34 research outputs found

    Influence of Diazepino [1,2-a] benzimidazole derivative (DAB-19) on behavioral aspects of animals

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    In the present study, compound DAB-19 was screened for its influence on animals` behavior patterns, such as aggression, obsessive-compulsive behavior, emotional lability, and unsociabilit

    The technical asprcts of building station for the accreditation of the pharmacists at the department of management and economics of pharmasy ural state medical university

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    Key elements of the stations of the second stage of the initial accreditation pharmacists and equipping stations.В статье рассмотрены ключевые элементы станций второго этапа первичной аккредитации провизоров и оснащение станций

    Prospects of implementing integrated information systems in the preferential drug provision of patients with copd on the territory of Sverdlovsk region

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    Analysis of prospects of implementation and functionality of information systems in preferential drug provision, a review of the regulatory framework in the system of preferential provision of medicines.Анализ перспективы внедрения и функциональных возможностей информационных систем в льготном лекарственном обеспечении, обзор нормативной базы в системе льготного лекарственного обеспечения

    Implementing Fault-tolerant Entangling Gates on the Five-qubit Code and the Color Code

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    We compare two different implementations of fault-tolerant entangling gates on logical qubits. In one instance, a twelve-qubit trapped-ion quantum computer is used to implement a non-transversal logical CNOT gate between two five qubit codes. The operation is evaluated with varying degrees of fault tolerance, which are provided by including quantum error correction circuit primitives known as flagging and pieceable fault tolerance. In the second instance, a twenty-qubit trapped-ion quantum computer is used to implement a transversal logical CNOT gate on two [[7,1,3]] color codes. The two codes were implemented on different but similar devices, and in both instances, all of the quantum error correction primitives, including the determination of corrections via decoding, are implemented during runtime using a classical compute environment that is tightly integrated with the quantum processor. For different combinations of the primitives, logical state fidelity measurements are made after applying the gate to different input states, providing bounds on the process fidelity. We find the highest fidelity operations with the color code, with the fault-tolerant SPAM operation achieving fidelities of 0.99939(15) and 0.99959(13) when preparing eigenstates of the logical X and Z operators, which is higher than the average physical qubit SPAM fidelities of 0.9968(2) and 0.9970(1) for the physical X and Z bases, respectively. When combined with a logical transversal CNOT gate, we find the color code to perform the sequence--state preparation, CNOT, measure out--with an average fidelity bounded by [0.9957,0.9963]. The logical fidelity bounds are higher than the analogous physical-level fidelity bounds, which we find to be [0.9850,0.9903], reflecting multiple physical noise sources such as SPAM errors for two qubits, several single-qubit gates, a two-qubit gate and some amount of memory error

    Direct oral anticoagulants: first airbag

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    The safety profile of oral anticoagulants (DOACs) was confirmed in the large-scale studies, the increased risk of hemorrhagic events does still exist, which may be caused by the nature of the patient’s concomitant pathology, the resulting injury or the need for emergency surgical procedures. Such measures to restore the coagulation cascade as the use of prothrombin complex concentrates or hemodialysis have not been widely used in the clinical practice to stop the anti-coagulant effect of DOACs and do not have an evidence base. Today, idarutsizumab (Praxbind) is the only specific antagonist to DOACs registered in the Russian Federation, a neutralizing agent that interacts with free and thrombin-related dabigatran, without affecting other blood coagulation factors and platelet function. RE-VERSE AD study showed that administration of idarucizumab in patients receiving dabigatran therapy and who developed life-threatening bleeding provided complete neutralization of the anti-coagulant effect of dabigatran for 4 hours, and after 1.5 hours emergency surgical treatment was performed, achieving at the same time, normal perioperative hemostasis in 93.4% of cases. The availability of a specific neutralizing agent for a specific DOAC could be identified as arguments in favour of choosing this drug for patients who have a high risk of a hemorrhagic event, emergency surgery or thrombolysis

    Grain quality and drought tolerance of the winter soft wheat varieties

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    Grain quality and drought tolerance of the winter soft wheat varieties The article considers the study of the traits of winter soft wheat (mass share of protein and gluten) and the level of drought tolerance of these samples under natural conditions. During the years of study the trait “mass share of protein” ranged from 12.8% (the variety “Kipchak”) to 16.3% (the line “1062/09”). The genotypes of the lines “1026/09” (15.0%), “1401/09” (14.9%), “1127/09” (14.8%), the varieties “Nakhodka” (14.8%), “Aksiniya” (14.7%), “Shef” (14.7%) and “Etyud” (14.7%) have been selected due to their maximum average mass share of protein. These samples can be used as the sources of large mass share of protein in the breeding programs. The mass share of gluten in grain of the studied varieties ranged from 23.0% (the variety “Ermak”) to 28.4% (the variety “Nakhodka”). The varieties “Nakhodka” (CV = 1.6%; 28.4%) and “Shef” (CV = 2.0%; 28.0%) have been selected due to the combination of a low coefficient of variation and large mass share of gluten in grain. On average all studied samples had high level of heat tolerance (Ist group), the trait varied from 74.3% (the variety “Kazachka”) to 98.4% (the variety “Etyud”). The varieties “Nakhodka” (72.2%) and “Shef” (79.7%) have shown high indexes of drought tolerance and large content of gluten in grain (28.4% and 28% respectively). The study of correlation between mass share of protein and gluten have revealed an average positive correlation (r = 0.67 ± 0.20). The average feedback of protein content and drought tolerance was (r = -0.51 ± 0.23). There is an average direct correlation between heat tolerance and mass share of protein (r = 0.63 ± 0.20) and an average correlation with mass share of gluten in grain (r = 0.57 ± 0.22). The varieties “Nakhodka” and “Shef”, having high level of drought tolerance and mass share of protein and gluten in grain, can be recommended for introducing them into the breeding programs on drought tolerance and grain quality

    Productivity and quality of winter soft wheat varieties and lines sown after different crops and studied by FSBSI ARRIGC named after I.G. Kalinenko

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    Productivity and quality of winter soft wheat varieties and lines sown after different crops and studied by FSBSI ARRIGC named after I.G. Kalinenko The study was carried out in 2013-2015 to estimate the effect of various forecrops on the formation of productivity and quality of winter soft wheat varieties and lines in the Rostov region. The objects of the study were 7 varieties and 6 lines of winter soft wheat developed by FSBSI ARRIGC named after I.G. Kalinenko. During the study the average productivity of winter soft wheat sown in bare fallow land ranged from 7.25 to 8.16 t/ha; the productivity of winter soft wheat sown after peas ranged from 6.47 to 7.17 t/ha; the productivity of winter soft wheat sown after sunflower ranged from 6.14 to 7.07 t/ha. According to the productivity the following varieties and lines of winter soft wheat showed the best results, namely ‘Nakhodka’ (8.16t/ha), ‘Kazachka’ (8.10t/ha), ‘1377/06’ (8.08t/ha), ‘1062/09’ (7.91t/ha) and ‘1401/09’ (7.91t/ha) sown in bare fallow; ‘Nakhodka’ (7.17t/ha), ‘Kazachka’ (7.04t/ha), ‘1062/09’ (7.04t/ha) and ‘1491/07’ (7.05t/ha) sown after peas; ‘Kazachka’ (7.01t/ha) and ‘1062/09’ (7.07t/ha) sown after sunflower. According to the amount of protein in winter wheat, the variety ‘Nakhodka’ sown in bare fallow produced 15.01%, the line ‘1401/09’ produced 14.99%; the varieties ‘Nakhodka’ and ‘Aksiniya’ sown after peas produced 14.58% and 14.40% respectively. According to the content of gluten in kernels the varieties ‘Nakhodka’ and ‘Aksiniya’ sown in bare fallow gave 28.1%; sown after peas ‘Nakhodka’ produced 29.4%; the varieties ‘Nakhodka’,‘Aksiniya’ and the line ‘1491/07’ sown after sunflower showed 23.7%, 23.8% and 23.7% respectively. According to SDS-sedimentation the following varieties and lines showed the best results. The varieties ‘Aksiniya’, ‘Kipchak’, the lines ‘1377/06’, ‘1062/09’, ‘1401/09’ sown in bare fallow showed 56-60 ml; the varieties Aksiniya’, ‘Kipchak’, ‘Kazachka’, the lines ‘1377/06’, ‘1062/09’, ‘1401/09’ sown after peas showed 50.3-53 ml’ the variety ‘Kazachka’ and the line ‘1038/07’ sown after sunflower showed 50-50.3 ml