733 research outputs found

    Can fresh water diets influence recovery in Atlantic salmon post-smolts after SAV3 challenge in sea water?

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    Postponed access: the file will be accessible after 2021-06-03Pankreas sykdom (PD) forårsaket av salmonid alfavirus (SAV) er en betydelig utfordring i norsk oppdrettsnæring. Å undersøke om forskjeller i fôrsammensetning før overføring til sjøvann kan påvirke sykdommens progresjon og utvikling er interessant både fra et fiskevelferds- og økonomisk perspektiv. Målet med dette masterprosjektet var å undersøke om optimalisering av fôr i ferskvannsfasen kunne øke robustheten og eller motstandsdyktighet hos atlantisk laks som ble smittet med SAV3 etter overføring til sjøvann. De tre gruppene av atlantisk laks (Salmo salar) ble fôret dietter med ulike nivåer av fettsyrer (FA) og aminosyrer, i tillegg til et kommersielt relevant fôr i en periode på 10 uker før overføring til sjøvann. To uker etter overføring til sjøvann ble fisken badsmittet med salmonid alfavirus subtype 3. Vekst, infeksjonsstatus og histologiske forandringer ble overvåket i prøveperioden på 56 dager etter eksponering (dpe) ved 5 prøvetakingspunkter (7, 14, 21, 35 og 56 dpe) for å konstatere eventuelle forskjeller i immunrespons mellom gruppene. Ved det endelige prøvetakingspunktet ble gentranskripsjon av muskelvev også undersøkt for å kartlegge potensielle forskjeller mellom gruppene. Resultatene antyder at kostholdet med et høyere innhold av aminosyrer (AA) hadde en gunstig effekt på vekst, mengde virus i hjertet og muskelpatologi. En annen implikasjon er at FA-dietten ser ut til å ha ført til uønsket utvikling i vekst. Testen avdekket ingen signifikante forskjeller mellom de forskjellige diettene med hensyn til transkripsjon av inflammatoriske og antivirale genuttrykk i muskelprøver. Resultatene indikerer at selv om gentranskripsjon i muskel ikke varierte betydelig på det testede tidspunktet, viser de samlede resultatene at kosthold sannsynligvis påvirket vekst og patologi. Ytterligere studier kan for eksempel undersøke om effekten skyldtes en spesifikk aminosyre i dietten. Denne masteroppgaven var en del av det FHF-finansierte prosjektet OptiNutr (nr. 901431), arbeidspakke nummer fire.Masteroppgave i fiskehelseFISK399MAMN-FIS

    Vented hydrogen deflagrations in weak enclosures: Experimental results and implications for industrial practice

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    It is common practice in industry to install equipment for hydrogen energy applications in containers and smaller enclosures. Fires and explosions represent a significant hazard for such installations (Skjold et al., 2018), and specific measures are generally required for reducing the risk to a tolerable level (Skjold et al., 2017). Explosion venting is a frequently used measure for mitigating the consequences of hydrogen deflagrations in confined systems. Whereas most enclosures used for hydrogen applications in industry are inherently congested, most of the experiments that have been used for validating the empirical or semi-empirical engineering models in international standards, such as EN 14994 (2007) and NFPA 68 (2018), were performed with empty vessels. This paper reviews selected results from the experimental investigation of vented hydrogen deflagrations performed in 20-foot ISO containers as part of the EU-funded HySEA project (Skjold 2018ab; Skjold et al., 2019a). The parameters investigated in the experiments include hydrogen concentration, vent area, type of venting device, homogeneous and inhomogeneous mixtures, initial turbulence and level of congestion inside the enclosures. The measurements included maximum reduced explosion pressure, external blast waves and the structural response of the container walls. The results demonstrate the strong effect of congestion and mixture stratification on the maximum reduced explosion pressure, neither of which is accounted for in the current version of the European standard for gas explosion venting protective systems (EN 14994, 2007). The discussion elaborates on the implications of the results for industrial applications.publishedVersio

    Factors affecting fracture of zirconia dental crowns : Laboratory studies on retrievals and crown-shaped specimens

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    Objektiv: De siste 20 årene har bruken av zirkonia som dentalt materiale har økt betydelig. Laboratorietester som undersøker materialstyrke, indikerer at de tilgjengelige zirkonia-materialene har tilstrekkelige mekaniske egenskaper til å tolerere klinisk bruk. Imidlertid, kliniske studier viser at zirkonia-baserte kroner svikter grunnet totalfraktur og mindre avskallinger. Det er lite informasjon tilgjengelig om den underliggende årsaken og mulige faktorer som påvirker en kronefraktur. Mål: Hovedmålet med denne oppgaven var å undersøke frakturdetaljer hos klinisk knekte zirkonia-baserte kroner og å identifisere faktorer som kan påvirke fraktur hos zirkonia-baserte kroner. Materialer og metoder: Klinisk knekte zirkonia-baserte kroner ble levert/sendt inn av allmenntannleger og undersøkt vha fraktografisk metode. I to laboratoriestudier ble det undersøkt hvordan ulike faktorer som kronematerialtykkelse, preparasjonstype, produksjonsmetode, materialsammensetning og aldringsprosedyrer påvirket bruddverdi ved belastning hos zirkonium-kroner. Konklusjoner: Fraktografisk analyse viste at de fleste knekte kronene hadde frakturstart ved kronekanten. Dette indikerer at kronekanten hos zirkonia-baserte kroner er utsatt for forhøyet belastning. Materialtykkelse og sammensetning hadde effekt på bruddverdien til zirkonia-baserte kroner. Aldringsprosedyrer som simulerte kortvarig klinisk bruk påvirket ikke bruddverdier, uavhengig av materialsammensetning.Objective: The use of zirconia material in dental use has increased significantly over the last 20 years. Laboratory tests that examine material strength and toughness indicate that the available zirconia materials have sufficient mechanical properties to tolerate clinical use. However, clinical studies show that zirconia-based crowns fail due to mechanical failure such as fracture and chipping. There is little information available on the underlaying cause and possible factors affecting a crown fracture. Aim: The main aim of this thesis was to examine fracture details of zirconia-based crowns fractured during clinical use and to identify factors that could affect fracture of zirconia dental crowns. Material and methods: A convenience sample of clinically fractured zirconia-based crowns submitted by general dentists were analyzed by fractographic method. Two laboratory studies assessed how different factors such as crown material thickness, preparation type, production method, material composition and aging procedures affected load at fracture for zirconia crowns. Conclusions: Fractographic analysis showed that most fractured crowns had fracture origin at the crown margin and thus indicating an area of increased load during clinical use. Zirconia material thickness and material composition had an effect on load at fracture. However, aging procedures simulating short-term clinical use did not affect the load at fracture values, regardless of material composition.Doktorgradsavhandlin

    An Assessment of Decision-making by Adolescents in a Community-based Youth Program

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    This exploratory research compares the decision-making skills between youth board members and youth non-board members within the context of a community-based youth group. The goal was to determine whether youth board members were more advanced in their decision-making skills than youth non-board members and were these skills utilized in other area of life. The research design is both quantitative and qualitative: the survey had twelve questions and the interview had six open-ended questions. Twenty adolescents answered the written survey and, of these twenty, there were ten adolescents who were interviewed. The survey questions covered the areas of future work, ideology, and sexual/social expression. It was found that the older adolescent board members had a greater skill for decision-making while the younger adolescent who were non-members were the least developed in their decision-making process. This exploratory research supports the concept that community-based youth groups can enhance adolescents\u27 capacity to develop skills for making decisions when the adolescent serves as a board member


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    A detailed and comprehensive set of catch and effort data for the cod fisheries of 18 Norwegian bottom trawlers have been obtained for the period 1971–85, a period with few binding quota restrictions on vessel operations. Harvest functions have been designed and estimated. The independent variables are hours of trawling per vessel day and biomass of the cod stock (3+). Daily biomass estimates have been calculated by polynomial interpolation of the annual estimates of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES). By maximizing the log-likelihood function using numerical methods, parameter estimates and performance indicators of the different models were obtained. The best result was obtained for a harvest model allowing for seasonal changes and with an autocorrelated error term. For this model, the stock-output elasticity is estimated at 0.424, the effort-output elasticity at 1.232, and the technological change at about a 2% annual increase in productivity. The seasonal changes in catchability are significant, with the lowest intra-annual catchability being less than 30% of the annual maximum.Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Pilot Study to Investigate the Influence of the Timing of Student Clinical Experiences and Student Characteristics in the Hiring of New Graduates

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    Background and Purpose: Clinical experiences provide the student with the opportunity to practice technical skills as well as soft skills. This opportunity may benefit the student in future employment at the clinical facility. As the clinical experiences are at various time periods throughout the coursework, many students feel that the later sessions of clinical experiences may be more beneficial in employment opportunities upon graduation. Students also feel that grade point average plays an important role in potential employment opportunities. Methods: A survey was developed to identify the influence clinical experience session times and student characteristics that support future employment with the clinical site. The survey was sent to 148 potential participants from 20 different states. Scores were tabulated from the survey; age, gender and practice setting were cross-tabulated with overall results to determine any trends in responses. Participants: Sixty-six clinical instructors, CCCE\u27s and clinic managers from sixteen different states responded to the survey. The participants were from various physical therapy clinics including, pediatric, inpatient acute, inpatient rehab, outpatient ambulatory care, home health, rural and private practice. There were 20 (31.7%) males and 43 (68.3%) females who participated in the survey. Results: There were no differences in responses about the timing of clinical experiences and the influence on future employment with the facility. Both clinical experience sessions (midway or later in the program) provide an equal opportunity for future employment with the clinical site. Grade point average was not an important factor when considering a recent graduate for employment. Personality traits or soft skills, play an important role in considering a recent graduate for employment with clinical experience site. Communication, interpersonal skills and professionalism are the most important soft skills a recent graduate can obtain to support future employment opportunities. Discussion: Evidence from this study can support current physical therapy students and other healthcare professional students in the decision-making aspects of clinical experiences with the intent of future employment at clinical experience facility. Also, physical therapy students will be better informed about the importance of enhancing soft skills during physical therapy coursework to provide increased employment opportunities