13 research outputs found

    Development of Diagnostics of Enterprise in Public E-procurement System in Terms of Logistics

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    The content of «information and financial flows» concept as components of optimization processes in procurement is disclosed and conceptual bases of enterprise diagnostics in the system of public e-procurement on the basis of logistics are presented. The process of public e-procurement in the aspect of information and financial, information, financial logistics, document management, logistics of goods, services and works is analyzed. A system of indicators for the functioning of public e-procurement in the «information – resource – time» system is proposed on the basis of a logistics approach at the macro- and micro-level.Using the developed indicator of effectiveness level of participation in public e-tendering procedures and the data of the analytical module of the ProZorro system, it is established that among the twenty enterprises-monopolists of the fuel and energy complex and light industry of Ukraine, the highest level (100 %) of the effectiveness of participation is observed in five of them.The proposed approach to calculating the indicator of the level of participation effectiveness in public e-tendering procedures is recommended to be used by enterprises as a self-diagnostics in this direction, and also with the aim of improving the system of maintaining tender documents and the procedure for selecting the winners of procurement by state customers

    Diagnostics of Factors of Enterprise Innovation Development

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    The aim of the article is the formation and development of theoretical and methodological foundations for diagnosing the factors of innovation development of an enterprise within the framework of theory and practice of economics and enterprise management. It was found out that the presented diagnostics should be understood as the process of identification, analysis and determination of the degree of influence of certain factors (positive, negative) on the processes of innovative development of an enterprise in order to identify and solve problems (available, possible) of hindering its innovation activity (introduction of new technological processes, innovative types of products, etc.) in the context of ensuring an effective functioning and development of the enterprise. It is determined that the key business indicators of the system for diagnosing the factors of innovation development of an enterprise are indicators that reflect main factors of innovation development: indicator of innovation development; indicator of innovation activity of personnel; indicator of provision of the enterprise with intangible assets; indicator of the property required for innovative development; indicator of promotion of innovative products to the market. The prospect for further research in this scientific direction is developing a system of partial diagnostic purposes of a multicriteria system for diagnosing activities of enterprises with consideration for diagnostics of innovative development factors of the enterprise as a partial diagnostic purpose

    Research of Competitiveness of the Enterprise on the Principles of Strategic Planning

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    The object of research is the economic processes that ensure the creation of conditions for the formation of competitiveness of an enterprise on the basis of strategic planning. The most problematic moments in the formation of competitiveness are the formulation of its criteria for the position of the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise, as well as the opportunities and threats it may have in the external environment. And also, the difficulties of studying the level of negative impact of external factors of competitiveness of an objective nature.The studies are carried out using a dialectical approach, according to which the combination of quantitative and qualitative characteristics of an enterprise in unity with economic relations is considered as a condition for increasing the production of competitive products, based on strategic planning. Using an integrated approach, a conceptual model of the influence of strategic planning on the level of enterprise competitiveness has been built.It is determined that the market mechanism, in terms of which enterprises operate, is not able to create competition or competitive environment, since the production of the product is carried out not by the market, but by economic entities. Therefore, it is advisable to consider competition as a fundamental means of market reaction to the need to resolve the situation of confrontation on it.Competitiveness of an enterprise should be interpreted as a combination of its qualitative and quantitative resource parameters and factors that are comparable in terms of, or close to them, with other enterprises provide for the production of competitive products.The authors improve the interpretation of the term "strategic planning". Strategic planning is a systematic, well-coordinated path to change management, with the goal of achieving harmonious development of the enterprise and forming a common vision of its future. This is a mutually agreed mechanism for identifying and defining problems, coordinating realistic goals, objectives and strategies, the implementation of which will contribute to their solution and the formation of enterprise competitiveness.The main professional competencies of the chief manager are defined, which reflect the integrated result of the interaction of his professional skills and directly affect the effectiveness of the formation of the strategic plan

    Improvement of the Express Diagnostics of the Production Activity of the Enterprise Taking Into Account the Method of Determining the Optimal Production Programs in the Operational Management System

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    The object of research is the features of the formation and use of the system for express diagnostics of production activities (based on business indicators) and the determination of the optimal production programs of an enterprise in the operational management system. One of the main problems of building effective systems for express-diagnosing production activities at enterprises is the selection of a specific list and composition of diagnostic business indicators and criteria for their optimality. It is important to have a meaningful formulation and solution of the problem: definition of optimal production programs according to the financial criterion for the development of an enterprise in the operational management system. The construction and implementation of effective systems for express diagnostics of production activities at enterprises is also accompanied by a set of interrelated problems of organizational, personnel, technical, technological, temporary and economic nature.The methods of generalization, systematization, system analysis and economic and mathematical modeling were used, on the basis of which:1) a system of business indicators for express diagnostics of the enterprise's production activities is formed;2) it is determined, from the set of permissible variants of the enterprise's production program, that variant which satisfies the conditions of work and production and optimizes the objective function to ensure maximum profit.It is established that the end result of the production activity of an enterprise is obtaining an integral effect (result), the main structural components of which are the following types of effects: economic, social, budget, environmental, resource effect, intellectual, scientific and technical.On the basis of the conducted research, on the basis of the set goals and tasks, the system of express diagnostics of the production activity of the enterprise, taking into account the economic and mathematical method of determining the optimal production programs in the operational management system, is improved. The key diagnostic business indicators of the system for express diagnostics of the enterprise's production activities are: the volume of marketable products, the volume of gross output, the volume of work in progress, the share of rejects in marketable products, the optimal production program in the operational management system.Considering the presented improved economic and mathematical method of determining the optimal production programs (in management), a necessary condition for the development of a production enterprise is the optimal ratio of the volume of production (sales) of products with costs. And also with the absolute financial criterion of maximization (development) – the net profit of the enterprise. Here an important place is occupied by the difference of the accounting and economic approach to the calculation of profit

    Diagnosis of Transport Activity as a Component of the Enterprise Logistical System

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    The article reveals the essence of the concept of “diagnosis of the enterprise transport activity”, by which there should be meant a process of evaluating the state of movement (transportation, carrying) of freight (material resources, work in process or finished products) by one type of transport facilities or their combination in accordance with the applied transport system and trends of its changes as well as determining the future prospects on the basis of sound management decisions in order to ensure a successful operation and development of the enterprise in the competitive environment. It has been found that the key business-indicators of the diagnosis system of transport activity as a component of the enterprise logistical system are: the coefficient of timeliness of freight transportation (delivery); coefficient of completeness of transportation; coefficient of freight safety conditions; coefficient of efficiency of freight transportation; coefficient of complexity of servicing freight owners; coefficient of satisfaction of freight owners’ demand, coefficient of readiness to operation of transport facilities per working day; coefficient of using vehicle kilometers travelled; coefficient of extensity of transport facility packing

    The Improvements of Enterprise Anti-Crisis Management Diagnostics in the System of Managerial Diagnostics

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    Skrynkovskyy, R., Pavlenchyk, N., LeskŃ–v, S., & Pawlowski, G. (2017). The Improvements of Enterprise Anti-Crisis Management Diagnostics in the System of Managerial Diagnostics. <em>Path of Science, 3</em>(11), 4001-4009