48 research outputs found

    Understanding Growing Climate Policy Differences in the EU and the United States: Scientific knowledge meets governance systems

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    The EU and the United States disagree deeply about the need for more stringent climate policies. Increased climate change concern in 2006-2008 created new opportunities for convergence, but ended in sharp policy differences. We explore two related explanations. First, scientific input was used to frame joint gains among stakeholders differently in the EU and US. Framing was different concerning the consequences of the problem, and particularly in the impact assessments of proposed policy. Second, different governance systems enabled distinctive responses to new opportunities in the EU and United States. Differences in how new policies were initiated and negotiated caused divergent climate policies. The paper tentatively concludes that the relationship and interaction between scientific input and governance systems resulted in distinctively different policy-making processes. This relationship reinforced a cooperative attitude to identify joint gains among EU decision- makers. In contrast, the framing of scientific knowledge reinforced a competitive attitude among US lawmakers, fueled by different stakeholder interests. Scientific knowledge was used and applied to reinforce differences in governance systems. The main lesson from this case is that the framing and application of scientific knowledge in the debate matters, but differences in governance systems are more instrumental for policy outcome

    Towards a European Green Deal: The evolution of EU climate and energy policy mixes

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    Governance by EU emissions trading: resistance or innovation in the oil industry?

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    The European Commission’s Shifting Climate Leadership

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    Effektivitet, problem-typer og løsningskapasitet : en studie av Oslo- samarbeidets takling av dumping i Nordsjøen og Nordøstatlanteren

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    EFFEKTIVITET, PROBLEM-TYPER OG LØSNINGSKAPASITETEN STUDIE AV OSLO SAMARBEIDETS TAKLING AV DUMPING I NORDSJØEN OG NORDØST-ATLANTEREN. Ekstrakt: Denne oppgaven har tatt sikte på å belyse følgende problemstilling: a) Hvor effektiv er Oslo Kommisjonen/Konvensjonen? b) Hvorfor er den effektiv, evt. ikke effektiv? Framgangsmåten har først vært å evaluere Oslo samarbeidets løsningseffektivitet i forhold til dumping problemet. Deretter er to forklaringsperspektiver lagt til grunn for å belyse den observerte graden av effektivitet. Det første perspektivet tar utgangspunkt i at noen problemer løses mer "effektivt" enn andre, ganske enkelt fordi noen problemer er "enklere" enn andre. Det andre perspektivet tar utgangspunkt i vår evne til å gjøre noe med problemene. Dette forklaringsperspektivets hovedtese er at løsningseffektiviteten varierer fordi løsningskapasiteten varierer