48 research outputs found

    Visual function in Norwegian children aged 5–13 years with prenatal exposure to opioid maintenance therapy: A case–control study

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    Purpose: To assess various aspects of visual function in school children prenatally exposed to opioid maintenance therapy (OMT) and to explore possible outcome differences between prenatal methadone and buprenorphine exposure. Methods: In a cross-sectional case–control study, 63 children aged 5–13 years with prenatal OMT exposure were compared with 63 age- and gender-matched, non-exposed controls regarding important visual parameters, such as visual acuity, orthoptic status, refractive state, colour vision, and visual field. Results: The OMT-exposed children had significantly poorer visual acuity, both for the best eye, the worst eye and binocularly. Two children had mild visual impairment. Manifest strabismus was more frequent in the OMT group, 30%, vs. 4.8% in the control group. The most frequent types of strabismus were accommodative esotropia and intermittent exotropia. Manifest nystagmus was present in 10 (16%) of the exposed children compared to one among the non-exposed children. The accommodative amplitude was decreased in the OMT group compared to the controls. After adjusting for polydrug exposure and SGA (small-for-gestational-age), the between-group differences in visual acuity, strabismus, and nystagmus remained. The methadone-exposed children had poorer visual acuity, increased frequency of strabismus and a higher percentage of nystagmus, hypermetropia and astigmatism compared to the buprenorphine-exposed children. Conclusions: School-age children exposed to methadone or buprenorphine in utero had a higher prevalence of strabismus and nystagmus, and a lower visual acuity and accommodation amplitude. Buprenorphine exposure was associated with more favourable results than methadone exposure on most visual outcome measures and should be the preferred substance in OMT.publishedVersio

    Cortical thickness changes after computerized working memory training in patients with mild cognitive impairment

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    Background: Adaptive computerized working memory (WM) training has shown favorable effects on cerebral cortical thickness as compared to non-adaptive training in healthy individuals. However, knowledge of WM training-related morphological changes in mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is limited. Objective: The primary objective of this double-blind randomized study was to investigate differences in longitudinal cortical thickness trajectories after adaptive and non-adaptive WM training in patients with MCI. We also investigated the genotype effects on cortical thickness trajectories after WM training combining these two training groups using longitudinal structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) analysis in Freesurfer. Method: Magnetic resonance imaging acquisition at 1.5 T were performed at baseline, and after four- and 16-weeks post training. A total of 81 individuals with MCI accepted invitations to undergo 25 training sessions over 5 weeks. Longitudinal Linear Mixed effect models investigated the effect of adaptive vs. non-adaptive WM training. The LME model was fitted for each location (vertex). On all statistical analyzes, a threshold was applied to yield an expected false discovery rate (FDR) of 5%. A secondary LME model investigated the effects of LMX1A and APOE-ε4 on cortical thickness trajectories after WM training. Results: A total of 62 participants/patients completed the 25 training sessions. Structural MRI showed no group difference between the two training regimes in our MCI patients, contrary to previous reports in cognitively healthy adults. No significant structural cortical changes were found after training, regardless of training type, across all participants. However, LMX1A-AA carriers displayed increased cortical thickness trajectories or lack of decrease in two regions post-training compared to those with LMX1A-GG/GA. No training or training type effects were found in relation to the APOE-ε4 gene variants. Conclusion: The MCI patients in our study, did not have improved cortical thickness after WM training with either adaptive or non-adaptive training. These results were derived from a heterogeneous population of MCI participants. The lack of changes in the cortical thickness trajectory after WM training may also suggest the lack of atrophy during this follow-up period. Our promising results of increased cortical thickness trajectory, suggesting greater neuroplasticity, in those with LMX1A-AA genotype need to be validated in future trials.publishedVersio

    Working Memory Training in Amnestic and Non-amnestic Patients With Mild Cognitive Impairment: Preliminary Findings From Genotype Variants on Training Effects

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    Working memory training (WMT) effects may be modulated by mild cognitive impairment (MCI) subtypes, and variations in APOE-epsilon (APOE-ε) and LMX1A genotypes. Sixty-one individuals (41 men/20 women, mean age 66 years) diagnosed with MCI (31 amnestic/30 non-amnestic) and genotyped for APOE-ε and LMX1A completed 4 weeks/20–25 sessions of WMT. Cognitive functions were assessed before, 4 weeks and 16 weeks after WMT. Except for Processing Speed, the non-amnestic MCI group (naMCI) outperformed the amnestic MCI (aMCI) group in all cognitive domains across all time-points. At 4 weeks, working memory function improved in both groups (p < 0.0001), but at 16 weeks the effects only remained in the naMCI group. Better performance was found after training for the naMCI patients with LMX1A-AA genotype and for the APOE-ε4 carriers. Only the naMCI-APOE-ε4 group showed improved Executive Function at 16 weeks. WMT improved working memory and some non-trained cognitive functions in individuals with MCI. The naMCI group had greater training gain than aMCI group, especially in those with LMX1A-AA genotype and among APOE-ε4-carriers. Further research with larger sample sizes for the subgroups and longer follow-up evaluations is warranted.publishedVersio

    The Memory Aid study: Protocol for a randomized controlled clinical trial evaluating the effect of computer-based working memory training in elderly patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI)

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    Background Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is a condition characterized by memory problems that are more severe than the normal cognitive changes due to aging, but less severe than dementia. Reduced working memory (WM) is regarded as one of the core symptoms of an MCI condition. Recent studies have indicated that WM can be improved through computer-based training. The objective of this study is to evaluate if WM training is effective in improving cognitive function in elderly patients with MCI, and if cognitive training induces structural changes in the white and gray matter of the brain, as assessed by structural MRI. Methods/Designs The proposed study is a blinded, randomized, controlled trail that will include 90 elderly patients diagnosed with MCI at a hospital-based memory clinic. The participants will be randomized to either a training program or a placebo version of the program. The intervention is computerized WM training performed for 45 minutes of 25 sessions over 5 weeks. The placebo version is identical in duration but is non-adaptive in the difficulty level of the tasks. Neuropsychological assessment and structural MRI will be performed before and 1 month after training, and at a 5-month folllow-up. Discussion If computer-based training results in positive changes to memory functions in patients with MCI this may represent a new, cost-effective treatment for MCI. Secondly, evaluation of any training-induced structural changes to gray or white matter will improve the current understanding of the mechanisms behind effective cognitive interventions in patients with MCI

    Change-point analysis data of neonatal diffusion tensor MRI in preterm and term-born infants

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    The data presented in this article are related to the research article entitled “Mapping the Critical Gestational Age at Birth that Alters Brain Development in Preterm-born Infants using Multi-Modal MRI” (Wu et al., 2017) [1]. Brain immaturity at birth poses critical neurological risks in the preterm-born infants. We used a novel change-point model to analyze the critical gestational age at birth (GAB) that could affect postnatal development, based on diffusion tensor MRI (DTI) acquired from 43 preterm and 43 term-born infants in 126 brain regions. In the corresponding research article, we presented change-point analysis of fractional anisotropy (FA) and mean diffusivities (MD) measurements in these infants. In this article, we offered the relative changes of axonal and radial diffusivities (AD and RD) in relation to the change of FA and FA-based change-points, and we also provided the AD- and RD-based change-point results

    Is there an association between full IQ score and mental health problems in young adults? A study with a convenience sample

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    Background Intelligence is the aggregate or global capacity of the individual to act purposefully, to think rationally and to deal effectively with the environment. Previous studies have shown that individuals with intellectual disability, IQ < 70, have increased risk of being diagnosed with one or more mental disorders. We wanted to investigate if this also applies to individuals with IQ between 70 and 85. Methods In this study, data was abstracted from a longitudinal follow-up study of individuals with low birth weight and a control group. In the present study, mental health of participants with borderline IQ, defined as a full IQ score 70–84, were compared with mental health of a reference group with full IQ scores ≥85. Mental health at age 19 was assessed using the Schedule for Affective Disorder and Schizophrenia for School-age Children Present and Lifetime (K-SADS P/L) whereby scores meeting the diagnostic criteria for a mental disorder were defined as having mental health problems. In addition the participants completed the ADHD-rating scale and the Autism Spectrum Quotient form (AQ). Logistic regression analyses were used to calculate odds ratio (OR) with 95% confidence intervals (CI) for high scores on the K-SADS. Results Thirty participants with borderline IQ and 146 controls were included. Sixteen (53%) of the participants with borderline IQ met the diagnostic criteria on the K-SADS for any diagnosis compared with 18 (12%) in the reference group (OR: 6.2; CI: 2.6–14.9). In particular the participants with borderline IQ had excess risk of ADHD and anxiety. These associations were slightly attenuated when adjusted for birth weight and parents’ socioeconomic status. Conclusions 53% of the participants with borderline IQ had increased risk for a research assessed psychiatric diagnosis compared to about one in ten in the reference group. The group with borderline IQ also had higher total scores and higher scores on some sub-scores included in the Autism Spectrum Quotient form. Our results points towards an increased vulnerability for mental illness in individuals with borderline low IQ

    Change-point analysis data of neonatal diffusion tensor MRI in preterm and term-born infants

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    The data presented in this article are related to the research article entitled “Mapping the Critical Gestational Age at Birth that Alters Brain Development in Preterm-born Infants using Multi-Modal MRI” (Wu et al., 2017) [1]. Brain immaturity at birth poses critical neurological risks in the preterm-born infants. We used a novel change-point model to analyze the critical gestational age at birth (GAB) that could affect postnatal development, based on diffusion tensor MRI (DTI) acquired from 43 preterm and 43 term-born infants in 126 brain regions. In the corresponding research article, we presented change-point analysis of fractional anisotropy (FA) and mean diffusivities (MD) measurements in these infants. In this article, we offered the relative changes of axonal and radial diffusivities (AD and RD) in relation to the change of FA and FA-based change-points, and we also provided the AD- and RD-based change-point results

    Visual-motor deficits relate to altered gray and white matter in young adults born preterm with very low birth weight

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    Individuals born preterm and at very low birth weight (birth weight ≤ 1500 g) are at an increased risk of perinatal brain injury and neurodevelopmental deficits over the long term. This study examined whether this clinical group has more problems with visual–motor integration, motor coordination, and visual perception compared to term-born controls, and related these findings to cortical surface area and thickness and white matter fractional anisotropy. Forty-seven preterm-born very low birth weight individuals and 56 term-born controls were examined at 18–22 years of age with a combined cognitive, morphometric MRI, and diffusion tensor imaging evaluation in Trondheim, Norway. Visual–motor skills were evaluated with the Beery–Buktenica Developmental Test of Visual–Motor Integration—V (VMI) copying test and its supplemental tests of motor coordination and visual perception. 3D T1-weighted MPRAGE images and diffusion tensor imaging were done at 1.5 T. Cortical reconstruction generated in FreeSurfer and voxelwise maps of fractional anisotropy calculated with Tract-Based Spatial Statistics were used to explore the relationship between MRI findings and cognitive results. Very low birth weight individuals had significantly lower scores on the copying and motor coordination tests compared with controls. In the very low birth weight group, VMI scores showed significant positive relationships with cortical surface area in widespread regions, with reductions of the superior temporal gyrus, insula, and medial occipital lobe in conjunction with the posterior ventral temporal lobe. Visual perception scores also showed positive relationships with cortical thickness in the very low birth weight group, primarily in the lateral occipito-temporo-parietal junction, the superior temporal gyrus, insula, and superior parietal regions. In the very low birth weight group, visual–motor performance correlated positively with fractional anisotropy especially in the corpus callosum, inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus bilaterally, and anterior thalamic radiation bilaterally, driven primarily by an increase in radial diffusivity. VMI scores did not demonstrate a significant relationship to cortical surface area, cortical thickness, or diffusion measures in the control group. Our results indicate that visual–motor integration problems persist into adulthood for very low birth weight individuals, which may be due to structural alterations in several specific gray–white matter networks. Visual–motor deficits appear related to reduced surface area of motor and visual cortices and disturbed connectivity in long association tracts containing visual and motor information. We conjecture that these outcomes may be due to perinatal brain injury or aberrant cortical development secondary to injury or due to very preterm birth

    Brain Development after Neonatal Intermittent Hyperoxia-Hypoxia in the Rat Studied by Longitudinal MRI and Immunohistochemistry

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    Background: Neonatal intermittent hyperoxia-hypoxia (IHH) is involved in the pathogenesis of retinopathy of prematurity. Whether similar oxygen fluctuations will create pathological changes in the grey and white matter of the brain is unknown. Methods: From birth until postnatal day 14 (P14), two litters (total n = 22) were reared in IHH: hyperoxia (50% O2) interrupted by three consecutive two-minute episodes of hypoxia (12% O2) every sixth hour. Controls (n = 8) were reared in room-air (20.9% O2). Longitudinal MRI (Diffusion Tensor Imaging and T2-mapping) was performed on P14 and P28 and retinal and brain tissue were examined for histopathological changes. Long-term neurodevelopment was assessed on P20 and P27. Results: Mean, radial and axial diffusivity were higher in white matter of IHH versus controls at P14 (p < 0.04), while fractional anisotropy (FA) was lower in the hippocampal fimbria and tended to be lower in corpus callosum (p = 0.08) and external capsule (p = 0.05). White matter diffusivity in IHH was similar to controls at P28. Higher cortical vessel density (p = 0.005) was observed at P14. Cortical and thalamic T2-relaxation time and mean diffusivity were higher in the IHH group at P14 (p ≤ 0.03), and albumin leakage was present at P28. Rats in the IHH group ran for a longer time on a Rotarod than the control group (p ≤ 0.005). Pups with lower bodyweight had more severe MRI alterations and albumin leakage. Conclusion: IHH led to subtle reversible changes in brain white matter diffusivity, grey matter water content and vascular density. However, alterations in blood-brain barrier permeability may point to long-term effects. The changes seen after IHH exposure were more severe in animals with lower bodyweight and future studies should aim at exploring possible interactions between IHH and growth restriction