92 research outputs found

    Can ID Repetitive Elements Serve as Cis-acting Dendritic Targeting Elements? An In Vivo Study

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    Dendritic localization of mRNA/RNA involves interaction of cis-elements and trans-factors. Small, non-protein coding dendritic BC1 RNA is thought to regulate translation in dendritic microdomains. Following microinjections into cultured cells, BC1 RNA fused to larger mRNAs appeared to impart transport competence to these chimeras, and its 5′ ID region was proposed as the cis-acting dendritic targeting element. As these ID elements move around rodent genomes and, if transcribed, form a long RNA stem-loop, they might, thereby, lead to new localizations for targeted gene products. To test their targeting ability in vivo we created transgenic mice expressing various ID elements fused to the 3′ UTR of reporter mRNA for Enhanced Green Fluorescent Protein. In vivo, neither ID elements nor the BC1 RNA coding region were capable of transporting EGFP RNA to dendrites, although the 3′ UTR of α-CaMKII mRNA, an established cis-acting element did produce positive results. Other mRNAs containing naturally inserted ID elements are also not found in neuronal dendrites. We conclude that the 5′ ID domain from BC1 RNA is not a sufficient dendritic targeting element for mRNAs in vivo

    Two primate-specific small non-protein-coding RNAs in transgenic mice: neuronal expression, subcellular localization and binding partners

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    In a rare occasion a single chromosomal locus was targeted twice by independent Alu-related retroposon insertions, and in both cases supported neuronal expression of the respective inserted genes encoding small non-protein coding RNAs (npcRNAs): BC200 RNA in anthropoid primates and G22 RNA in the Lorisoidea branch of prosimians. To avoid primate experimentation, we generated transgenic mice to study neuronal expression and protein binding partners for BC200 and G22 npcRNAs. The BC200 gene, with sufficient upstream flanking sequences, is expressed in transgenic mouse brain areas comparable to those in human brain, and G22 gene, with upstream flanks, has a similar expression pattern. However, when all upstream regions of the G22 gene were removed, expression was completely abolished, despite the presence of intact internal RNA polymerase III promoter elements. Transgenic BC200 RNA is transported into neuronal dendrites as it is in human brain. G22 RNA, almost twice as large as BC200 RNA, has a similar subcellular localization. Both transgenically expressed npcRNAs formed RNP complexes with poly(A) binding protein and the heterodimer SRP9/14, as does BC200 RNA in human. These observations strongly support the possibility that the independently exapted npcRNAs have similar functions, perhaps in translational regulation of dendritic protein biosynthesis in neurons of the respective primates

    Stability of spinning ring solitons of the cubic-quintic nonlinear Schrodinger equation

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    We investigate stability of (2+1)-dimensional ring solitons of the nonlinear Schrodinger equation with focusing cubic and defocusing quintic nonlinearities. Computing eigenvalues of the linearised equation, we show that rings with spin (topological charge) s=1 and s=2 are linearly stable, provided that they are very broad. The stability regions occupy, respectively, 9% and 8% of the corresponding existence regions. These results finally resolve a controversial stability issue for this class of models.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, accepted to Phys. Lett.

    Regulation and Function of TMEM16F in Renal Podocytes

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    The Ca2+-activated phospholipid scramblase and ion channel TMEM16F is expressed in podocytes of renal glomeruli. Podocytes are specialized cells that form interdigitating foot processes as an essential component of the glomerular filter. These cells, which participate in generation of the primary urine, are often affected during primary glomerular diseases, such as glomerulonephritis and secondary hypertensive or diabetic nephropathy, which always leads to proteinuria. Because the function of podocytes is known to be controlled by intracellular Ca2+ signaling, it is important to know about the role of Ca2+-activated TMEM16F in these cells. To that end, we generated an inducible TMEM16F knockdown in the podocyte cell line AB8, and produced a conditional mouse model with knockout of TMEM16F in podocytes and renal epithelial cells of the nephron. We found that knockdown of TMEM16F did not produce proteinuria or any obvious phenotypic changes. Knockdown of TMEM16F affected cell death of tubular epithelial cells but not of glomerular podocytes when analyzed in TUNEL assays. Surprisingly, and in contrast to other cell types, TMEM16F did not control intracellular Ca2+ signaling and was not responsible for Ca2+-activated whole cell currents in podocytes. TMEM16F levels in podocytes were enhanced after inhibition of the endolysosomal pathway and after treatment with angiotensin II. Renal knockout of TMEM16F did not compromise renal morphology and serum electrolytes. Taken together, in contrast to other cell types, such as platelets, bone cells, and immune cells, TMEM16F shows little effect on basal properties of podocytes and does not appear to be essential for renal function

    Eukaryotic elongation factor 2 is a prognostic marker and its kinase a potential therapeutic target in HCC

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    Hepatocellular carcinoma is a cancer with increasing incidence and largely refractory to current anticancer drugs. Since Sorafenib, a multikinase inhibitor has shown modest efficacy in advanced hepatocellular carcinoma additional treatments are highly needed. Protein phosphorylation via kinases is an important post-translational modification to regulate cell homeostasis including proliferation and apoptosis. Therefore kinases are valuable targets in cancer therapy. To this end we performed 2D differential gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry analysis of phosphoprotein-enriched lysates of tumor and corresponding non-tumorous liver samples to detect differentially abundant phosphoproteins to screen for novel kinases as potential drug targets. We identified 34 differentially abundant proteins in phosphoprotein enriched lysates. Expression and distribution of the candidate protein eEF2 and its phosphorylated isoform was validated immunohistochemically on 78 hepatocellular carcinoma and non-tumorous tissue samples. Validation showed that total eEF2 and phosphorylated eEF2 at threonine 56 are prognostic markers for overall survival of HCC-patients. The activity of the regulating eEF2 kinase, compared between tumor and non-tumorous tissue lysates by in vitro kinase assays, is more than four times higher in tumor tissues. Functional analyzes regarding eEF2 kinase were performed in JHH5 cells with CRISPR/Cas9 mediated eEF2 kinase knock out. Proliferation and growth is decreased in eEF2 kinase knock out cells

    Homozygous CREM-IbΔC-X Overexpressing Mice Are a Reliable and Effective Disease Model for Atrial Fibrillation

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    Background: Atrial fibrillation (AF) is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality with foreseeably increasing prevalence. While large animal models of the disease are well established but resource intensive, transgenic AF mouse models are not yet widely used to develop or validate novel therapeutics for AF. Hemizygous mice with a cardiomyocyte-specific overexpression of the human cAMP response element modulator (CREM) isoform IbΔC-X spontaneously develop AF on grounds of an arrhythmogenic substrate consisting of alterations in structure, conduction, and calcium handling.Objective: We investigated if homozygous expression of the CREM-IbΔC-X transgene in mice alters the time course of AF development, and if homozygous CREM-IbΔC-X transgenics could be suitable as a disease model of AF.Methods: Southern Blot, quantitative real-time PCR, and immunoblotting were used to identify and verify homozygous transgenics. Cardiac gravimetry, quantitative real-time RT-PCR, histology, survival analysis, and repeated ECG recordings allowed assessment of phenotypic development and effects of antiarrhythmic drugs.Results: Homozygous animals could be identified by Southern blot and quantitative PCR, showing a strong trend to increased transgenic protein expression. In homozygous animals, atrial hypertrophy appeared earlier and more pronounced than in hemizygous animals, going along with an earlier onset of spontaneous AF, while no increased early mortality was observed. Application of a rate-controlling drug (esmolol) led to the expected result of a decreased heart rate. Application of a rhythm-controlling drug (flecainide) showed effects on heart rate variability, but did not lead to a definitive conversion to sinus rhythm.Conclusion: We suggest homozygous CREM-IbΔC-X overexpressing mice as a reliable model of early onset, rapidly progressive AF

    DGK and DZHK position paper on genome editing: basic science applications and future perspective

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    For a long time, gene editing had been a scientific concept, which was limited to a few applications. With recent developments, following the discovery of TALEN zinc-finger endonucleases and in particular the CRISPR/Cas system, gene editing has become a technique applicable in most laboratories. The current gain- and loss-of function models in basic science are revolutionary as they allow unbiased screens of unprecedented depth and complexity and rapid development of transgenic animals. Modifications of CRISPR/Cas have been developed to precisely interrogate epigenetic regulation or to visualize DNA complexes. Moreover, gene editing as a clinical treatment option is rapidly developing with first trials on the way. This article reviews the most recent progress in the field, covering expert opinions gathered during joint conferences on genome editing of the German Cardiac Society (DGK) and the German Center for Cardiovascular Research (DZHK). Particularly focusing on the translational aspect and the combination of cellular and animal applications, the authors aim to provide direction for the development of the field and the most frequent applications with their problems
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