509 research outputs found

    An essay on the use of auctions over ITQ's

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    Arbejdstilsynet informerer INFRALYD (in Danish)

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    Localization of Crowdfunding Platforms : The Influencing Role of Culture, Institutions and Geography

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    Master's thesis Business Administration BE501 - University of Agder 2019This master thesis examines the role played by culture, geography and institutions onEuropean crowdfunding platform’s decision to localize their content towards international markets. The authors conducted a binary logistic regression analysis is based on 470 observations of platform-country dyads collected from 269 European crowdfunding platforms and supplemented by additional sources of macro level indicators. Of the eleven hypotheses, social trust, geographical distance, high-context culture, rule of law and the investment orientation on platform have an effect on the decision to localize the platforms. IT infrastructure and the cultural dimensions of individualism, uncertainty avoidance, as well as a compounded variable of cultural distance, did not impact the same decision. The study’s findings are limited contextually to European crowdfunding platforms offering lending, equity, donation and reward-based models. Other micro-factors or countries of operation may exhibit different patterns than what is presented in this thesis. The study is one of the first in the field of localization andcrowdfunding, opening up for new discussions and insights. The results constitute and challenge the pre-existing theory on website localization. This thesis’ findings suggest that the context of this research is of significant impact as cultural adaptation has been highlighted to be one of the key factors to succeed in foreign markets in other industries

    Den Virtuelle Matematikkskolen - Ungdomstrinnet : En studie av hvilke pedagogiske konsekvenser bruk av nettressursen DVM-U kan fĂžre med seg

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    Masteroppgave matematikkdidaktikk – Universitetet i Agder 2016Many lower secondary school students struggle with mathematics and with motivation in the subject. To improve student achievement and motivation in mathematics, The Norwegian Centre for ICT in Education and The Norwegian Centre for Mathematics Education have developed an online learning resource that contains mathematical examples, exercises and games, called The Virtual School of Mathematics – Lower Secondary (DVM-U). The Norwegian Centre for ICT in Education suggest that DVM-U can be used in preparation of a topic, or as something students can work with if they do not benefit on a satisfactory level from the classroom teaching. DVM-U is currently a pilot study. In 2017 The Norwegian Centre for ICT in Education will give The Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training a recommendation which may cause DVM-U to become a permanent offer. It has previously been conducted two NIFU reports about DVM-U for the school years 2013/2014 and 2014/2015, but this year it has not been ordered any new report. According to DVM-U’s project manager, The Norwegian Centre for ICT in Education is lacking sufficient empirical data to conclude whether DVM-U is a sensible measure for students with low achievements in mathematics. To contribute to the evaluation on the web resource I have based this thesis on the following problem: Which possible educational consequences may the use of the web resource DVM-U lead to? Two aspects of DVM-U are further investigated. If DVM-U are to be used as a preparation for a topic, it should be possible to see connections between the contents of DVM-U and students’ textbooks in mathematics. If it should be any point in using DVM-U, it should also offer something that a printed textbook cannot. First research question examines this: 1) What separates the web resource DVM-U and the printed textbook Sirkel for 9th grade? As DVM-U is a digital learning resource, it also contains aspects that cannot be compared with a printed textbook. Second research question therefore maps the digital opportunities DVM-U offers, and the quality of these opportunities: 2) How can DVM-U be evaluated based on given criteria for technical and pedagogical usability? The first research question is answered by comparing the learnings materials’ structure, content and cognitive demands of their tasks set. In addition, it is made clear what DVM-U can provide, that a printed textbook cannot. The second research question is answered by the teachers’ experiences using DVM-U, and my own evaluation of the web resource. I have gained access to the teachers’ experiences with DVM-U through interviews with four teachers, as well as an online survey. The survey consisted of 21 questions about the web resource and was answered by 20 teachers who knew DVM-U. The results show that DVM-U and Sirkel for 9th grade covers many of the same topics, which is considered positive in regards to a combined use of the teaching materials. Still, the lessons the teaching material are divided into have different mathematical focus, which leads the teachers to spend time examining what learning packages DVM-U consist of, and what mathematical content in Sirkel it will fit. The teachers’ experiences and evaluation of DVM-U lead to the conclusion that DVM-U is not particularly technical friendly. Regarding pedagogical usability, the evaluation shows that DVM-U has several contributing factors that motivates students to learn mathematics. Still, there is room for improvements. The thesis therefore ends with suggestions of improvements in DVM-U which I believe may help to increase students’ motivation to learn mathematics, and that can make it easier for teachers to implement the web resource in the teaching of mathematics

    Recruitment of machine operators from agricultural gymnasium

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    Skogsbrukets utveckling har lett till att behovet av kvalificerade skogmaskinförare stÀndigt ökat. Yrket stÀller tydliga krav pÄ hög prestation vilket i sin tur krÀver förare med mycket god körförmÄga. I framtiden behövs skogsmaskinförare med rÀtt kompetens för arbetets diversitet. Men skogsbranschen har svÄrigheter att attrahera och behÄlla förare inom yrket. Detta beror frÀmst pÄ lÄga löner, i kombination med sociala och psykologiska aspekter kring arbetsmiljön. Inom det nÀrmaste decenniet kommer 40 procent av skogsmaskinförarna att pensioneras. Ifall branschen inte lyckas attrahera och behÄlla förare kommer detta leda till en akut förarbrist. För att kunna rekrytera skogsmaskinförare Àr det viktigt att göra yrket mer attraktivt. Naturbruksgymnasierna Àr en viktig rekryteringsplattform för skogsmaskinförare. Under det arbetsplatsförlagda lÀrandet bygger eleven och arbetsgivaren upp ett kontaktnÀt för senare rekrytering. DÀremot saknas svenska studier av hur mÄnga elever som rekryteras efter examen samt hur lÀnge dessa stannar i yrket. PÄ uppdrag av Skogforsk har dÀrför en studie genomförts för att undersöka rekryteringen av skogsmaskinförarstudenter frÄn naturbruksgymnasier. Syftet Àr att fÄ en överblick över hur mÄnga studenter frÄn naturbruksgymnasierna som efter utbildningen arbetar som skogsmaskinförare samt varför de som slutar vÀljer att lÀmna branschen. Dessutom ger studien en bild av varför de som fortsÀtter vÀljer att stanna. Undersökningen vill ge en fördjupande bild av bÄde oattraktiva inslag i yrket som skogsmaskinförare och det som lockar. Ett sista delsyfte Àr att undersöka vad skogsbranschen kan göra för att skogsmaskinföraryrket ska bli mer attraktivt pÄ sikt. Studien genomfördes dels som en enkÀtstudie, dels efter att resultaten frÄn enkÀten sammanstÀllts, genom intervjuer med maskinförare, entreprenörer och lÀrare frÄn naturbruksprogrammet. Studien visar att mer Àn 50 procent av eleverna arbetar som skogsmaskinföre efter sin examen frÄn ett naturbruksgymnasium. Fördelarna med yrket anser förarna Àr frihet under ansvar och nÀrheten till naturen. Cirka 30 procent har haft anstÀllning en tid men slutat. Gruppen som aldrig arbetat som maskinförare utgör cirka 15 procent. En stor andel slutar att arbeta som skogsmaskinförare efter omkring fem Är. Anledningar Àr den lÄga lönenivÄn tillsammans med dÄliga arbetsförhÄllanden i form av hög arbetspress och skiftgÄng. För att fÄ kvar förare inom yrket och attrahera fler behöver branschen frÀmst förbÀttra lönsamheten för entreprenörerna för att de ska kunna erbjuda högre lön och ordna bÀttre arbetstider för skogsmaskinförarna.The development of forestry in recent decades has led to an ever-increasing need for qualified forest machine operators. The increase means clear requirements for a high performance, which in turn requires drivers with very good driving ability. In the future, there will be a need for forest machine operators with the right skills who can handle the diversity of work. Unfortunately, the forest industry has difficulty attracting and retaining drivers in the profession. This is because there is a poor profitability in the industry with low wages in combination with social and psychological aspects of the work environment. Within the next decade, 40 percent of forest machine operators will retire. If the industry fails in attracting and retaining drivers in the profession, this will lead to an acute shortage of drivers. To be able to recruit forest machine operators, it is important to make the profession more attractive. Through the nature management high schools, there is a good recruitment platform for newly graduated forest machine operators. It is mainly during on-the-job learning that the student and the employer build up a contact network for later recruitment. On the other hand, there are few Swedish studies that show how many forest machine operators are recruited after their degree at a high school of natural sciences and how long they stay in the profession. On behalf of Skogforsk, a study has therefore been carried out to investigate what the recruitment of graduated forestry machine operator students from high school in natural sciences looks like. The purpose is to get an overview of how many students from the high school of natural sciences who after the education choose to continue working as forest machine operators and why those who quit choose to leave the industry. In addition, the study aims to provide an idea of why those who continue choose to stay. The survey wants to provide an in-depth picture of both what is perceived as unattractive elements in the profession as a forest machine operator and what attracts. A final sub-purpose is to investigate what the forest industry can do to make the forest machine operator profession more attractive in the long run. The study was conducted partly as a questionnaire study and after the results from it were compiled, interviews were also conducted with machine operators, contractors, and teachers from the nature management program. This study showed that more than 50 percent of the students work as forestry operators after graduating from a high school in natural sciences. The advantages of the profession, the drivers believe, are the freedom under responsibility and closeness to nature. Of those who previously worked as forest machine operators but who left, it is about 30 percent while those who never worked as machine operators were about 15 percent. The study shows that many stops working as a forest machine operator after about five years in the profession. The reasons for this are the low wage level in the profession together with poor working conditions in the form of high work pressure and shift work. To retain drivers in the profession and attract more people, the industry mainly needs to improve the profitability of the contractors so that they can offer higher wages and arrange better working hours for forest machine operators

    Heart rate variability analysis using robust period detection

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    Autenticitet som karaktĂ€rsdrag – Den lilla destinationens kamp för överlevnad

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    Sammanfattning Titel: Autenticitet som karaktĂ€rsdrag – Den lilla destinationens kamp för överlevnad NivĂ„: Kandidatuppsats Institution: Institutionen för Service Management, Lunds Universitet, Campus Helsingborg Författare: Rebecka Arbman, Jessica Schmid & Sofie Skotte Handledare: Fredrik Nilsson Bakgrund och problem: Dagens stora utbud av destinationer sĂ€tter stor press pĂ„ marknadsföringens kvalitet, dĂ„ destinationer mĂ„ste tĂ€vla om turisternas uppmĂ€rksamhet. För destinationer Ă€r det dĂ€rför viktigt att, genom att utnyttja sina tillgĂ„ngar, skapa en positiv image, ett starkt varumĂ€rke och en konkurrenskraftig position pĂ„ marknaden. Begreppet autenticitet har under den senaste tiden fĂ„tt stor uppmĂ€rksamhet och kan ses som det senaste modeordet i samband med resor, upplevelser och innovation. Tidigare forskning efterfrĂ„gar fler studier kring turism och autenticitet i form av fallstudier. Det finns en vetenskaplig problematik i att generalisera begreppet autenticitet, vilket vi Ă€mnar undersöka med vĂ„r studie. Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen Ă€r att undersöka hur en liten destination kan anvĂ€nda sig av autenticitet för att locka fler turister och öka sin konkurrenskraft. För att undersöka och exemplifiera detta genomförs en fallstudie med Finse i Norge som fallstudieobjekt. Med studien vill vi se hur marknadsföraren arbetar med autenticitet men Ă€ven hur turisten uppfattar det autentiska. FrĂ„gestĂ€llningar: Uppsatsen bygger pĂ„ tre frĂ„gestĂ€llningar: 1. Hur kan begreppet autenticitet definieras? 2. Vilka förestĂ€llningar om autenticitet finns hos turister? 3. Hur kan autenticitet anvĂ€ndas som verktyg i destinationsmarknadsföring av mindre platser för att förbĂ€ttra destinationens image och öka platsens konkurrenskraft? Metod: En kvalitativ forskningsmetod anvĂ€nds i denna uppsats för att undersöka hur mindre platser kan arbeta med destinationsmarknadsföring och autenticitet. Genom en fallstudie baserad bland annat pĂ„ intervjuer av olika slag, observationer och filmanalys genomförs detta Slutsatser: Det har kunnat konstateras att det finns skilda Ă„sikter kring begreppet autenticitet. FrĂ€msta anledningen till att begreppet kan ha olika innebörd Ă€r för att alla individer upplever autenticitet olika i olika situationer och miljöer. Det autentiska kan sammanfattningsvis tolkas som unikt, rent, orört och Ă€kta, nĂ„got som skiljer sig frĂ„n den vardagliga miljön. Det autentiska ses Ă€ven som en trend, bestĂ„ende i att turister söker efter det autentiska i upplevelser. Det Ă€kta, unika och oförstörda ses som ett sĂ€tt att differentiera sig och skapa konkurrensfördelar
