7 research outputs found

    Utjecaj kontinuiranog vrenja voćnog soka s puno sladora na vitalnost i morfologiju kvasca imobiliziranog na bijelome pjenastom staklu

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    We studied the effect of continuous fermentation of high-sugar fruit must (containing about 320 g/L of total sugars) on the viability and morphology of yeast cells. The process was carried out for 2.5 months in a 4-column bioreactor at 22 °C, using the Saccharomyces bayanus S.o./1AD wine yeast strain, which was immobilized on cubes of white foam glass. During the time of continuous fermentation, the apple wine contained 11.4–16.8 % (by volume) of alcohol and a total sugar concentration of 49.2–115.4 g/L. Yeast cells isolated from the carrier at the end of continuous fermentation were bigger than the cells before immobilization and were characterized by various shapes, e.g. they were elongated, large and round or pear-shaped. Some cells were connected to other cells in the form of aggregates. Some yeast cells from the second, third and fourth columns showed a substantial number of wrinkles or folds. Moreover, it was observed that yeast from the carrier in the first column was characterized by the highest viability, 70 %. In the fourth column, the percentage of viable cells was only 11 %.U radu je istražen utjecaj kontinuiranog vrenja voćnog soka s puno sladora (približno 320 g/L ukupnih šećera) na vitalnost i morfologiju stanica kvasca. Vrenje je provedeno tijekom 2,5 mjeseca u četverokolonskom bioreaktoru pri 22 ºC, pomoću soja kvasca Saccharomyces bayanus S.o./1AD, imobiliziranog na kockama bijeloga pjenastog stakla. Tijekom kontinuiranog vrenja jabučno vino sadržavalo je 11,4-16,8 % volumnog udjela alkohola, a koncentracija ukupnih šećera iznosila je 49,2-115,4 g/L. Stanice kvasca izolirane s nosača na kraju kontinuiranog vrenja bile su veće od stanica prije imobilizacije, a imale su karakterističan oblik, npr. produžen, širok i okrugao, ili oblik kruške. Neke su stanice bile povezane s drugim stanicama u obliku agregata, dok su one iz druge, treće i četvrte kolone imale znatan broj nabora i pregiba. Također je utvrđeno da kvasac s nosača u prvoj koloni ima najveću vitalnost (70 %), dok je postotak preživljavanja stanica kvasca u četvrtoj koloni iznosio samo 11 %

    Topical treatment of psoriasis

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    Psoriasis is an autoimmune systemic disease that affects approximately 2-3% of the population. Its symptoms, although focused mainly on the skin, can also have a negative impact on other spheres of the patient's life, including their mental state, because this illness still works with some misunderstanding on the part of society. This chronic, severe inflammatory disease affects mainly skin, but other manifestations, such as joint manifestations, may occur in about 30% of patients. One of the aims of this work is to present the topic of psoriasis, and in particular its topical treatment. It discusses the most commonly used topical preparations for the treatment of psoriasis. Currently thanks to the dynamic development in the fields of medicine, pharmacology and chemistry, schemes and specimens for the effective treatment of psoriasis have been developed. They allow to treat the main, persistent and most affecting the patient’s health symptoms, at the same time improving their quality of life. These specimens are divided into local and systemic ones. They can be used in monotherapy or in combination, depending on the severity of the disease. Topical agents have a symptomatic effect, limited to the maximum remission of skin lesions. These agents not only support the healing process, but also improve the condition of the patient’s skin, which undoubtly has a positive impact on the patient’s daily life

    Selected methods of anesthesia in aesthetic medicine procedures

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    Pain is a common symptom reported by patients during procedures of aesthetic medicine and cosmetic dermatology. Effective analgesia affects not only patient’s satisfaction and comfort, but also effectiveness of the treatment. The variety of available methods of anesthesia enables individualized analgesia depending on the type of surgery and patient’s preferences. The purpose of this article is to present the current and available methods of anesthesia in aesthetic medicine and cosmetic dermatology as a response to the intensive development of this field of medicine. The article below is based on our own observations and the literature found in the pubmed database.

    The use of the KTP 532 nm vascular laser in the treatment of erythema and telangiectasia caused by low temperature exposure - case report

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    The use of the KTP 532 nm vascular laser in the treatment of erythema and telangiectasia caused by low temperature exposure - case report. A case report. The paper presents a case of effective treatment of frostbite vascular lesions in the face with the use of a 532nm KTP laser in a 55-year-old man with a long history of skin exposure to low temperatures. Aim. The aim of this study is to draw attention to the possibility of using laser therapy in the treatment of skin disorders that are a complication of exposure to low temperatures. In the article below, we present the reduction of vascular lesions of the facial skin during a series of laser treatments with the use of the 532nm laser, meeting the growing interest of patients and doctors in the use of laser therapy in the treatment of skin vascular lesions. Conclusions. The use of laser therapy with the KTP 532nm laser can be an important and effective element in the treatment of skin vascular lesions

    Depression in regard to postcovid syndrome - literature review

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    Coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) is a global pandemic health problem that causes a wide spectrum of clinical manifestations. Recovered patients who survive COVID-19 may continue to report a wide variety of clinical manifestations such as depression, which is named post covid syndrome. In our article, we sought to determine the frequency and possible causes of depressive symptoms and clinically-significant depression in the post COVID syndrome. We conducted a review of postcovid manifestations by searching PubMed, Scopus, World health organization (WHO) databases. The symptoms of postcovid syndrome have been shown as a weakness, cognitive impairment, sleep disturbance, and depression, among others. Persistent mental disorders among people who suffer from long-term COVID-19 may be related to psychological factors, as well as from infection and the associated neurobiological trauma. According to available studies, a significant percentage of depression symptoms is observed among people with postcovid syndrome, especially in older age groups. Also symptoms of mental, neurological and physical illness as well as inflammatory brain injury in people with post-COVID syndrome are likely to increase suicidal ideation and behavior in this patient population

    Effect of Continuous Fermentation of High-Sugar Fruit Must on the Viability and Morphology of Immobilized Yeast on White Foam Glass

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    We studied the effect of continuous fermentation of high-sugar fruit must (containing about 320 g/L of total sugars) on the viability and morphology of yeast cells. The process was carried out for 2.5 months in a 4-column bioreactor at 22 °C, using the Saccharomyces bayanus S.o./1AD wine yeast strain, which was immobilized on cubes of white foam glass. During the time of continuous fermentation, the apple wine contained 11.4–16.8 % (by volume) of alcohol and a total sugar concentration of 49.2–115.4 g/L. Yeast cells isolated from the carrier at the end of continuous fermentation were bigger than the cells before immobilization and were characterized by various shapes, e.g. they were elongated, large and round or pear-shaped. Some cells were connected to other cells in the form of aggregates. Some yeast cells from the second, third and fourth columns showed a substantial number of wrinkles or folds. Moreover, it was observed that yeast from the carrier in the first column was characterized by the highest viability, 70 %. In the fourth column, the percentage of viable cells was only 11 %