31 research outputs found

    Ocena przydatno艣ci wska藕nika Fv/Fm we wczesnej detekcji odporno艣ci owsa g艂uchego (Avena fatua L.) na fenoksaprop i diklofop

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    The possibility of the chlorophyll 伪 fluorescence test (maximum quantum efficiency of PS2 photochemistry - Fv/Fm parameter) in the early detection of wild oat resistance to fenoxaprop-P-ethyl and diclofop methyl was examined. Measurements were taken at two terms: 24 and 48 hours from spraying the resistant nad susceptible biotypes of weed with field doses of herbicides: Puma Uniwersal 069 EW and Illoxan 36 EC. The obtained results indicate, that chlorophyll fluorescence test can not be used for an early detection of wild oat (Avena fatua L.) resistance to tested herbicides.W pracy badano mo偶liwo艣膰 wykorzystania pomiaru fluorescencji chlorofilu 伪 (maksymalna wydajno艣膰 kwantowa fotouk艂adu 2 - parametr Fv/Fm) do wczesnego wykrywania odporno艣ci owsa g艂uchego na fenoksaprop-P-etylu i diklofop metylu. Pomiar贸w dokonywano w dw贸ch terminach: 24 i 48 godzin od oprysku biotyp贸w chwastu (odpornych i wra偶liwych) polowymi dawkami herbicyd贸w Puma Uniwersal 069 EW oraz Illoxan 36 EC. Wykazano, 偶e pomiar fluorescencji chlorofilu 伪 w obu terminach nie mo偶e by膰 podstaw膮 do okre艣lenia odporno艣ci chwastu na badane herbicydy

    Ocena oddzia艂ywania chemicznej ochrony na zdrowotno艣膰 li艣ci i elementy plonowania bobu

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    The paper aimed at an evaluation of chemical protection means (Vitavax 200FS, Decis 2.5 EC, Fastac 100EC and Penncozeb 80 WP) effect on leaf healthiness of two broad bean cultivars (White Windsor and White Hangdown), and the elements of seed yield structure. Obtained results demonstrated that years significantly diversified intensity of fungal diseases on broad bean leaves and the elements of seed yield structure. Excessive moisture during vegetation period favours leaf infection by brown spot (B. fabae) and worsens the elements of seed yield structure. Broad bean leaves susceptibility to fungal diseases and seed structure elements depend on the cultivar. White Windsor cultivar, intended for early harvest is characterized by markedly greater sensitivity to fungal diseases and produces more seeds per pod with higher 1000 grain weight. Foliar application of chemical protection means, conducted three or four times (2 x insecticide +1 x fungicide or 3 x insecticide + 1 x fungicide) guarantees better health state of plants and favours increase in 1000 grain weight.Celem pracy by艂a ocena wp艂ywu 艣rodk贸w chemicznej ochrony (Vitavax 200 FS, Decis 2,5 EC, Fstac 100 EC, Penncozeb 80 WP) na zdrowotno艣膰 li艣ci dw贸ch odmian bobu (Windsor Bia艂y i Hangdown Bia艂y) oraz elementy struktury plonu nasion. Uzyskane wyniki wykaza艂y, 偶e lata istotnie r贸偶nicuj膮 nasilenie chor贸b grzybowych na li艣ciach bobu oraz elementy struktury plonu nasion. Nadmiar wilgoci w okresie wegetacji sprzyja wzrostowi pora偶enia li艣ci przez czekoladow膮 plamisto艣膰 (B. fabae) i pogarsza elementy struktury plonu nasion. Podatno艣膰 li艣ci bobu na choroby grzybowe oraz elementy struktury plonu nasion zale偶膮 od odmiany. Odmiana bobu Windsor Bia艂y przeznaczona na wczesny zbi贸r cechuje si臋 istotnie wi臋ksz膮 wra偶liwo艣ci膮 na choroby grzybowe i wytwarza wi臋cej nasion w str膮ku o wi臋kszej masie 1000 nasion. Trzykrotna lub czterokrotna aplikacja nalistna 艣rodk贸w chemicznej ochrony (2x insektycyd + 1x fungicyd lub 3 x insektycyd + 1x fungicyd) zapewnia lepszy stan zdrowotny ro艣lin i sprzyja wzrostowi masy 1000 nasion bobu

    Accumulation of H <sub>2</sub> O <sub>2</sub> and changes in activities of antioxidative enzymes and 尾 -1,3-glucanase in barley and meadow fescue leaves attacked by Bipolaris sorokiniana

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    The effects of Bipolaris sorokiniana inoculation on accumulation of hydrogen peroxide and changes in the activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), non-specific peroxidase (PX) and 尾 -1,3-glucanase enzymes in leaves of differentially resistant spring barley and meadow fescue were investigated in this study. Hydrogen peroxide accumulated slightly in inoculated barley leaves 24 hours after inoculation, and its accumulation after 48 hours of pathogenesis remained week around sites of infection. In leaves of fescue, which is more resistant to B. sorokiniana , accumulation of H 2 O 2 was faster and stronger in comparison to barley. A slight increase in SOD activity was observed only in infected fescue. Catalase activity in infected barely leaves decreased significantly 48 hours after inoculation, while in fescue-infected plants CAT activity, following a slight decrease, remained similar to the control values. PX activity was considerable lower in inoculated barley leaves after 6 hours, but at 24 and 48 hours after inoculation its activity increased significantly compared to the control. In inoculated fescue leaves activity of PX was higher at 6 and 24 hours compared to the control, while at 48 hours PX activity was strongly inhibited. 尾 -1,3-Glucanase activity in inoculated barley plants did not differ from that of the control, while in infected fescue leaves it increased significantly 48 hours after inoculation. Based on the results, we suggest that the strong accumulation of H 2 O 2 , changes in antioxidant levels, together with the significant increase of 尾 -1,3-Glucanase activity in infected fescue leaves, plays an important role in fescue鈥檚 greater resistance to B. sorokiniana

    Progesterone moderates damage in Arabidopsis thaliana caused by infection with Pseudomonas syringae or P. fluorescens

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    Brassinosteroids are known to protect plants against various abiotic and biotic stresses, however, very limited information is available about the role of progesterone. Therefore the effects of Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae (P.s.) wild type strain 61, its hrcC mutant, and the saprophytic P. fluorescens (P.f.) strain 55 were investigated in wild type Arabidopsis thaliana cv. Columbia and its rbohF knock-out mutant with and without progesterone pre-treatment. The reactions of wild type and rbohF mutant Arabidopsis to bacterial inoculations were similar although 2 h after injection of P.s. a larger increase of electrolyte leakage was measured in wild type than in rbohF knockout mutant leaves. The hrcC mutant caused weak necrotic symptoms and increased leakage in both types of Arabidopsis although to a much lesser extent than P.s. The P.f. did not induce any visible symptom but slightly increased the electrolyte leakage in both types of Arabidopsis. Inoculation by all Pseudomonas bacteria led to significant alterations in photosystem II efficiency as compared to control plants. Pre-treatment of leaves with progesterone diminished the necrotic symptoms, the electrolyte leakage and improve the efficiency of photosystem II caused by Pseudomonas bacteria