25 research outputs found

    Intermediate valence of CeNi2Al3 compound and its evidences: Theoretical and experimental approach

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    We present measurements of magnetic, transport and electronic properties obtained for polycrystalline CeNi2Al3 intermetallic compound. Magnetic susceptibility χ(T) was investigated in the range from 2 to 700 K, and its behavior is characteristic of a compound with unstable valence, varying between Ce3þ and Ce4þ. In the temperature range down to 2 K there was no trace of magnetic order, no anomalies in the temperature dependence of the specific heat were found. The Sommerfeld coefficient extracted from the linear term of the heat capacity takes a value of γ ¼ 21 mJ/(mol K2). The dependence of S(T) is linear up to about 25 K, which is symptomatic of a thermopower in the Fermi’s liquid regime. The structure of satellites in the Ce(3d) electron spectrum obtained by the X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) method indicates that the states of Ce(4f) are of mixed valence character. Analysis of Ce(3d) states based on Gunnarsson-Sch€onhammer theory shows that the energy of hybridization of Ce(4f) states with a conduction band is about 78 meV. For more detailed information about electronic states the fully relativistic band structure was calculated within the density functional theory (DFT) for the first time. Below Fermi’s energy, the density of states is mainly formed by Ni(3d) states hybridized with Ce(4f) ones

    Modeling of human tissue for medical purposes

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    The paper describes the possibilities offered for medicine by modeling of human tissue using virtual and augmented reality. It also presents three proposals of breast modeling for the use in clinical practice. These proposals are the result of arrangements of medical and computer scientists team (the authors) and will be pursued and implemented in the near future. There is included also a brief description of the most popular methods for modeling of human tissue: spring-mass model and finite element method. Moreover the paper attempts to estimate the benefits of the developed models

    Magnetoresistance of the CeCo1xFexGe3CeCo_{1-x}Fe_xGe_3 Alloys

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    A transition from CeCoGe₃ to the CeFeGe₃ compound, i.e. the CeCo1xFexGe3CeCo_{1-x}Fe_xGe_3 series has been studied by magnetoresistance measurements. Previously, it was reported that at the concentration x ≈ 0.6 the system is in the vicinity of the quantum critical point. In the present research we have performed the isothermal magnetoresistivity investigations (down to 2K) on polycrystalline samples with x = 0.3, 0.4, and 0.6 to gain further insight into the possible existence of quantum critical point in the CeCo1xFexGe3CeCo_{1-x}Fe_xGe_3 series. Additionally, electrical resistivity as a function of temperature has been measured and analyzed showing features of non-Fermi liquid behavior at low temperatures