6 research outputs found

    The role of MMP-12 gene polymorphism - 82 A-to-G (rs2276109) in immunopathology of COPD in polish patients : a case control study

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    Table 1S. Logistic regression analysis of association between -82 A-to-G SNP of MMP12 gene (rs2276109) and COPD – the multiple inheritance models. Description of data: This table contains the logistic regression results of modeled association between SNP rs2276109 of MMP12 gene and COPD. (DOCX 16 kb

    Does CABG with Saphenous Vein Grafting and Standard Cardiac Rehabilitation Affect Lower Limb Function? A Clinical Study

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    Background: The aim of the study was to assess lower limb function in response to two cardiac rehabilitation (CR) protocols after coronary artery bypass surgery with saphenous vein grafting. Methods: Clinically-stable male patients aged 50–70 years were recruited 4 weeks post-surgery in which to group. Group I (n = 47) receive standard CR in a hospital setting for 3 weeks and Group II (n = 14) receive CR with a resistance training component in an outpatient setting for 8 weeks. Measures included body mass and composition, lower limb temperature distribution, lower limb hemodynamics, and dorsal and plantar flexor muscle strength. Results: Average temperature of the operated limb decreased only in Group II after cardiac rehabilitation. Venous blood flow improved in both groups as evidenced by increased blood refilling time. Isokinetic strength was greater in Group I. Conclusions: The results suggest a 3-week intensive CR protocol to be most effective in restoring lower limb function in CABG patients after saphenectomy

    Economic efficiency and selected risk aspects of projects related to the construction of cogeneration

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    Układy kogeneracyjne wykorzystujące gaz ziemny stanowią atrakcyjne ekonomiczne źródło wytwarzania energii cieplnej i elektrycznej. Analiza efektywności ekonomicznej inwestycji w układy kogeneracyjne jest zadaniem złożonym, powinna być wykonana przy uwzględnieniu specyfiki danego podmiotu gospodarczego. Projekt budowy układu kogeneracyjnego jest inwestycją narażoną na określone czynniki ryzyka. Nieodzownym narzędziem w ocenie efektywności ekonomicznej tego typu projektu jest zatem analiza ryzyka, która daje pełniejszy obraz efektywności ekonomicznej badanej inwestycji. Artykuł przedstawia podstawowe zagadnienia związane z efektywnością ekonomiczną projektów budowy układów kogeneracyjnych oraz ogólne aspekty ryzyka w ujęciu jakościowym, które należy uwzględnić w celu właściwego przygotowania tego typu inwestycji.Cogeneration systems using natural gas are an attractive economic source of heat and electricity generation. Analysis of the economic efficiency of investments in cogeneration systems is a complex task, it should be made taking into account the specificity business entity. The cogeneration system construction project is an investment exposed to specific risk factors. An indispensable tool in assessing the economic efficiency of this type of project is therefore risk analysis, which gives a more complete picture of the economic effectiveness of the investment under study. The article presents the basic issues related to the economic efficiency of projects related to the construction of cogeneration and the risk aspects to be considered in order to properly prepare such investments

    Does CABG with Saphenous Vein Grafting and Standard Cardiac Rehabilitation Affect Lower Limb Function? A Clinical Study

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    Background: The aim of the study was to assess lower limb function in response to two cardiac rehabilitation (CR) protocols after coronary artery bypass surgery with saphenous vein grafting. Methods: Clinically-stable male patients aged 50−70 years were recruited 4 weeks post-surgery in which to group. Group I (n = 47) receive standard CR in a hospital setting for 3 weeks and Group II (n = 14) receive CR with a resistance training component in an outpatient setting for 8 weeks. Measures included body mass and composition, lower limb temperature distribution, lower limb hemodynamics, and dorsal and plantar flexor muscle strength. Results: Average temperature of the operated limb decreased only in Group II after cardiac rehabilitation. Venous blood flow improved in both groups as evidenced by increased blood refilling time. Isokinetic strength was greater in Group I. Conclusions: The results suggest a 3-week intensive CR protocol to be most effective in restoring lower limb function in CABG patients after saphenectomy