97 research outputs found

    Zur Entwicklung und zum Gegenstandbereich der deutschen und der polnischen Phraseologie

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    The aim of the article, which is addressed to a German reader with phraseological interests, is the depiction of research development within phraseology and terminological agreements in the tradition of phraseology in Polish and German. In the centre of our interest remains the definition of the term phraseme, specification and description of the phraseme features in the context of the contemporary research and also attempts concerning phraseme classifications

    Men’s eating disorders – A literature review

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    Introduction and purpose: Eating disorders belong to the group of mental diseases characterized by significant somatic complications and high mortality. There is a common opinion that these disorders mainly affect women. Such assumptions may result in limited knowledge of the diagnosis and treatment of an eating disorder in the male population. The aim of this study is to summarize the current knowledge about eating disorders among men, including binge eating disorder (BED), anorexia nervosa (AN) and bulimia nervosa (BN). Description of the state of knowledge: It turns out that the problem of eating disorders among the male sex is not so rare- it is estimated that approximately 10 million US men will experience an eating disorder at some point in their lives. The most common eating disorder among men appears to be binge eating disorder (BED). Men are also more likely to report binge eating than women. AN and BN occur much less frequently than BED in the male population. The symptoms of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa may differ between men and women. More and more often we observe a development of a certain type of muscle dysmorphia among men, the so-called “reverse anorexia". Eating disorders carry a number of medical complications such as cardiac disorders, electrolyte disturbances, digestive problems and skeletal disturbances. Therapeutic interventions in the treatment of male eating disorders should take into account gender-specific problems. Conclusions: The real number of men suffering from eating disorders may be underestimated due to the neglect of the problem in the context of the male gender. It also results in poorly developed diagnostic and support schemes for men struggling with this problem. More research is needed on the topic of eating disorders in this group of patients as it will help to develop better diagnostic and therapeutic regimens adapted to the male gender

    The influence of sleep disturbances on the development of insulin resistance - a literature review

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    Introduction and purpose of the work: Sleep is essential for the proper functioning of the body. Adequate quality and quantity of sleep affects metabolic processes, including glucose metabolism, as well as the sensitivity of tissues to insulin, the reduction of which is called insulin resistance. It leads to an increased production of glucose in order to maintain normal blood glucose levels. Insulin resistance is a modifiable risk factor of, inter alia, type 2 diabetes. The aim of this study is to summarize the current knowledge on the relationship between sleep deprivation and an increased risk of developing insulin resistance. State of knowledge: Sleep undoubtedly has a strong influence on glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity. Numerous studies show that even partial sleep deprivation lowers insulin sensitivity. The available literature shows that shift work and a shifted bedtime, combined with an insufficient amount of it, lead to a significant reduction in insulin sensitivity. The positive effect of increasing the time of night rest on the sensitivity of tissues to insulin may be an element of the prevention of diseases such as obesity or type 2 diabetes. Moreover, disturbances in sleep continuity lead to formation of insulin resistance. An example would be obstructive sleep apnea, the treatment of which affects metabolic processes. Summary: Adequate sleep hygiene is an extremely important part of a healthy lifestyle. More research is needed on the relationship between sleep and the regulation of carbohydrate metabolism, due to the fact that the appropriate sleep-wake rhythm may give hope for improvement in health in people with metabolic disorders and may be an important protective factor for many diseases.&nbsp

    Is Investing in Companies Manufacturing Solar Components a Lucrative Business? A Decision Tree Based Analysis

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    In an era of increasing energy production from renewable sources, the demand for components for renewable energy systems has dramatically increased. Consequently, managers and investors are interested in knowing whether a company associated with the semiconductor and related device manufacturing sector, especially the photovoltaic (PV) systems manufacturers, is a money-making business. We apply a new approach that extends prior research by applying decision trees (DTs) to identify ratios (i.e., indicators), which discriminate between companies within the sector that do (designated as “green”) and do not (“red”) produce elements of PV systems. Our results indicate that on the basis of selected ratios, green companies can be distinguished from the red companies without an in-depth analysis of the product portfolio. We also find that green companies, especially operating in China are characterized by lower financial performance, thus providing a negative (and unexpected) answer to the question posed in the title

    Stężenie rezystyny w surowicy u dzieci z cukrzycą typu 1 — negatywna relacja z masą tłuszczową ciała

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    Introduction: Insulin is one of the major factors regulating adipose tissue function. On the other hand, adipocytes secrete adipocytokines that may influence insulin synthesis and action, and are involved in blood glucose regulation. In type 1 diabetes mellitus (t1DM), beta cells function is replaced with exogenous insulin therapy. This raises a question concerning the impact of t1DM on adipose tissue secretory function. The aim of this study was to evaluate one of the adipocytokines, resistin, serum concentrations in relation to body fat mass in children with t1DM.Material and methods: The study comprised 75 children with t1DM and a control group of 20 healthy coevals. All children had estimated serum resistin concentrations, glycated haemoglobin levels, growth and body weight measurements, and bioelectrical impedance analysis in order to establish body composition.Results: Resistin serum concentrations were significantly lower in children with t1DM vs. controls (median values: 343 vs. 590 pg/mL; mean values ± SD: 577 ± 561 vs. 861 ± 628 pg/mL; p < 0.001), and they negatively correlated with body fat mass (p = 0.022) and age (p = 0.022) in the t1DM group, but not in the control group. Disease duration, glycated haemoglobin levels and insulin dosage revealed no direct statistical relation to resistin levels.Conclusions: Diminished serum resistin concentrations and a negative correlation between resistin levels and body fat mass in children with type 1 diabetes seem to result from broken physiological adipo-insular regulations, independent of disease duration, its metabolic control and insulin supply. (Endokrynol Pol 2014; 65 (5): 342–347)Wstęp: Insulina jest jednym z głównych czynników regulujących funkcje tkanki tłuszczowej. Z drugiej strony, adipocyty wydzielają adipocytokiny, które mogą wpływać na sekrecję i działanie insuliny oraz brać udział w regulacji stężenia glukozy we krwi. W cukrzycy typu 1 sekrecja insuliny przez komórki beta zostaje zastąpiona przez egzogenną insulinoterapię. Powstaje pytanie o wpływ tej choroby na czynność sekrecyjną tkanki tłuszczowej. Celem pracy była ocena stężenia jednej z adipocytokin, rezystyny, w surowicy dzieci z cukrzycą typu 1, oraz związku oznaczonej rezystynemii z masą tkanki tłuszczowej.Materiał i metody: Badaniami objęto 75 dzieci z cukrzycą typu 1, oraz grupę kontrolną 20 zdrowych dzieci. U wszystkich wykonano oznaczenia stężenia rezystyny w surowicy, poziomu hemoglobiny glikowanej, pomiary wzrostu i masy ciała, oraz badanie impedancji bioelektrycznej celem oceny składu ciała.Wyniki: Stężenia rezystyny w surowicy były niższe u dzieci z cukrzycą typu 1 niż w grupie kontrolnej (mediana: 343 vs. 590 pg/ml, średnia ± SD: 577 ± 561 vs. 861 ± 628 pg/ml, p < 0,001) oraz korelowały ujemnie z masą tkanki tłuszczowej (p = 0,022) oraz wiekiem (p = 0,022) w grupie dzieci z cukrzycą, ale nie w grupie kontrolnej. Czas trwania choroby, poziom hemoglobiny glikowanej i dawkowanie insuliny nie wykazały bezpośredniego związku statystycznego ze stężeniami rezystyny.Wnioski: Obniżone stężenie rezystyny w surowicy oraz ujemna korelacja między stężeniami rezystyny i masą tłuszczową ciała u dzieci z cukrzycą typu 1 wydają się wynikać z przerwania fizjologicznych regulacji adipo-insularnych, niezależnie od czasu trwania choroby, jej kontroli metabolicznej i podaży insuliny. (Endokrynol Pol 2014; 65 (5): 342–347

    Influence of selenium deficiency on the development of thyroid disorders - a literature review

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    Introduction and purpose: Selenium is essential for the proper course of many physiological and biochemical processes in the human body. It plays a large role in ensuring proper immunoendocrine function. The organ with the greatest amount of selenium per gram of tissue is the thyroid gland. This element builds enzymes involved in antioxidant processes - peroxidase, as well as deiodinases involved in the metabolism of thyroid hormones. There are scientific reports showing a beneficial effect of selenium supplementation in autoimmune diseases of the thyroid gland. The aim of this study is to summarize the current knowledge on the relationship between selenium deficiency and the development of thyroid dysfunction. Description of the state of knowledge: There is a correlation between selenium deficiency and the functioning of the thyroid gland. It has been shown that selenium levels are often lowered in patients with autoimmune thyroiditis. Research shows that selenium supplementation may lower TPOAb and TgAb antibody levels in patients with Hashimoto's disease. In patients with Graves' orbitopathy, administration of selenium resulted in delayed progression of orbitopathy and less disease severity. There are reports that supplementation with this element may also increase the effectiveness of antithyroid drugs in patients with Graves-Basedow disease. There was also an association between selenium deficiency and the development of goiter and thyroid nodules. Conclusions: Selenium plays an important role in the proper functioning of the thyroid gland. Although the specific role of selenium in the pathogenesis of thyroid disease is still under investigation, there are numerous reports saying that its deficiency may affect it. More research is needed on the relationship between selenium concentration and the regulation of thyroid function, because introducing it into the treatment regimen of thyroid disorders may give hope for better therapeutic effects

    The role of magnesium deficiency in the pathogenesis of hypertension and the influence of magnesium supplementation on blood pressure – literature review

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    Magnesium is a macronutrient that is very important for the proper functioning of the human body. Deficiency of this element is crucial in the development of many disorders in the proper functioning of many organ systems. The optimal level of magnesium has a significant influence on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, among others. Although the factors showing the mechanism of lowering blood pressure by magnesium ions are not fully understood, the influence of the correct concentration of magnesium in the human body on cardiovascular protection is beyond doubt. Magnesium supplementation produces positive effects in the functioning of blood vessels and in maintaining blood pressure within the normal range. In our article, we focused on the role of magnesium in maintaining normal blood pressure at the molecular, cellular and tissue levels, as well as on the impact of magnesium supplementation on reducing blood pressure

    Opieka nad pacjentem po udarze mózgu. Wyniki dwuletniego prospektywnego badania obserwacyjnego przeprowadzonego w województwie mazowieckim w Polsce

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    Background and purpose Little has been published about different elements of the health services in long-term follow-up in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. The aim of this study was to explore the health services for stroke patients in Poland. Material and methods Patients from 3 centres representing different levels of stroke care organization from Mazowieckie province were included. Data on first-ever stroke patients with “onset-to-door” time no longer than 7 days, consecutively admitted to participating centres between March 1 and June 30, 2002 were collected prospectively. Patients were assessed on admission, on discharge and 3, 6, 12, 18, and 24 months after discharge. Type of care, rehabilitation, readmissions, consultations and diagnostic procedures were evaluated. Results One hundred and sixty-four patients with first-ever stroke were included. Twenty-one patients died during hospitalization, and 36 during the two-year follow-up. Most patients were discharged home, under family care. The total rate of readmission decreased over time, from 58% to 11%, and so did the rate of rehabilitation, from 41.5% to 15%. All patients had been seen by their general practitioners and neurologists. Conclusions Post-stroke care is provided mostly by family members. Access to rehabilitation is limited and decreases over time. This study could help the authorities in healthcare budget allocation in Poland.Wstęp i cel pracy Dotychczas opublikowano niewiele danych dotyczących różnych aspektów długoterminowej opieki nad pacjentem po udarze mózgu w krajach Europy Srodkowo–Wschodniej. Celem prezentowanej pracy było zebranie danych o opiece poudarowej w Polsce. Materiał i metody W badaniu wzięły udział 3 ośrodki o różnym stopniu referencyjności z województwa mazowieckiego. Dane dotyczące pacjentów z pierwszym w życiu udarem mózgu przyjmowanych do ośrodków biorących udział w badaniu były gromadzone prospektywnie od marca do czerwca 2002 r. Do badania włączono pacjentów do 7 dni od wystąpienia udaru. Pacjenci byli oceniani przy przyjęciu, przy wypisie oraz 3, 6, 12, 18 i 24 miesiące po wypisie. Zbierano dane dotyczące: rodzaju opieki, rehabilitacji, kolejnych hospitalizacji, konsultacji oraz wykonywanych badań dodatkowych. Wyniki Do badania włączono 164 pacjentów z pierwszym w życiu udarem mózgu. W trakcie hospitalizacji zmarło 21 pacjentów, w trakcie okresu obserwacji kolejnych 36 pacjentów. Większość pacjentów została wypisana do domu, gdzie pozostawali pod opieką rodziny. Odsetek pacjentów wymagających kolejnych hospitalizacji zmniejszał się w miarę upływu czasu, z 58% do 11%, podobnie zmniejszył się odsetek pacjentów rehabilitowanych, z 41,5% do 15%. Wszyscy pacjenci byli przynajmniej raz badani przez lekarza rodzinnego i neurologa. Wnioski W większości przypadków opiekę pacjentowi po udarze mózgu zapewniają członkowie rodziny. Dostęp do rehabilitacji jest ograniczony i maleje w miarę upływu czasu. Powyższe badanie może być pomocne w planowaniu nakładów finansowych na opiekę zdrowotną w Polsce

    Craniospinal radiotherapy in children: Electron- or photon-based technique of spinal irradiation

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    AbstractBackgroundThe prone position and electron-based technique for craniospinal irradiation (CSI) have been standard in our department for many years. But this immobilization is difficult for the anaesthesiologist to gain airway access. The increasing number of children treated under anaesthesia led us to reconsider our technique.AimThe purpose of this study is to report our new photon-based technique for CSI which could be applied in both the supine and the prone position and to compare this technique with our electron-based technique.Materials and methodsBetween November 2007 and May 2008, 11 children with brain tumours were treated in the prone position with CSI. For 9 patients two treatment plans were created: the first one using photons and the second one using electron beams for spinal irradiation. We prepared seven 3D-conformal photon plans and four forward planned segmented field plans. We compared 20 treatment plans in terms of target dose homogeneity and sparing of organs at risk.ResultsIn segmented field plans better dose homogeneity in the thecal sac volume was achieved than in electron-based plans. Regarding doses in organs at risk, in photon-based plans we obtained a lower dose in the thyroid but a higher one in the heart and liver.ConclusionsOur technique can be applied in both the supine and prone position and it seems to be more feasible and precise than the electron technique. However, more homogeneous target coverage and higher precision of dose delivery for photons are obtained at the cost of slightly higher doses to the heart and liver