9 research outputs found

    Funkcjonowanie organów administracji publicznej w czasie klęsk żywiołowych w wybranych krajach

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    Artykuł przedstawia funkcjonowanie organów administracji publicznej w czasie klęsk żywiołowych w wybranych krajach : Polska (II RP), Wielka Brytania, Francja, Niemcy, Kanada, USA. Określa zadania poszczególnych służb, organów terytorialnych i centralnych oraz sposoby finansowania. We wnioskach omawia podobieństwa i różnice przedstawionych systemów narodowych.The article describes running of public administration in state of nature calamity in such states as : Republic of Poland (II Republic), Great Britain, France, Germany, Canada, USA. It qualifies tasks of different services, territory & central organs and the way of financing. In conclusions it describes in what are the systems similar and different

    Methodology of risk assessment for Crisis Management System in Poland

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    Using methods of the artificial intelligence in the computer simulation of polymers degradation

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    Zbadano skuteczność systemu CSB do komputerowej symulacji procesów degradacji polistyrenu w różnych środowiskach. Stwierdzono konieczność rozszerzenia bazy wiedzy o nowe transformacje ukierunkowane na symulację produktów jego przemian.A effectiveness of the CSB system was examined for the computer simulation of degradation processes of the polystyrene in various environments. A need for the extension of the knowledge base was stated for new transformations directed at the simulation of products of his transformations

    Characterisation of four popular Polish hop cultivars

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    Polish cultivars of hop (Humulus lupulus L.) are well known as aroma and bitter raw material in the brewing industry. To characterise four popular Polish hop cultivars, Lubelski (Lublin), Marynka, Sybilla and Iunga (also known as Junga), the essential oil profiles were determined by gas chromatography/flame ionisation detector (GC-FID) and gas chromatography/chemical ionisation mass spectrometry (GC-CIMS) and the alpha/beta acids amounts by high-performance liquid chromatography/diode array detector (HPLC-DAD) analysis. In addition, the multivariate statistical analysis of the volatile profiles was performed. The results obtained evidenced qualitative and quantitative differences between the four cultivars studied and the foreign hops described in the literature. Lubelski and Iunga showed the typical chemical profile of the fine-aroma and high-alpha cultivars, respectively. In Marynka and Sybilla, the average amounts of alpha acids were similar to the bitter hops, but with a volatile profile characteristics of the fine-aroma and aroma cultivars respectively. �� 2013 Institute of Food Science and Technology

    The ChatGPT Artificial Intelligence Chatbot: How Well Does It Answer Accounting Assessment Questions?

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    ABSTRACT ChatGPT, a language-learning model chatbot, has garnered considerable attention for its ability to respond to users’ questions. Using data from 14 countries and 186 institutions, we compare ChatGPT and student performance for 28,085 questions from accounting assessments and textbook test banks. As of January 2023, ChatGPT provides correct answers for 56.5 percent of questions and partially correct answers for an additional 9.4 percent of questions. When considering point values for questions, students significantly outperform ChatGPT with a 76.7 percent average on assessments compared to 47.5 percent for ChatGPT if no partial credit is awarded and 56.5 percent if partial credit is awarded. Still, ChatGPT performs better than the student average for 15.8 percent of assessments when we include partial credit. We provide evidence of how ChatGPT performs on different question types, accounting topics, class levels, open/closed assessments, and test bank questions. We also discuss implications for accounting education and research