61 research outputs found

    Prospects of Development of «Green» Tourism in the Republic of Belarus

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    В статье рассмотрены основные направления развития «зеленого» туризма в Республике Беларусь.The article describes the main directions of development of «green» tourism in the Republic of Belarus

    Pedagogical managerial mechanisms of the labor market needs in a new generation of specialists

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    © 2016, Econjournals. All rights reserved.Supply and demand are implemented in the competition between workers for engaging in a particular workplace or work performing, as well as among employers to attract the necessary labor force as a commodity, possessing intelligence, competence, qualification. Under these circumstances, a graduate of an educational institution is not in a favorable position for himself, because he does not have the expected by the customers, practical experience. The paper is aimed at scientific justification of pedagogical mechanisms of management of labor market needs in specialists of a new generation. The leading method in the study of this problem is the comparative method identifying pedagogical mechanisms of supply and demand management in specialists of the new generation in the labor market. The paper presents the results of significant increase fixing in the number of youth unemployment that requires the use of preventive and corrective measures in the management of the needs of the labor market. The authors revealed the structure and content of an innovative model of educational institutes’ specialist graduates, including the structure of the individual; personal qualities; managerial roles; formulation of objectives; analysis, examination; the integration of new management ideas; the use of modern information and others. Presented in the article model of training of a competent professional, expected by labor market, also includes the curriculum (list of subjects, number of hours), requirements for the competence of each academic subject, and indicators and criteria of training quality, the detailed content of the curricula, scientific-methodical maintenance of educational process

    Lysosomal acid lipase deficiency – an underestimated cause of hypercholesterolemia in children

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    Lysosomal acid lipase deficiency (LAL-D) is a rare, progressive, autosomal recessive disease, which develops due to impaired degradation and subsequent intra-lysosomal accumulation of triglycerides and cholesterol esters causing dyslipidemia. The clinical manifestations of the disease presumably depend on the residual activity of the enzyme, lysosomal acid lipase. A profound deficiency of the enzyme known as Wolman’s disease has an onset in the first 6 months of life. The disease reveals itself by dyspeptic disorders in the form of vomiting and diarrhea, lack of weight gain, hepatosplenomegaly, and adrenal calcification. If the Wolman’s disease is not treated, children die within the first 6 months as a result of exhaustion caused by malabsorption syndrome combined with progressive deterioration of liver and adrenal glands. Partial deficiency of lysosomal acid lipase manifests itself at a later age and is called cholesterol ester storage disease. Its clinical presentations include hepatosplenomegaly, elevated transaminases, hypercholesterolemia, and, in some cases, hypertriglyceridemia. Liver failure is the main cause of death in the natural course of cholesterol ester storage disease. Delayed diagnosis of the disease leads to its progression causing irreversible liver damage. The implementation of mass screening programs with the determination of cholesterol levels in childhood is critical to identifying asymptomatic patients.The article presents a clinical case of a patient aged 3 years. The molecular genetic testing showed a mutation in exon 8 of the LIPA gene: NM_000235.3:c.894G>A synonymous variant in the homozygous state. It was also found that both parents of the girl had this type of mutation in the heterozygous state. The patient was prescribed sebelipase alfa in a dose of 1 mg/kg once every 14 days. The treatment was well tolerated. Due to the early verification of the diagnosis and timely pathogenetic therapy, the prognosis of the course of LAL-D, the duration and quality of life of the child were considered to be favourable.Raising the awareness of doctors along with the introduction of effective screening programs for the timely detection of dyslipidemia in children contributes to timely diagnosis and early initiation of pathogenetic therapy, which can increase the life expectancy of patients with lysosomal acid lipase deficiency and improve their quality of life

    Energic metabolism studies in pediatric cancer patients

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    The aim. To estimate heat capacity (C) measurements for individual dietary support of pediatric cancer patients during chemotherapy. Material and methods. 43 cancer children are examined. Group 1: 15 children, 5 children receiving polychemotherapy, 10 children – in post-BMT period (5 of them were re-examined on clinical indications). Thus we got 21 resting heat capacity measures. Group 2 includes 14 children with cancer after completing chemotherapy. Group 3 (control group) – 14 children with gastroenterological pathology. (C) is determined by indirect calorimetry, then basal metabolic rate (BMR) is calculated by formula BMR=90%C and compared with (Cf), calculated by formula WHO (1985). The results. In group 1 the average values of BMR and Еоф considerably differ: 986,5 and 1285,9 kcal accordingly (p<0,05). In group 2 BMR value is lower than Cf, however the difference is inconsiderable. The amount of children with decreased BMR in group 1 is considerably higher than in groups 2 and 3 – 76,2%; 42,9% and 28,6% accordingly (p<0,05). On the contrary group 3 includes more children with increased BMR, than group 1 (p<0,01). The marked decrease of heat capacity (C decrease) in group 1 is mainly associated with toxic effects of polychemotherapy and BMT on metabolic processes. Conclusion. The findings justify the need to monitor the pediatric cancer patients during special treatment to estimate their heat capacity to work out individual programs of dietary support with further assessment of effectiveness and correction

    The proinflammatore cytokine production by peripheral blood cells in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis

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    Children and teenagers with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (n=100) and conditionally healthy children (n=31) were investigated. The concentration of IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, IF-γ и TNF-α in supernatants of spontaneous and stimulated by phitogemmagglutinin peripheral blood cells cultures were defined by ELISA. It was found that the spontaneous production of IL-1β, IL-8, IF-γ и TNF-α was more intensive in patients with arthritis in comparison with control, and it was the evidence of important role of these cytokines in pathogenesis of juvenile arthritis. Low mitogenstimulated levels of IL-1β, IL-8 and IF-γ in children with arthritis in comparison with healthy children indicates depletion of immunocompetent cells functional reserves.Обследованы дети и подростки 2—17 лет с ювенильным идиопатическим артритом (n=100) и условно здоровые дети соответствующего возраста (контроль, n=31). Методом ИФА определяли концентрацию ИЛ-1β, ИЛ-6, ИЛ-8, ИНФ-γ и ФНО-α в супернатантах спонтанных и стимулированных фитогемагглютинином культур клеток периферической крови. Выявлена более интенсивная спонтанная продукция клетками крови ИЛ-1β, ИЛ-8, ФНОα и ИНФγ у больных по сравнению с контрольной группой, что отражает участие данных цитокинов в патогенезе ювенильного артрита. Снижение выработки ИЛ-1β, ИЛ-8 и ИНФγ при стимуляции митогеном у детей с ювенильным идиопатическим артритом по сравнению со здоровыми детьми свидетельствует об истощении функциональных резервов иммунокомпетентных клеток

    Fragmentation and Multifragmentation of 10.6A GeV Gold Nuclei

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    We present the results of a study performed on the interactions of 10.6A GeV gold nuclei in nuclear emulsions. In a minimum bias sample of 1311 interac- tions, 5260 helium nuclei and 2622 heavy fragments were observed as Au projec- tile fragments. The experimental data are analyzed with particular emphasis of target separation interactions in emulsions and study of criticalexponents. Multiplicity distributions of the fast-moving projectile fragments are inves- tigated. Charged fragment moments, conditional moments as well as two and three -body asymmetries of the fast moving projectile particles are determined in terms of the total charge remaining bound in the multiply charged projectile fragments. Some differences in the average yields of helium nuclei and heavier fragments are observed, which may be attributed to a target effect. However, two and three-body asymmetries and conditional moments indicate that the breakup mechanism of the projectile seems to be independent of target mass. We looked for evidence of critical point observable in finite nuclei by study the resulting charged fragments distributions. We have obtained the values for the critical exponents gamma, beta and tau and compare our results with those at lower energy experiment (1.0A GeV data). The values suggest that a phase transition like behavior, is observed.Comment: latex, revtex, 28 pages, 12 figures, 3tables, submitted to Europysics Journal

    Myeloablative conditioning for allo-HSCT in pediatric ALL: FTBI or chemotherapy?—A multicenter EBMT-PDWP study

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    Although most children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) receive fractionated total body irradiation (FTBI) as myeloablative conditioning (MAC) for allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (allo-HSCT), it is an important matter of debate if chemotherapy can effectively replace FTBI. To compare outcomes after FTBI versus chemotherapy-based conditioning (CC), we performed a retrospective EBMT registry study. Children aged 2-18 years after MAC for first allo-HSCT of bone marrow (BM) or peripheral blood stem cells (PBSC) from matched-related (MRD) or unrelated donors (UD) in first (CR1) or second remission (CR2) between 2000 and 2012 were included. Propensity score weighting was used to control pretreatment imbalances of the observed variables. 3.054 patients were analyzed. CR1 (1.498): median follow-up (FU) after FTBI (1.285) and CC (213) was 6.8 and 6.1 years. Survivals were not significantly different. CR2 (1.556): median FU after FTBI (1.345) and CC (211) was 6.2 years. Outcomes after FTBI were superior as compared with CC with regard to overall survival (OS), leukemia-free survival (LFS), relapse incidence (RI), and nonrelapse mortality (NRM). However, we must emphasize the preliminary character of the results of this retrospective "real-world-practice" study. These findings will be prospectively assessed in the ALL SCTped 2012 FORUM trial.Transplantation and immunomodulatio


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    Цель. Изучение клинико-эпидемиологических особенностей инвалидности по зрению вследствие СД в г.Москве в течение 1994-2000 гг. Материалы и методы. Объектом исследования явились лица впервые (ВПИ) и повторно (ППИ) признанные инвалидами по зрению вследствие офтальмологических осложнений (00) СД в указанный период времени. Методом сплошного наблюдения проведена выкопировка актов освидетельствования этих лиц в специализированных офтальмологических бюро МСЭ Москвы. Методом интервью был проведен опрос освидетельствуемых лиц. Объем наблюдений составил 515 лиц ВПИ и 1462 лица ППИ. Результаты. Распространенность первичной инвалидности по зрению вследствие СД в популяции зарегистрированных больных СД составила в среднем (в 1994 ?2000 гг.) в Москве 47,6 на 100 тыс. больных. В 97% случаев лицам ВПИ по зрению при СД были установлены 1-я и 2-я группа инвалидности. Это свидетельствует о быстрой и тяжелой инвалидизации лиц с ОО СД. 27,2% лиц при первичном освидетельствовании и признании их инвалидами в связи с НО СД не были диагностированы ОО СД, которые давали основания для установления более тяжелой группы инвалидности. В 26,0% случаев была установлена 3-я группа инвалидности по соматическому заболеванию, а по состоянию органа зрения можно было установить 2-ю группу. В 1,2% случаев была установлена 2-я группа инвалидности по соматическому заболеванию, а по состоянию органа зрения могла быть установлена 1-я группа. Выводы. Показатели распространенности первичной инвалидности по зрению при СД в Москве на протяжении 1994-2000 гг. имеют тенденцию к снижению. Среди лиц ВПИ вследствие ОО СД больных трудоспособного возраста составляют 1/3. При первичном освидетельствовании больны: с ОО СД в 97% случаев больным устанавливание 1-я и 2-я группы инвалидности, что свидетельствует о тяжелой первичной инвалидизации. В настоящее время в Москве существует невыявленная первичная инвалидность по зрению при СД. При медико-социальной экспертизе больных НО СД следует учитывать офтальмологический статус этих лиц и проводить офтальмологическую МСЭ


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    The inheritance of epilepsy is an important problem of current neuroscience. The present report reviews the factors that impact the development of a specific disease in children born to parents with epilepsy. Due to the increasing number of patients with autism spectrum disorders it is important to continue the research into the possible relations between these diseases in children


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    The role of epilepsy in developing autism spectrum disorders (ASD) is not well understood. According to some reports, epilepsy of early childhood is often found in patients with autism of early childhood. In such children, epilepsy can progress at later periods, while the presence of both disorders in one child has a specific clinical pattern and requires specific treatment. The question whether suppression of epileptic discharges on the EEG could lead to cognitive improvement in children with ASD remains open. Likewise, the etiology of autism and its possible links to epilepsy and other pediatric disorders need more research. Here we present an overview of recent clinical studies on the proposed connection between epilepsy and ASD