1 research outputs found

    Learning Services and Tools for Blind and Visually Impaired People

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    Slijepi i slabovidni pojedinci se suočavaju s brojnim preprekama prilikom školovanja. Na tržištu je prisutan veliki broj pomagala prilagođenih slijepim i slabovidnim osobama. Brojni od tih uređaja koriste se svakodnevno te samim time trebaju biti što je više moguće prilagođeni radu, navikama i potrebama slijepih i slabovidnih osoba. Unatoč tome što se svakodnevno radi na unaprjeđenju takve tehnologije, korisnici se i dalje suočavaju s poteškoćama prilikom korištenja. Usmjeravanjem i poticanjem korisnika ovih alata dobiti ćemo ravnopravne članove društva, a razvojem tehnologije stvara se što više alata koje će slijepe i slabovidne osobe u želji za znanjem iskoristiti na najbolji mogući način.Blind and visually impaired people face many obstacles during their education. The market is filled with numerous training aids designed especially for the blind and partially sighted. Many of these devices are in the everyday use, therefore should be customized as much as possible to the work, habits, and needs of the blind and visually impaired. Despite the fact that that kind of technology undergoes improvements and upgrades on a continuous basis, users still face difficulties in their everyday use. With provided direction and encouragement of the users of these tools, we will get equal society members, while further development of the technology shall create more tools. The latter will then help blind and visually impaired people - with the thirst for knowledge - to use them in the best possible way