225 research outputs found

    A History of School Reoganization in Sargent Country Since 1947

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    Sargent County\u27s school district reorganization story began in 1947. In that year North Dakota\u27s first comprehensive school district law was passed. Sargent County had twenty-nine school districts but needed a larger tax base to improve the quality of education. By November 1947, a County Reorganization Committee was formed and its actions became front-page news. School reorganization ignited great excitement throughout the county, and public interest ran high in 1948 because people worried about losing their schools and about pos sible tax increases. As people took sides, some friend ships were broken; town residents became united in the defense of their school, and competition between the towns became fierce. After the initial furor of public concern, the task of reorganization settled on the school boards and county reorganization committee. Between 1949 and 1953 Sargent County experienced an interlude of community proposals, but all attempts for reorganization failed. The first successful reorganization proposal occurred in 1954 when Harlem School District was divided up between Cogswell and Stirum. Sections of land in eight-grade school dis tricts were annexed to nearby towns with high schools, and by the end of 1955 Sargent County had twenty-three school districts instead of twenty-nine. Work began on a countywide school district in 1956 and continued in 1957. The plan involved territory from eighteen school districts, and nine towns would have sent their high school students to a central high school at Forman. Much controversy surrounded this prospectus in the days before the election, and the voters rejected it. However, residents in the western part of the county ap proved reorganization with their natural trading center in Dickey County. School reorganization took an intriguing turn in 1959. Cogswell and Cayuga, low on funds, signed a one- year agreement with Forman, allowing their high school students to be taught at Forman. This merger, known as Sargent Central, proved to be successful, especially in sports. Next year the reorganization procedure went through without any problem. Also, in 1960 Gwinner and Stirum became North Sargent, and Milnor and DeLamere re organized. In 1961 land in the eastern part was annexed to Lidgerwood in Richland County. Rutland and Havana joined Sargent Central in 1963 and 1969. The school re organization process in Sargent County was completed in 1969, reducing twenty-nine school districts to three

    Vocational education and the secondary student considerations for program planning

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    This research paper explored the current status of vocational education and program planning for the learning disabled adolescent in the public high school setting. Based on this research, the purpose included conclusions and recommendations for implementing vocational education in a high school program for the learning disabled

    A Theory of Software Reuse Strategies in Ideal Type Stable and Turbulent Market Environments

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    Increasingly, IS (information systems) need to better support objectives on the overall business strategy level. Software reuse is one promising concept discussed in development organizations in this context, since it is one key issue in designing and delivering IS and software applications. Reuse is a higher-level strategy with its scope reaching from beyond project boundaries to global markets. Consequently, market conditions have to be considered in software reuse management strategies. With the emergence of modern, turbulent market environments that co-exist with traditional, more stable business conditions, this paper investigates these two different, ideal type market environments, their business strategies, and related software reuse options. It investigates supporting experience from three large projects, builds theory, and concludes with two hypotheses on strategic management preferences for software reuse

    A Method to Evaluate the Suitability of Requirements Specifications for Offshore Projects

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    Today, even the development of business information systems is subject to the global offshoring trend. With the division of development work in an inter-organizational and intercultural context, requirements specifications become the central means to communicate the development scope as explicitly as possible. The suitability of requirements specifications hence often is mission critical in offshore projects. To assess their suitability, we first present eight quality criteria for requirements specifications. We then discuss five critical compensating factors that may potentially balance out an insufficient specification quality during the offshore project. On this basis, we describe a method to rationally evaluate the suitability of requirements specifications for instantiating an offshore project. We illustrate the application of the method by elaborating on a large case study that has been conducted with an industry partner. The results achieved by applying our method were confirmed during the further course of the actual project

    Effect of Disturbance on Microclimate and Vegetation In.Tall Grass Prairie.Sites

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    Implantação de índices de desempenho e retrabalho na gerência de suprimentos e logística da Sanepar - Companhia de Saneamento do Paraná

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    Orientador : Elic VodovozCoorientadora: Alexandra AlbaredaTrabalho de conclusão de curso (especialização) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Curso de Especialização em Gestão PúblicaInclui referênciasResumo : A avaliação do desempenho requer a adoção de indicadores operacionais eficazes capazes de medir e avaliar o desempenho da organização ou de um setor específico. A necessidade de utilização de instrumentos gerenciais, técnicas e métodos capazes de subsidiar as tomadas de decisões são fundamentais para a competitividade e sobrevivência das empresas. O controle interno é indispensável para monitorar o desempenho da gestão, diagnosticar falhas e estimular a alcançar os objetivos e atingir resultados favoráveis em qualquer organização. Medição do desempenho pode ser definida como a quantificação da eficiência e da eficácia de uma organização. A correta medição e avaliação do desempenho dos processos e do sistema produtivo em geral constituem a única forma de garantir os objetivos estratégicos da empresa, qualidade, tempo, flexibilidade e custo. A literatura tem evidenciado os indicadores de desempenho como um dos instrumentos apropriados para auxiliar na definição do planejamento estratégico. Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo identificar quais os indicadores de desempenho utilizados pela GSLOG - Gerência de Suprimentos e Logística da Sanepar - Companhia de Saneamento do Paraná e criar novos indicadores e índices de retrabalho capazes de criar informações que vão subsidiar os gestores em suas decisões de ajustes do desempenho das ações operacionais