. Među svim sezonama, najveći sadržaj ukupnih fenola određen je u kontroli kod sorte ′Carmesi′ (522.74 μg GAE/g FW) u zimskom ogledu. Uticaj đubriva Em Aktiv na sadržaj ukupnih fenola, kod različitih sorti salate, u određenom opsegu bio je pozitivan u proleće i jesen pa čak i negativan tokom zime. Ovako složen odgovor ukazuje na potrebu za pažljivim odabirom varijeteta salate i đubriva u odnosu na sezonu. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata može se zaključiti da su crvene sorte salate pokazale veći sadržaj ukupnih fenola i mogu se preporučiti kao izvor bioaktivnih supstanci u zdravoj ishrani


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    The aim of paper was to asses the use of regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) for production of two tomato cultivars (Cedrico and Abellus) in polytunnels in Serbia. RDI plants received 60% of the water that was applied to FI plants and significant saving of water for irrigation and increased in irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE) were achieved. Yield data for Cedrico cultivar showed no differences between RDI and FI, while due to the bigger sensitivity to drought, yield of Abellus was reduced under RDI. In general, fruit quality (soluble solids, titrable acidity) was sustained or improved in both cultivars under RDI. Economic analyses showed that due to the current low prices of water and electricity in Serbia, the profit increase of Cedrico, similarly to the previously trialed cultivar Amati, was not high under RDI comparing to FI. Reduction of yield and consequent profit for Abellus, indicated that for future commercial growing of tomato under RDI should be used drought resistant cultivars

    The LSST Era of Supermassive Black Hole Accretion Disk Reverberation Mapping

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    peer reviewedThe Vera C. Rubin Observatory's Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST) will detect an unprecedentedly large sample of actively accreting supermassive black holes with typical accretion disk (AD) sizes of a few light days. This brings us to face challenges in the reverberation mapping (RM) measurement of AD sizes in active galactic nuclei using interband continuum delays. We examine the effect of LSST cadence strategies on AD RM using our metric AGN_TimeLagMetric. It accounts for redshift, cadence, the magnitude limit, and magnitude corrections for dust extinction. Running our metric on different LSST cadence strategies, we produce an atlas of the performance estimations for LSST photometric RM measurements. We provide an upper limit on the estimated number of quasars for which the AD time lag can be computed within 0 1000 sources in each deep drilling field (DDF; (10 deg2)) in any filter, with the redshift distribution of these sources peaking at z ≍ 1. We find the LSST observation strategies with a good cadence (≲5 days) and a long cumulative season (~9 yr), as proposed for LSST DDF, are favored for the AD size measurement. We create synthetic LSST light curves for the most suitable DDF cadences and determine RM time lags to demonstrate the impact of the best cadences based on the proposed metric

    Not to declare dead someone still alive: Case reports

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    Introduction. Diagnosing death represents an activity that carries a great deal of public responsibility for medical professionals and is continually exposed to the control of citizens and media. Although this is a taboo subject in medical circles, unfortunately in medical practice there are situations when the physician issues a death diagnosis form without even examining the person or for an already buried person. Such physician’s action is impermissible and it leads to the possibility of professional and criminal law punishment. Case Outline. By giving examples from practice, we wish to point out the need for exceptional caution when confirming and diagnosing death in order to diagnose the true, i.e. rule out apparent death and consequently avoid the mistake of declaring dead someone still alive. Conclusion. When confirming and declaring death, exceptional caution of the physician is necessary so as not to declare dead someone still alive

    Accurate completion of medical report on diagnosing death

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    Diagnosing death and issuing a Death Diagnosing Form (DDF) represents an activity that carries a great deal of public responsibility for medical professionals of the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) and is perpetually exposed to the control of the general public. Diagnosing death is necessary so as to confirm true, to exclude apparent death and consequentially to avoid burying a person alive, i.e. apparently dead. These expert-methodological guidelines based on the most up-to-date and medically based evidence have the goal of helping the physicians of the EMS in accurately filling out a medical report on diagnosing death. If the outcome of applied cardiopulmonary resuscitation measures is negative or when the person is found dead, the physician is under obligation to diagnose death and correctly fill out the DDF. It is also recommended to perform electrocardiography (EKG) and record asystole in at least two leads. In the process of diagnostics and treatment, it is a moral obligation of each Belgrade EMS physician to apply all available achievements and knowledge of modern medicine acquired from extensive international studies, which have been indeed the major theoretical basis for the creation of these expert-methodological guidelines. Those acting differently do so in accordance with their conscience and risk professional, and even criminal sanctions

    Prevalence and characteristics of orofacial pain in university students

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