10 research outputs found


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    The major aim of this study was to compare the effects of two different teaching methods (traditional and integrative) on learning biology, as well as development of selected factors of physical fitness (agility, flexibility, speed and balance). Participants were gifted students who finished first grade of junior high schools at the end of academic year 2014-2015. From 1190 students who took the IQ test, 52 persons who had highest IQ scores were chosen and assigned randomly to two groups of traditional (26) and integrated (26) classes. The traditional group was taught biology three sessions and physical education one session per week for twelve weeks. The integrated group were taught biology composed with physical education activities four sessions per week (each session lasted 75 minutes). The results revealed that the mean scores of four physical fitness factors in both groups differed significantly from baseline to post teaching examinations (p<0.01). We found that integrated teaching of physical education with other fields (such as biology) in comparison with traditional method, not only leads to better learning, but also encourages students to be more active in learning process.  Article visualizations


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    With regard of the relationship and effect between body and mind, especially on some of the immune system's factors, it is essential to examine the effects and how they are controlled. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of eight weeks of progressive muscle relaxation and B complex consumption on blood Monocyte, lymphocytes, PH changes result of anxiety. The statistical population of this study was students in secondary school. The sample consisted of two groups of 15 (experimental and control group) who were selected randomly. Tools included a biofeedback device (GSR) to test the level of anxiety and the SPO device (CBC) to measure blood factors. The training groups done programs for 8 weeks, three session and 40 minutes each session and done 4 set, they exercised under the supervision of the researcher and consuming 100mg of B-complex every day. After 8 weeks, biochemical tests and anxiety tests were repeated again. Results showed eight weeks progressive muscle relaxation with B complex consumption have significant effect on blood monocyte, lymphocytes, PH causes by anxiety. As regarding the significant improvement of safety indexes after relaxation exercises and consumption B complex, it is recommended that athletes and people to reduce their dangerous immune system symptoms use the methods of results in the present study. Article visualizations


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    Corners are a segment of the game from which goals are not often scored, but they may be a decisive factor in the outcome of the match between the two teams. The aim of this research is to determine the characteristics of performing a corner kick and to examine whether there are differences between different competitions of professional football players. The sample of respondents represents the matches of the International Champions Cup in the 2018 season and the matches of the Spanish league (La Liga) in the 2017/2018 season. A total of 23 matches (13 matches of the International Champions Cup and 10 matches of the Spanish league) were analyzed. To describe the tactics of corner kicks, variables were observed that indicate the way the kicks are performed from the corner. The methodology of observing several teams, monitoring all matches and monitoring both teams in each match with the analysis of given variables was used. Corner kicks that had more than three passes, which means starting a new, organized attack, were excluded from the analysis. A total of 209 of the 253 corners were included. The results show that there is no statistically significant difference in most of the observed parameters, but in the type of defense that the teams apply, play and lateral performance, there are statistically significant differences. Zone defense (.012) is used more by teams that competed in the International Champions Cup and combined (.036) by teams in the Spanish league. There are also differences in the playoffs (.047) in favor of the International Champions Cup. Corners from the same side (.031) were used more in the International Champions Cup than in the Spanish league. These results show that the teams do not differ much in the way they set up in the defensive phase and the attack phase, but that there are certain common criteria. Article visualizations


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    Hamstring shortness injuries are common in sports activities and occur frequently in activities which involve running, sprinting, jumping or kicking. Restricted flexibility makes the person susceptible to musculoskeletal overuse that significantly affects the individual’s performance level. The present study aimed to compare the effect of 6 weeks’ static stretching and Kinesiotaping on hamstring shortness in the dominant leg of soccer players. Twenty soccer players with hamstring muscle shortness, were randomly selected and divided into two groups. First group of 10 individuals used static stretching training (ST) the average age of (Mean±Std.Dev.) 25.78±2.52, body height 180±5.12cm, body weight 79.65±3.42kg, and BMI 24.52±2.36kg/m2 and second group use Kinesiotape (KT) the average age 23.55±2.30, body height 178±4.91cm, body weight 73.56±3.36kg and BMI 23.21±2.26 kg/m2. The results showed that six weeks of static stretching training and Kinesiotaping had a positive and significant effect on hamstring muscle shortness (p≤0.05). Therefore, it can be concluded that six week static stretching and Kinesiotaping have a positive and almost equal effects on hamstring shortness and knee joint’s range of motion of soccer players and can be used as a corrective therapeutic method for such injuries. Article visualizations

    Whether exercises and testosterone replacement therapy support a treatment for cardiovascular and atherosclerotic patients with iliac artery stenosis and low total testosterone and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol after endovascular procedure?

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    Serum levels of testosterone (ST) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) are generally associated with atherosclerosis in male patients over 50 years with critic iliac stenosis (TASC II A and B) and cardiovascular disease with significant changes in HDL and low-density lipoprotein (LDL). In addition to the standard therapy, combined medicamentous therapy and adequate model of exercise are also important factors as medicines can improve HDL levels and primary bypass and endovascular potency impacting positively on improvement of ST or it can be the following testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) comprising cardiovascular disease prevention and vascular treatment as adjunct therapy options after endovascular and vascular surgical procedures. The aim of the study is to identify the association between HDL and ST after surgical and endovascular intervention on the iliac segment (TASCII A and B), as well as cardiovascular risk factors with modified medium activity (MET) 6 (MET), with total duration of 30–60 minutes. It also attempts to remodel a patient behavioral pattern, optimize ST levels and link them to outcomes and patency of vascular procedures on the iliac segment. Materials and methods. 108 selected male patients with cardiovascular disease combined with metabolic syndrome and critical iliac artery stenosis (TASC II A and B) were examined during 2014–2018, 4 years after invasive and minimal invasive treatment (54 patients were treated with surgical Dacron reconstruction and 54 patients – with endovascular treatment on short segment of critical iliac artery stenosis (TASC II A and B). Results. In the total population, no difference was observed in changes of constraint-induced movement therapy between the standard exercise group and the control one after 4 years from baseline. However, there was no significant interaction between the effect of exercise trainings and primary bypass potency within 4 years. Conclusions. Primary effects of endovascular procedure and Dacron bypass revascularization raise the risk of elevated testosterone levels after 4 years of group training but does not provide adequate answers to questions as to whether higher levels of ST have any major influence on primary bypass potency preventing further progression of cardiovascular disease and general symptomatic and asymptomatic atherosclerosis. However, exercise and TRT can be potential adjunctive therapeutic options for a future supporting postsurgical and endovascular illiac treatment in cardiovascular patients with low testosterone levels

    Professional Readiness of Future Specialists in Physical Education and Sports to the Activity in the Sphere Children-youth Tourism

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    У статті на основі аналізу літератури та анкетування майбутніх фахівців із фізичного виховання та спорту визначено стан професійної готовності до діяльності у сфері дитячо-юнацького туризму. З’ясовано, що проблеми її ефективності полягають у необхідності подолання суперечностей між соціальним замовленням суспільства на фахівців із дитячо-юнацького туризму й недостатністю такої підготовки у вищих спеціалізованих закладах спортивного профілю; відсутністю забезпечення їхньої професійної підготовки; змістом професійно орієнтованих дисциплін та педагогічними технологіями реалізації цього змісту; орієнтацією на впровадження нових моделей професійної підготовки майбутніх фахівців із дитячо-юнацького туризму й традиційним змістом, формами та методами такої підготовки. Результати опитування студентів 10 ВНЗ України свідчать про їх недостатній рівень теоретичних знань і практичних умінь, зокрема стосовно питань організації та проведення уроків з елементами туризму, туристських походів, змагань, позашкільних заходів тощо. In the article on the basis of analysis of the literature and survey results of future specialists in physical education and sports it was investigated the condition of professional readiness to the activity in the sphere children-youth tourism. It was determined that its effectiveness consists in the necessity of overcoming the contradiction between social order of the society for specialists in children-youth tourism and insufficiency of such training in higher specialized institutions of sports profile; lack of providing of their professional preparation; content of professionally oriented disciplines and pedagogical technologies of implementation of the content; focusing on the introduction of new models of professional training of future specialists in children-youth tourism and traditional content, forms and methods of such preparation . The results of the survey of students of 10 universities of Ukraine testify to their insufficient theoretical knowledge and practical abilities, in particular in questions of organization and conducting lessons with the elements of tourism, tourist hikes, competitions, extracurricular activities, etc

    Complex assessment of athletes’ operative status and its correction during competitions, based on the body impedance analysis

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    Background and Study Aim. The aim of this research was assessment and correction of highly skilled swimmers’ operative status during competitions. Material and Methods. The authors carried out complex assessment of 46 high-skilled swimmers during competition period. The body impedance analysis and functional status express diagnosis were conducted before and after competitions. Results. The components limiting the operational state of swimmers were determined: “component composition of the body” (44.83% of the total load), “functional” (19.97%).  Correlation relationships were established between the main indicators that determine the level of the operational state of athletes.  The multiple regression equation was calculated, which made it possible to determine the influence of individual significant parameters on the level of the operational state of athletes and the confidence interval.  A group of athletes with operational status indicators below the confidence interval received sport supplementation. Conclusion. The main characteristics of the athletes’ operative status are cellular biomarker phase, fat free mass, extracellular water, intracellular water, strength index. These characteristics should be used in assessment of both operative status and complex functional diagnosis of highly-skilled swimmers during competitions

    Стимуляція реакцій аеробного енергопостачання спортсменів у регбі-15

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    Objectives. The study purpose was to evaluate the effectiveness of an experimental program of training means aimed at stimulating reactions of aerobic energy supply of athletes who are part of Ukraine national rugby union team. Material and methods. The athletes of the Ukrainian national rugby union team were divided into two homogeneous groups (experimental and control) consisting of 15 individuals. The experimental group underwent a specialized program aimed at developing aerobic energy supply, whereas the control group followed a standard training program. The object of study focused on the training process of Ukraine national rugby union team. Results. The results of testing rugby players in the experimental group demonstrated reliable changes in reactions of aerobic energy supply under the influence of a program of special training sessions. The most significant alterations were noted in the indicators of kinetics and stability of reactions. The indicators of O2 consumption and pulmonary ventilation in the intensity zone of anaerobic metabolism threshold increased significantly. There was a tendency to increase indicators characterizing the power of the respiratory response (max VE), in particular under conditions of growing fatigue (% excess VE). However, there were no significant changes in indicators of aerobic capacities components in the athletes’ control group. Conclusions. We believe that the mentioned indicators mostly reflect specialized manifestations of rugby players’ aerobic capacities and impact the increase of athletes’ special functional capabilities.  This has been confirmed by the results of the analysis of urgent adaptive responses registered in model conditions of competition activity. As a result of the implementation of the specified experimental programme during the preparation process, the Ukrainian national team achieved 2nd place at the European Rugby Union Championship in the Trophy division of the 2022-2023 season.Мета дослідження – перевірити ефективність експериментальної програми тренувальних засобів, спрямованих на стимуляцію реакцій аеробного енергозабезпечення спортсменів, які входять до складу національної збірної України з регбі-15. Матеріал і методи. Спортсмени збірної України з регбі-15 були розподілені на дві однорідні групи (експериментальну та контрольну) по 15 осіб. Експериментальна група займалася за розробленою програмою, що спрямована на розвиток аеробного енергозабезпечення, тоді як контрольна група – за стандартною програмою тренувань. Об’єктом дослідження є навчально-тренувальний процес національної збірної Україна з регбі-15. Результати. Результати тестування регбістів експериментальної групи продемонстрували достовірні зміни реакцій аеробного енергозабезпечення під впливом програми спеціальних тренувань. Найбільш суттєві зміни відзначені в показниках кінетики та стійкості реакцій, достовірно підвищилися показники споживання О2 та легеневої вентиляції в зоні інтенсивності порогу анаеробного обміну. Спостерігалася тенденція до підвищення показників, що характеризують потужність дихальної реакції (max VE), зокрема в умовах наростаючої втоми (% перевищення VE). У спортсменів контрольної групи суттєвих змін показників компонентів аеробних можливостей не було. Висновки. Вважаємо, що зазначені показники здебільшого відображають спеціалізовані прояви аеробних можливостей регбістів, і впливають на підвищення їх спеціальних функціональних можливостей, що підтверджено результатами аналізу термінових адаптаційних реакцій, зареєстрованих у модельних умовах змагальної діяльності. Результатом реалізації зазначеної експериментальної програми в процесі підготовки стало ІІ місце збірної України на Чемпіонаті Європи з регбі-15 у дивізіоні Трофі сезону 2022-2023 років

    Body height, body mass, body mass index of elite basketball players in relation to the playing position and their importance for success in the game

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    The morphological characteristics of elite basketball players are of great interest to some authors in order to define the best morphological profile for a particular playing position and different levels of competition. The aim of the research was to determine the differences in morphological characteristics in professional basketball players in relation to the playing position in different league competitions and to determine the relevance of these characteristics for success in the game. The survey included a sample of 773 elite basketball players competing in five different leagues in Europe. In our study, we found that centers are significantly taller and heavier than guards and forwards are. In addition to other components of basketball (technique, tactics, coach strategy), body height, body mass and body mass index play a major role in overall performance in a basketball game in all positions. The obtained data can help coaches in the scouting process in which leagues in Europe are played by players with certain morphological characteristics in relation to the playing position

    Effects of aerobic physical activity to cardio-respiratory fitness of the elderly population: systematic overview

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    Background and Study Aim. Aerobic training is effective manner of exercising aimed at improving cardio-respiratory fitness of young people. However, its effects to the elderly population (over the age of 60), depending on characteristics of the participant (gender, health status, lifestyle, etc.), is still unclear. Aim of this research is systematic overview of the available literature dealing with the topic of effects of aerobic training to cardio-respiratory fitness of the elderly population over the age of 60, depending of gender (male/female), BMI (overweight/normal weight), lifestyle (active/sedentary), health status (diabetes/hypertension/metabolic syndrome). Material and methods: Total number of papers with published research results which met the criteria was 32. Walking is effective manner of exercising which influences improvement of maximum oxygen consumption (mean value: ±SD:12.91±7.40%). Introduction of activities with greater impact (bicycle and jogging) provides more effect to the cardio-respiratory fitness (mean value: ±SD:14.28±7.48%). Results: Aerobic training intensity level (moderate vs. high) makes no significant difference to the adaptive response of the cardio-respiratory fitness in elderly population. Training in duration of 6 weeks may significantly influence increase in maximum oxygen consumption, but longer training duration, however, has better effect.  Endurance training has similar effects to improvement of cardio-respiratory fitness in both men and women. On the other hand, it seems that active people have lower adaptive response in comparison to sedentary people (8.3% vs. 18.84%). Effect is similar between overweight and normal weight participants (18.48% vs. 8.6%). Positive influence of aerobic training was also observed in participants with hypertension, metabolic system and diabetes type 2. Conclusion: Results clearly suggest benefits of aerobic training on cardio-respiratory fitness of elderly population. The effect may, however, vary depending of duration, type of activity, as well as characteristics of the sample