42 research outputs found

    Homotopy type of the complement of an immersion and classification of embeddings of tori

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    This paper is devoted to the classification of embeddings of higher dimensional manifolds. We study the case of embeddings Sp×Sq→SmS^p\times S^q\to S^m, which we call knotted tori. The set of knotted tori in the the space of sufficiently high dimension, namely in the metastable range m≥p+3q/2+2m\ge p+3q/2+2, p≤qp\le q, which is a natural limit for the classical methods of embedding theory, has been explicitely described earlier. The aim of this note is to present an approach which allows for results in lower dimension

    The boundary value problem for discrete analytic functions

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    This paper is on further development of discrete complex analysis introduced by R. Isaacs, J. Ferrand, R. Duffin, and C. Mercat. We consider a graph lying in the complex plane and having quadrilateral faces. A function on the vertices is called discrete analytic, if for each face the difference quotients along the two diagonals are equal. We prove that the Dirichlet boundary value problem for the real part of a discrete analytic function has a unique solution. In the case when each face has orthogonal diagonals we prove that this solution uniformly converges to a harmonic function in the scaling limit. This solves a problem of S. Smirnov from 2010. This was proved earlier by R. Courant-K. Friedrichs-H. Lewy and L. Lusternik for square lattices, by D. Chelkak-S. Smirnov and implicitly by P.G. Ciarlet-P.-A. Raviart for rhombic lattices. In particular, our result implies uniform convergence of the finite element method on Delaunay triangulations. This solves a problem of A. Bobenko from 2011. The methodology is based on energy estimates inspired by alternating-current network theory.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figures. Several changes: Theorem 1.2 generalized, several assertions added, minor correction in the proofs of Lemma 2.5, 3.3, Example 3.6, Corollary 5.

    Feynman checkers: towards algorithmic quantum theory

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    We survey and develop the most elementary model of electron motion introduced by R.Feynman. It is a game, in which a checker moves on a checkerboard by simple rules, and we count the turns. It is also known as a one-dimensional quantum walk or an Ising model at imaginary temperature. We solve mathematically a problem by R.Feynman from 1965, which was to prove that the model reproduces the usual quantum-mechanical free-particle kernel for large time, small average velocity, and small lattice step. We compute the small-lattice-step and the large-time limits, justifying heuristic derivations by J.Narlikar from 1972 and by A.Ambainis et al. from 2001. For the first time we observe and prove concentration of measure in the former limit. We perform the second quantization of the model. The main tools are the Fourier transform and the stationary phase method.Comment: 55 pages, 16 figure

    Characterizing envelopes of moving rotational cones and applications in CNC machining

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    Motivated by applications in CNC machining, we provide a characterization of surfaces which are enveloped by a one-parametric family of congruent rotational cones. As limit cases, we also address ruled surfaces and their offsets. The characterizations are higher order nonlinear PDEs generalizing the ones by Gauss and Monge for developable surfaces and ruled surfaces, respectively. The derivation includes results on local approximations of a surface by cones of revolution, which are expressed by contact order in the space of planes. To this purpose, the isotropic model of Laguerre geometry is used as there rotational cones correspond to curves (isotropic circles) and higher order contact is computed with respect to the image of the input surface in the isotropic model. Therefore, one studies curve-surface contact that is conceptually simpler than the surface-surface case. We show that, in a generic case, there exist at most six positions of a fixed rotational cone that have third order contact with the input surface. These results are themselves of interest in geometric computing, for example in cutter selection and positioning for flank CNC machining.RYC-2017-2264

    A classification of smooth embeddings of 3-manifolds in 6-space

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    We work in the smooth category. If there are knotted embeddings S^n\to R^m, which often happens for 2m<3n+4, then no concrete complete description of embeddings of n-manifolds into R^m up to isotopy was known, except for disjoint unions of spheres. Let N be a closed connected orientable 3-manifold. Our main result is the following description of the set Emb^6(N) of embeddings N\to R^6 up to isotopy. The Whitney invariant W : Emb^6(N) \to H_1(N;Z) is surjective. For each u \in H_1(N;Z) the Kreck invariant \eta_u : W^{-1}u \to Z_{d(u)} is bijective, where d(u) is the divisibility of the projection of u to the free part of H_1(N;Z). The group Emb^6(S^3) is isomorphic to Z (Haefliger). This group acts on Emb^6(N) by embedded connected sum. It was proved that the orbit space of this action maps under W bijectively to H_1(N;Z) (by Vrabec and Haefliger's smoothing theory). The new part of our classification result is determination of the orbits of the action. E. g. for N=RP^3 the action is free, while for N=S^1\times S^2 we construct explicitly an embedding f : N \to R^6 such that for each knot l:S^3\to R^6 the embedding f#l is isotopic to f. Our proof uses new approaches involving the Kreck modified surgery theory or the Boechat-Haefliger formula for smoothing obstruction.Comment: 32 pages, a link to http://www.springerlink.com added, to appear in Math. Zei

    Analysis and Synthesis of Digital Dyadic Sequences

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    We explore the space of matrix-generated (0, m, 2)-nets and (0, 2)-sequences in base 2, also known as digital dyadic nets and sequences. In computer graphics, they are arguably leading the competition for use in rendering. We provide a complete characterization of the design space and count the possible number of constructions with and without considering possible reorderings of the point set. Based on this analysis, we then show that every digital dyadic net can be reordered into a sequence, together with a corresponding algorithm. Finally, we present a novel family of self-similar digital dyadic sequences, to be named ξ\xi-sequences, that spans a subspace with fewer degrees of freedom. Those ξ\xi-sequences are extremely efficient to sample and compute, and we demonstrate their advantages over the classic Sobol (0, 2)-sequence.Comment: 17 pages, 11 figures. Minor improvement of exposition; references to earlier proofs of Theorems 3.1 and 3.3 adde